US Army Retired

US Army Retired

Friday, April 20, 2018

The News You Won't Easily Find for April 20, 2018

A shark-shaped, climate-shifting blob of warm water — as wide as the Pacific Ocean — is rising from the depths

All set to gobble up La Niña’s cool surface waters. What might this mean for the climate later this year?

Here we go again! For all their predictions, the so-called experts still can't tell us exactly what to expect. Just guesses. So, what are they guessing?

Forecasting what will happen next is difficult at this time of year. Keep that caveat in mind when I run this forecast by you: There is a 45 percent chance of a warming El Niño episode taking hold during October through December. That’s compared to a 35 percent of it happening randomly, according to Becker.

Like La Niña, El Niño can have a really big impact on weather in far-flung parts of the world. It also tends to boost global average temperatures, which are already rising over the long run thanks to our emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

In other words, they have not the faintest idea what will happen.

Stay tuned.

Senate Won't Confirm - District Judge Appoints

That's one way to get it done. Jeff Sessions appointed Dayle Elieson to be Nevada's U.S. Attorney awaiting Senate confirmation. It's due to expire May 4 and President Trump hasn't nominated anyone so the judge appointed Elieson as acting U.S. Attorney for Nevada.

Under the Constitution, if the Senate has not confirmed a permanent candidate by the end of that interim period, the federal courts can appoint someone to the position until the vacancy is filled.

A Texan who got her law degree from BYU.

170 DimocRATs Call for Pruitt to Resign

Which can only show that he's doing the job the president wants him to.

Trump, unsurprisingly, has supported Pruitt despite the scandals. Last week he tweeted that Pruitt’s security spending was up as he had received death threats “because of his bold actions at the EPA.” But House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said that he was troubled by Pruitt’s spending — and added that he thought most people wouldn’t even recognize him.

Hubble's 28th Anniversary

GOP NRLB to Chop Obama Pro-Union Rules

Union sympathizers are going to fight this tooth and nail. The board will rescind "ambush elections" such as what follows.

The “ambush” nickname arose because under the National Labor Relations Board rule, which took effect April 14, 2015, union elections may be held in as few as 10 days after a union petition is approved.

This change in the final two years of President Barack Obama’s eight years in office leaves little time for discussion from both sides, critics say. Before the NLRB rule, the average gap was 38 days.

Critics contend that a short time span limits how long a company has to respond and employees have to get more information to make an informed decision.

Unions usually have all their ducks in a row before an election, so this was set up so that firms could not counter,” David Kreutzer, senior research fellow for labor, markets, and trade at The Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Signal.

This was to stem the outflow of union membership and attempt to reverse it,” Kreutzer said. “The NLRB in the last years of the Obama administration did a lot of favors for unions.”

American Teens Getting High-Paying Jobs

This particular report comes from Breitbart but I've seen several TV reports of high school graduates going directly into the job market at jobs with good salaries and perks. It's also not included in the article but I think this will have a huge impact on the 2018 midterms as new voters will show their gratitude to GOP candidates who claim allegiance to President Trump.

No longer the only job sources for teenagers

Thayer McCollum, a 17-year-old high school student, secured a job at Avionics Specialists LLC, where he works part-time. McCollum told the Wall Street Journal that he’s “never had to work fast food” like many other teenagers and says, “It’s good to know I already have employable skills.”

For teens like McCollum, Trump’s tight labor market — wherein a growing economy and stricter immigration enforcement have led disenfranchized American workers back to the labor market — has given them opportunities that would have been impossible in a flooded labor market with stagnant wages.

Bay Area "Due for" Massive Earthquake

A couple of centuries ago, Indians living in California understood that the turtle who holds up the earth occasionally gets tired and moves. That is why they never built permanent structures and were ready to move at a moment's notice. Europeans came and ignored them, having their structures reduced to rubble on a regular basis.

Current Californians have either forgotten or ignored what those Indians knew.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) has issued a report on the 112th-year anniversary of the San Francisco Earthquake warning that 7.0 quake on the San Andreas Fault’s big brother, called the Hayward Fault, could create a massive liquefaction event (sandy soils becoming liquid-like) along much of the East Bay periphery.

The Hayward Fault was named California’s “tectonic time bomb” in 2007 by seismologist Tom Brocher, due to the growing risk for 2 million Bay Area people that live above it.

The USGS estimates a main-shock collapse of 2,500 buildings, 800 killed people and 18,000 severe injuries. People stuck in elevators could also die over the following days. Emergency workers would be overwhelmed with more than 22,000 people requiring rescue from stalled elevators.

With water mains broken, secondary shock would include about 400 natural gas fires erupting and potentially destroying 52,000 homes. About 152,000 households would be displaced due to damage or lack of access, causing approximately 411,000 people to be displaced. The estimated total financial loss would be about $82 billion.

Hondurans Arrive in Tijuana, Cross the Border, Seek Asylum

Why isn't the Lame Street Media reporting this?

"Since yesterday, some began to cross into the United States to turn themselves in from Tijuana and request asylum. We understand more of (the migrants) will do the same," said Jose Maria Garcia, director of Juventud 2000, an organization dedicated to assisting migrants.

He said more migrants, many of whom are stranded in Mexico's central states, are expected to arrive in the coming days.

"We will continue to receive them and it will be up to them if they stay in the country or leave," Garcia said.

I can't find out much about the organization that's helping them, Joventud 2000. other than it's somehow related to the Catholic Church.

KA CHING! RNC Raises Record $13.8 Million In March

If American voters are so against President Trump and the GOP, why is the RNC raising so much money? $171.5 million in the 2017-2018 cycle.

But, it isn't all good news.

"A whopping 43 House Republicans raised less money than Democratic challengers in the first three months of 2018 — nearly the same number of stragglers the GOP had at the end of last year, according to POLITICO’s analysis of the latest Federal Election Commission filings. An overlapping group of 16 Republican incumbents already have less cash on hand than Democratic challengers, up from the end of 2017, despite hopes that tax reform would open more donor wallets," Politico reported on Thursday.

So, is this good or bad for the 2018 midterm elections?

Blonds are Better in Bed

It's a scientific fact. At least according to the Daily Mail - and who can possibly argue with that staid and sterling periodical?

Scientists discover women with long fingers are better in bed, large breasts equal a high IQ and pouty lips lead to lasting love

Women who dye their hair blonde feel more sexually adventurous
Those with large breasts score around 10 points higher on IQ tests
Full pouts make women nearly 60% more likely to be in a long-term relationship
Redheads put off going to the dentists due to them being highly sensitive to pain
For every 4.3cm increase in leg length, the risk of diabetes is reduced by 19%

What plastic objects cause the most waste in the sea?

There is some interesting information in this article. For instance, plastic bottles make up 12% of the waste found in the oceans. The biggest culprit? Food wrappers/containers.
And, cigarette butts are the number one item collected.

A report published last year suggested that up to 95% of the plastic in the world's oceans travelled via one of 10 rivers - The Yangtze, the Indus, the Yellow River, the Hai River, the Nile, the Ganges, the Pearl River, the Amur River, the Niger, and the Mekong.

What Paris Has Become Under Islamic Invasion

I never liked the French and my infrequent visits to Paris were not high on my list of memories. But, these pictures are truly sickening and I hope beyond hope that we don't let this happen here in America.

This could also be in many towns and cities in California.

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