US Army Retired

US Army Retired

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Space station to accept civilian visitors, British Columbia mushroom pickers, Gitmo Gift Store, Why Pelosi is so pissed at President Trump, and much more for June 12, 2019

Sen. Hirono Thinks the Public Is Too Dumb To Understand the Mueller Report Without Dem Help
Make ya feel good?
Knowing that your elected representative thinks so highly of you?
How can Hawaiians be so stupid as to elect people like this?
This is why I think that we should open an impeachment inquiry so we can get on with telling the public what really happened because the public is not going to read a 400-page report, as so many people have said,” Hirono stated.
Then she really got condescending.
They need to watch the movie because they’re not going to read the book.”
In other words, she’s doesn’t think her fellow citizens are capable of thinking in a free and objective manner and wants to ensure the thoughts of Americans are regulated to be in line with the Democrat agenda.

Modern D-Day Warriors Storm Washington To Demand Free Stuff From Government @
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a daring mission against all odds, brave modern D-Day warriors landed on the shores of the Potomac in an early morning raid to demand a living from the government.
Led by General Bernie Sanders

Obama Tells Crowd It's Way Too Easy For Americans To Get Hands On Constitution @

Staff Officers Hope for War With Iran to End Bronze Star Drought. @
THE PENTAGON—Many U.S. military staff officers are hoping for war with Iran, Duffel Blog has learned. These officers cite two reasons, sources familiar with the subject report: First, the U.S. has already gone to war with two of Iran’s neighbors and is familiar with the region. Second, many strategists believe the Iranian military machine will be defeated quickly, leading to a quick award of bronze stars before an even quicker departure from the ancient country.
A staff officer’s Good Conduct Medal

Tea Party group wins suit against IRS
Took ‘em nearly a decade to do it!
This decision marks the end of a nearly decade long battle that first began in 2010, when federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA weaponized against True the Vote and its founder, Catherine Engelbrecht. Under Obama Administration leadership, the agencies leveled a barrage of attacks, including twenty-three audits, investigations, and inquiries, against the group in an attempt to stop their work in election integrity. “
At one point the IRS got Child Services to try to take Ms. Engelbrechts’ children from her—this is how vicious Lerner and the crowd became, to stop honest elections. To stop those exposing the corruption of elections.
United States District Judge Reggie B. Walton signed a Consent Order that included the IRS admission of wrongdoing and affirmed that prejudice on the basis of an applicant’s name, association, or political viewpoint is an unconstitutional violation of First Amendment rights. Then, in a stunning rebuke of the IRS actions that led to this litigation, Judge Walton also ruled that True the Vote is entitled to a “bad faith enhancement” to its requested attorney’s fees. Judge Walton’s opinion held there is “clear and convincing evidence necessary for a finding of bad faith on the part of [the IRS]” in their discrimination against True the Vote. While the exact amount to be awarded is still pending, True the Vote’s application under the Equal Access to Justice Act requested the recovery of $1.9 million in attorneys’ fees.
Now, if there was only some way to go after Lois Lerner to make her life miserable.

The real Democrat agenda
What is the Democratic playbook you ask? These days it is pretty simple actually:
Impeach Trump
Defeat Trump in 2020
Oppose anything Trump does – even if it is for the good of this country
Mire the Congress and the country down in endless investigations of Trump and company – while lying and smiling for the camera
Preserve the right to murder babies (infanticide) at all costs
Keep the Southern Border open and porous.
Support socialism/communism
Transform the U.S. into a third-world country (Venezuela)
Okay Leftists. Without diversions and name-calling, cite just ONE of these that is untrue. Just one!
The Politicrats are like two-year-old children with a new toy, they can’t wait to take it out and play with it at every opportunity – namely the Get Trump toy.
If anyone dares to throw facts in their faces, all these anti-America fools can do is to blather on spouting untrue nonsense carefully prepared to almost sound intelligent while really saying nothing at all. On top of that, the America hating mainstream media backs every comment, and every move of these American-in-name-only backstabbers.

CNN Iowa Poll: Creepy 24%, Crazy 16%, Dopey 14%, Spank Me 7%, and How 15%…
More clowns than Barnum & Bailey ever gathered under their Big Top.
Overlooked Poll: 60% Of Voters Find Democratic Field Of Presidential Candidates ‘Underwhelming’ @
CNN’s Own Poll Shows Americans Believe Trump Will Be Re-Elected @

The Moon is Part of Mars
Oh boy did the media jump all over that!
For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon – We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 7, 2019
So it was a poorly worded Tweet. Big deal. Here’s what he was referring to:
NASA’s overview of the program reads:
Exploration of the Moon and Mars is intertwined. The Moon provides an opportunity to test new tools, instruments and equipment that could be used on Mars, including human habitats, life support systems, and technologies and practices that could help us build self-sustaining outposts away from Earth. Living on the Gateway for months at a time will also allow researchers to understand how the human body responds in a true deep space environment before committing to the years-long journey to Mars.”
If you want to read the Twitter storm about it, go to

Trump Admin’s Criminal Justice Reform ‘Overwhelmingly’ Helping Black Prisoners
How can this be?
The Left rants and cries how he’s a racist. There’s no way a racist could do anything like this.
No way.
These are the kinds of numbers that give Democrats nightmares.
With their hopes for defeating President Donald Trump in 2020 depending largely on turning out the black vote in its usual monolithic numbers, Democrats have been relentless in trying to paint the Trump administration as an unadulterated evil for African-Americans.
But a report released this month by the U.S. Sentencing Commission just made that job many, many times harder.
The report found that the First Step Act of 2018, a criminal sentencing reform bill passed by a Republican Congress and signed by Trump in December 2018, had benefited black prisoners incarcerated in the federal prison system in numbers far greater than other races.
We don’t need the report to know this. All we have to do is watch the interviews of people who’ve benefited from this program.

Elderly man shoots burglars – gets charged with a felony for having an unregistered gun
What the hell has gone wrong with New York? Not just the city as is expected but upstate where real people live?
So Stolarczyk’s father either gave or left the handgun in question to his son. Under New York’s famously restrictive gun control laws, the son wasn’t required to undergo a background check to receive the handgun from his father. But he did need to have a pistol permit to legally own the firearm and have it registered in his name.
The pair had robbed him before so he had reason to be afraid. Let’s watch to see if they also charge him with homicide.
I hope someone is starting a defense fund for him. He’s gonna need it.

Daily Beast Reports Trump Brothers Skipped Out On Bar Tab,
Except They Didn’t
Of course they didn’t. They don’t carry cash around with them, I don’t know anyone in their circle who does. So, they made sure the tab was paid through their local golf course.
No big deal.
But not according to the media.
If you look at the URL for the piece it still reads, “Eric and Donald Trump Jr. Still Have Not Paid Irish Bar Tab.” Why that’s a story we don’t know, but The Daily Beast was on it.
In other words, they knew the bar tab was paid but refused to admit it.

Ginsburg Credits Kavanaugh For Helping Boost Number Of Female Supreme Court Clerks
What? The misogynist, sexist guy has hired female law clerks?
Justice Kavanaugh made history by bringing on board an all-female law clerk crew. Thanks to his selections, the Court has this Term, for the first time ever, more women than men serving as law clerks,” she said, according to remarks released by the court.

Conservative gains at Supreme Court leading to anger, frustration and 'peeks behind the curtain
President Trumps legacy will include turning the federal judiciary from left to right and center.
What the public sees of the Supreme Court is mostly above-the-belt – literally and figuratively. When the justices rise to leave the bench, Thomas often extends a hand to Ginsburg, who at 86 walks carefully while recovering from lung cancer.
But in their written opinions and dissents, things have gotten a bit snippy.
The court's four liberals have displayed irritation at its new, more conservative majority – including once in the middle of the night. And some of the five conservatives are showing impatience with the incremental pace of change.
"We are seeing more expression of frustration and anger from the justices this term," said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California-Berkeley School of Law.
The high court has been through other periods of fear and loathing, particularly after its December 2000 ruling that handed the presidency to George W. Bush. This time, ill tempers are colliding with Chief Justice John Roberts's effort to lower the temperature following last fall's contentious confirmation of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Decades old Blackhawk chopper flies by wire
So what? What does that mean?
Flying helicopters now is a nerve-wracking experience because the pilot (and copilot) have to constantly work the controls. No let up. No cruise control or autopilot.
The component that Sikorsky added to the test Black Hawk is called a fly-by-wire system, which dramatically differs from the normal way a Black Hawk is built. In a typical Black Hawk, there is a mechanical connection (thanks to elements like pushrods and cables) between the controls the pilot uses to fly the helicopter and the spinning rotors. That mechanical system as well as hydraulics controls the pitch of the blades.
With fly-by-wire aircraft, like a Boeing 787 Dreamliner or an F-16 fighter jet, the connection between the controls the pilots uses and the surfaces on the outside of the planes is digital; computers sit between the two elements. Fly-by-wire is like pushing a button that’s connected via an electric circuit to a motor that opens a door for you, while non-fly-by-wire would be like pulling that door open directly with a string, perhaps with the help of some pulleys.
To make a helicopter autonomous—to tell it what to do with software—the aircraft needs to have a fly-by-wire system. “[It’s] pretty neat that one of the oldest Black Hawks has by far the most advanced control system,” Van Buiten says. “We did that to show that we could retrofit any of the Black Hawks.” The Army is also working on adding a Sikorsky autonomy system onto a much newer Black Hawk.
This could be a huge advance in helicopters and perhaps other similar aircraft.

British Columbia mushroom pickers
Morel mushrooms spring up in areas ravaged by wildfires. Pickers can make up to $500 per day wandering through the woods gathering them up.
As Canada doesn’t keep track, nobody really knows just how much is sold to avid markets around the world.
They set up camps where some stay behind to cook and care for kids while the others make their way through amazingly rough terrain.
The number of morels harvested each year in Canada is hard to pinpoint, as companies are reluctant to share sales data and the government doesn't track it.
On its website, West Coast Wild Foods sells one pound of fresh morels for $30 and the same amount of dried product for $180.
The Forty-Niners of 21st Century Canada.

Biofuels aren’t reducing gas prices or emissions
Another phony Greenie move that did nothing but reduce the amount of land growing corn to be fed to livestock and provided for human consumption. Didn’t do a thing to help the environment and actually hiked prices for things containing corn products.
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) was pushed through under the Bush 43 administration at a time when rising gas prices and global warming were both weighing heavily on the minds of the public. Ethanol blending was touted as a way to fight both of those concerns.
So how has it worked out? According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) it hasn’t done much on either score. The net effect on gas prices has been basically a wash and the changes have had only a negligible effect on emissions. (Bloomberg)

Gitmo Gift Store
Never put it pass off someone in the military as not having a sense of humor.
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is known as being home to the US military detention camp accused of perpetrating human-rights abuses on prisoners.
But life on the US naval base, surprisingly, resembles an American suburban town, and residents there don't like talking about the prison, journalist Sarah Mirk said.
It even has a souvenir shop that sells T-shirts, beer koozies, Frisbee discs, and mugs with "Straight Outta GTMO" written on them.
[Notice they had to get in the dig about “alleged abuses]
It is, after all, a naval installation with all the things found on them all around the world.

Football Field-Sized Asteroid Could Strike Earth in September
According to Fox News, the object is 164 feet wide. More than likely, the asteroid will sail past the Earth at a distance of 4.2 million miles. But if a collision does happen, scientists believe it will occur Sept. 9.
The prediction came from the European Space Agency, which has asteroid 2006QV89 on its top 10 list of objects that are at risk of slamming into the Earth.
I don’t see any dire warning of impending doom. I sure hope it doesn’t come down anywhere near Vegas – buy maybe somewhere west of here wouldn’t be all that bad.

Only $35k per night
But that doesn’t include the cost of getting there!
Could go as soon as 2020.
Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner completed a crucial hot fire test at the end of May and has since been transported to Florida’s Cape Canaveral Air Force Station ahead of its August crewed test flight.
SpaceX, on the other hand, may have to push Dragon’s maiden crewed flight to 2020 following a test failure at the end of April, which resulted in the destruction of the crew capsule.
I’m willing to bet they already have a large list of people lining up to go.

President Trump admits that attacking the press is “not presidential”
So? Who elected him to be “presidential?”
President Donald Trump spent Saturday night criticizing “Little Donny Deutsch” in a series of tweets in which he acknowledged that it isn’t “presidential” to criticize the media. Despite that little bit of reflection, Trump’s criticism of the media doesn’t end with him calling Deutsch “a total loser.” Trump was still thinking about the media Sunday morning and he went on to criticize the New York Times and CNN.
Little @DonnyDeutsch, whose show, like his previous shoebiz tries, is a disaster, has been saying that I had been a friend of his. This is false,” Trump said. The president also said that Deutsch and CNN’s Erin Burnett used to “BEG” him to be put in episodes of the Apprentice. Trump also insisted that he “hardly knew him” but he still knows that Deutsch “is a total loser” who makes up lies about the commander in chief: “He knows nothing!”
They couldn’t get close enough when he had a reality TV show.

Why Pelosi is so pissed at President Trump
Did you even know she was there? Leading a “bipartisan” group of 55 Congresspeople?
And she was left out of all the good smarmy stuff.
No meeting with the Queen.
No state dinner invite.
No get together with the Prime Minister
No front-and-center seat at the Normandy shindig – or the one at Portsmouth.
Not even a seat on Air Force One.
The 3rd most important person in the world” and she was left to hang in the shadows.
Don’t believe me?
Poor widdle baby got her ego bruised. Boo hoo.
And Schumer wasn’t even there.
Oh yeah, another tidbit about the trip.
Don Jr., Eric, Lara and Tiffany and their families flew commercial, paid for out of their own pockets. They even covered their own hotels and ground transportation.

Trump Corporation staff carrying weapons in self-defense from unhinged Leftists
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?
Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.
Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.
Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.
He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.
In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

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