US Army Retired

US Army Retired

Friday, January 25, 2019

Life Without Corn, Amazing UCLA Gymnast, and lots of news and interesting stuff for January 25, 2019

Some best possible outcomes of the shutdown
At the end of 30 days, the president through OMB could call for a “reduction in force” to remove 350,000 nonessential federal employees.
Most of my career colleagues actively work against the president’s agenda,” the official wrote. “This means I typically spend about 15 percent of my time on the president’s agenda and 85 percent of my time trying to stop sabotage, and we have no power to get rid of them. Until the shutdown.”
President Trump can end this abuse,” the official continued. “Senior officials can re-prioritize during an extended shutdown, focus on valuable results and weed out the saboteurs. We do not want most employees to return, because we are working better without them.”
The laid-off workers would scream, they would cry, they would certainly sue. And they might even prevail in the lower courts. But the Supreme Court would have the last word. How do you suppose that will go?
The simple fact remains that Trump is president. He runs the executive branch. He gets to make policy. He can be checked by Congress and the courts, but he has certain constitutional prerogatives — prerogatives that his predecessors exercised without issue — that don’t go away just because his name is “Trump.”
Maxine goes nuts, calls for Trump to be impeached over debunked BuzzFeed report
If it wasn’t so funny, it would be tragic. We’re in for this every day until Jan 2021.
He didn’t say, for example, that it’s an absolute lie, that it is absolutely not true,” Waters said. “The way he framed it, he made it sound as if there were some problems with the way that BuzzFeed did it, but it did not absolutely close out the possibility that what BuzzFeed is saying has a lot of truth to it.”
Waters went on to say Trump “had” to be removed from office, yet she provided no evidence to support her pipe dreams.
Why should we worry about the truth?
MSNBC, CNN: From 'bombshell' to 'frustrated' after Mueller disputes BuzzFeed report @
And Tucker Carlson just showed montages of “bombshell” and “impeachment.”
Lindsay Graham’s Going to Investigate Obamas-Era Scandal
Not just senators on the Judiciary Committee and other Dims are furious that Graham is going to investigate Shrillary and FISA warrants.
Graham told reporters earlier this month that he would do a “deep dive into the FISA issue” as chairman of the Judiciary Committee. And he told Fox News last month that he believed the FBI “phoned in” the Clinton probe and were “in the tank” for the Democratic presidential candidate.

Dem Rep. Neguse: ‘No Question’ Brett Kavanaugh Committed Perjury, Faces Investigation
Ohmahgawd! Does the Dimocrap madness never stop? Just what the hell does this jerk think he can accomplish by investigating something to clearly false?
Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO), a freshman congressman who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, asserted recently that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh unequivocally committed perjury during his confirmation process and will likely be investigated for the purported act.
There’s no question [Justice Kavanaugh] committed perjury during the confirmation hearings and so forth,” Neguse replied when asked by a supporter about potential plans to impeach the Trump-appointed jurist last Friday. “I think the Judiciary Committee is likely to take that up.”

Senate GOP eyes ‘nuclear option’ for Trump nominees next week
The House can play its games and the Senate will play its.
In this case, the president can nominate a whole lot of people to fill the 100 plus vacancies in the federal judiciary and the Senate will quickly confirm them.
Changes that will last decades and turn around the downward slide of federal judges.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Monday that the Senate could turn to the proposed rules change after they try to take up Trump’s proposal to reopen the federal government, which is likely to be blocked by Democrats.
I support the move, because Democrats have been in an historical fashion violating precedence about the number of hours in which one debates noncontroversial nominees that have been reported out of different committees of jurisdiction,” Young said, when asked about using the “nuclear option.”
He added that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had made the argument to Republicans that without a rules change, “there will be no way for this president or for future presidents … to populate their administration with their own people.”

Is the DemocRAT Wall Crumbling?
I will never forget the view of Pelosi chastising one of the fellow Dims for applauding something President Trump said during his first State of the Union address. It clearly showed the power she had over her caucus.
But, it appears she and Senator Schumer may no longer have the iron rule they once did. She even had some of her own vote against her Speaker-ship.
But as the partial government shutdown drags on and federal workers miss paychecks, some Democratic lawmakers are beginning to cave.
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, admitted Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week” that he would support some border wall construction on some portions of the U.S.-Mexico border.
I’m saying that we will sit with the chief, the president, and whomever, and we will work through it,” Thompson (pictured above right) said when asked about his willingness to negotiate on reopening the government.
I will not rule out a wall in certain instances,” Thompson told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz. “Now the notion that we can’t have barriers is just something that’s just not true, but again, Martha, you have to have a plan and the plan that the president initially started with is not where he is now, and so we don’t know where he will be tomorrow.”
Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) reluctantly expressed a willingness, too, to consider border wall funding — but only if Trump agreed to extend permanent protections to dreamers. Malinowski made his comments on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday.

Compare the Two Marches
March for Life
Dismal turnout expected for this year's Women's March as group faces anti-Semitism scandal @
The media sure won’t report this

Thousands of Migrants Crossing Remote Section of New Mexico Border
Nah, we don’t need a wall. Or any barrier for that matter. Do what Pelosi and her cohorts want, let them all through – and give them the right to vote.
El Paso Sector Border Patrol officials report that at least 2,500 migrants illegally crossed the border along a small section of the New Mexico Border. The migrants crossed the border this fiscal year as part of large groups of Central American families and unaccompanied minors near the Antelope Wells Port of Entry.

Pentagon Has Bad News About Its Bases
I note that our local bases here in Southern Nevada are facing drought conditions. No surprise, they’re located in the desert!
The January 2019 report, “Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense,” was submitted to Congress Thursday without an official announcement of the report or a public release. Several environmental organizations made the report publicly available early Friday.
Not one Marine base is included in the report. Wonder why?

5 Unforgettable Quotes From R. Lee Ermey
I certainly have nothing against the Gunney. I never understood how he made such a big career of being a Marine when he only served a bit over 10 years. I did enjoy everything he did.
"You know what makes me sad? You do! Maybe we should chug on over to namby-pamby land, where maybe we can find some self confidence for you, ya jackwagon!" Ermey says in the ad spot, before flinging a box of tissues at his client. Unorthodox, sure. Funny as hell? Also, yes.
What was your favorite?

The Real United Nations
This is what it is supposed to do, according to those who founded it:
This came from Alice Bailey, a woman born in England who put on show attempts at suicide before she was 15. She founded the Lucius Trust, which is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a program called World Goodwill. Lucis Trust is a powerful institution that enjoys ‘Consultative Status’ with the United Nations, which permits it to have a close working relationship with the UN, including a seat on the weekly sessions, but most importantly, influence with powerful business and national leaders throughout the world.

Venezuela – Are We Stepping Into Something Again in Central America
Russian official warns Trump administration against military intervention in Venezuela @
Sen. Rick Scott on Venezuela: Need to do everything we can to get Maduro out of there @
Trump recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the nation’s interim president @
Violent protests erupt in Venezuela as President Trump backs opposition leader @
US vice president to Venezuelan opposition: 'We are with you' @

What Life Is Like When Corn Is off the Table
I was amazed to learn just how much of what we eat today has corn in it. It makes me wonder what food was like in the Old World before Spaniards arrived in the New World to find the popular grain that originated in Mexico.
Table salt?
Bottled water?
The list is going to astonish you.
When Christine Robinson was first diagnosed with a corn allergy 17 years ago, she remembers thinking, “No more popcorn, no more tacos. I can do this.”
Then she tried to put salt on her tomatoes. (Table salt has dextrose, a sugar derived from corn.) She tried drinking bottled iced tea. (It contains citric acid, which often comes from mold grown in corn-derived sugar.) She tried bottled water. (Added minerals in some brands can be processed with a corn derivative.) She ultimately gave up on supermarket meat (sprayed with lactic acid from fermented corn sugars), bagged salads (citric acid, again), fish (dipped in cornstarch or syrup before freezing), grains (cross-contaminated in processing facilities), fruits like apples and citrus (waxed with corn-derived chemicals), tomatoes (ripened with ethylene gas from corn), milk (added vitamins processed with corn derivatives). And that’s not even getting to all the processed foods made with high-fructose corn syrup, modified food starch, xanthan gum, artificial flavorings, corn alcohol, maltodextrin—all of which are or contain derivatives of corn.
Thank good corn allergies are so rare. I’m sure glad I don’t have it.

Eat what you want and STOP worrying!
At last! A book about eating that tears apart all the garbage we’ve been told about what to eat. Check these out:
MYTH: All sugar is poison and must be avoided
MYTH: I can get by without carbs
MYTH: Dairy is fattening, alternatives are better
MYTH: A vegan diet is the ideal for good health
As for the healthiest diet of all? Turns out it’s much simpler than you thought. Luci says: ‘Eat in moderation, eat more fruit and veg and drink more water. It’s not sexy, but it is a scientific fact.’

New Knee Shock Absorber
Lord but I want one of these! My doctor says knee replacement is out of the question. I’ve just about reached the point of totally being unable to walk.
Sadly, it’s only available in the UK. No word on whether or not the FDA is even considering it.

UCLA’s Katelyn Ohashi rediscovers her joy of gymnastics and becomes an internet sensation
Watching her routine can tell you that she puts a whole lot of strain on her body. And, like many athletes, she lived with pain all the time. That makes her performance all the more amazing.

Why Harley Davidson is Closing Plants
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this meme. It makes so much sense that one has to worry about the future of this nation with youth like these moving into positions of power.
We’ve already seen was the Hippie generation has produced in Pelosi, Feinstein, and the rest of those Leftist radicals.

Global Ocean warming and its impacts on the planet Earth in 2018
I’m positive that Mankind is definitely responsible for the warming of the oceans.
See? It’s all Manmade Climate Change.
Of course the sun has nothing to do with our planet’s weather or the temperature of the oceans.
According to this article, the hottest year on record is all our fault.

Polar vortex splits into three and sends Arctic air southward
as eastern half of the US gears up for bitterly cold weeks to come
As experts predicted, polar vortex splits into three above Arctic Circle
This will push Arctic air southward, blanketing eastern half of North America
Temperatures are likely to plummet in the coming days and weeks
The change will also likely result in disruptive snowstorms this winter
Meanwhile, Australia is suffering through blazing heat far beyond normal.

The World’s Most Dangerous Bridges
I didn’t try to keep count but there sure are a lot of them.
And they keep coming:
Some are quite famous like the Sidney Bridge and the Golden Gate. Others are just…
It takes a while but to see all of them, go to

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