US Army Retired

US Army Retired

Friday, May 11, 2018

The News You Won't Easily Find for May 11, 2018

Scorpions on a stick are a big hit at San Marcos fair

Yum yum.

They taste good, like chicharrón [fried pork crackling], a bit milder than pork,” said fairgoer José, who praised the seasoning used.

On a serious side, insects were once a main diet of pre-Columbian Mexico and Central America. Lots of protein. Who knows? With proper farming and preparation, they could once again be a source of food. There are sure enough a lot of them.

CNN Neglects the 400+ Companies That Announced Tax Cut Bonuses for Employees

Why should anyone be surprised? They cover up everything that's positive for the president.

The Republican tax cuts passed in December have been ineffective and a “nothing burger,” Krugman said, as it has not led to economic growth nor have tax cuts benefited the average American worker.
Both Krugman and CNN failed to report that Americans are encouraged and upbeat about the U.S. economy.
For the first time in at least 11 years, more than half of the respondents to the survey rated the economy as good or excellent,” CNBC reported.
They also overlooked the 400-plus companies announced tax-cuts-related employee bonuses, enhanced health care benefits and coverage, higher minimum or hourly wages, and other benefits.
Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce maintains a list of these company announcements and added benefits.

And yes, the link inside the quote is a list of the 400 companies.

Huge ratings victory: Fox wins big over Maddow, CNN

Viewers are getting sick and tirade of the constant tirade of anti-Trump commentary. And hearing about the Mueller investigation.

Mormons to end long association with Boy Scouts of America

Good for them! Growing up in the Mormon Church, I went through cub scouts and boy scouts that met in the various churches. It was an awesome experience I will never, ever forget and taught me many things I needed during my military career and later.

So, it has been with great sorrow that I've watched the Left and Progressives attacking those great organizations. They've been successful in their efforts and tens of thousands of young people will never be able to enjoy the pleasures and educational adventures that I was so fortunate to have done.

Mueller Investigation will drive GOP voters to vote

I don't know the numbers but 've read the turnout for the elections yesterday was beyond all expectations among the GOP candidates. This could be the first concrete sign of what this poll shows.

A stunning new poll released Wednesday suggests that the continuing investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of the 2016 election “is actually going to drive Republicans to vote this year for candidates endorsed by President Trump.”

Rasmussen Reports revealed that 31 percent of likely voters say the Mueller probe “will make them more likely to vote this year for a candidate endorsed by President Trump, while just as many (32%) say it will make them less likely to vote for such a candidate.”

However, “45 percent of Republicans say Mueller’s investigation will make them more likely to vote for a Trump-endorsed candidate this year…” Rasmussen noted.

Tabasco's Cookbook For Troops in Vietnam

Actually, it's for troops in every conflict. everywhere in the world. And, it's the same for eating in troop messes today and in the future. I often wonder how sales of the iconic sauce rank in commissaries as opposed to civilian outlets.

Down to the good stuff:

How well I remember the urgent need to get hold of a bottle. Some guys would give up just about anything in trade for one.


The Blue Wave?

Oops. Maybe not. But, who in the world can trust the polls after what we've been seeing lately? And here's a very important little tidbit buried within this report:

On more traditional issue priorities, voters are now more apt to say the nation’s economy will be an important factor in their vote than they were in February (84% call it extremely or very important now, up from 79% in February), with immigration (from 72% important to 76% now) and taxes (from 67% important to 73% now) are also on the rise.

Republicans can’t take anything for granted but this news has got to energize conservatives.

What will progressives do if Democrats fail to retake the House and Senate?

Huck Posts Sign from Jerusalem Showing Difference Between West and the Rest of the World

There’s often a common factor among people who despise western civilization: They haven’t actually spent much time outside of it.

It turns out that when you leave the comfortable bubble of relative safety and luxury in a nation like the U.S. or Canada, it quickly becomes apparent that things might actually be better here.

And then he shows us this:

I'm sorry to tell you this Huck but scientists tell us the healthiest way to empty ones bowels in the way on the left. Seems it straightens the colon allowing easier dumps.

The End of Obama's Legacy?

Decide for Yourselves.

Conservatives Rejoice as Acosta Accidentally Confirms Trump’s Taking Obama Legacy Apart @

Natural Disasters and the Scumbags Come Out

It never fails. And it's why so many people facing this horrendous advance stay in their homes - to defend against looters.

I've long believed they should be shot on sight.

Fat Broad Whines Because Her Big Butt Won't Fit in a Ride.

And it's all Harry Potter's fault.

The absurdities just keep on coming. Somebody's opened a box somewhere and the creeps just keep on crawling out to besiege us with ignorance like this.

Schmieding passionately argues that companies consciously make decisions to keep the public “safe from” fat people.

While ‘safety’ is often the given reason that fat people are excluded, it’s clear to us that companies are actually just keeping the general public safe from our fatness,” she finished.

New Zealander Catches Marlin Bigger Than His Boat

He got over 110 pounds of Marlin steaks out of it that he gave most away to family and friends.

The fisherman also insisted that despite the monstrous catch, he won’t stop fishing. “I just love being out there on the water,” he said.

No impact on groundwater from fracking

As the article states, a study you won't be hearing about. It goes against everything Hollyweird claims.

The study results are posted at the Springer research material repository. (Emphasis added)

We found no relationship between CH4 concentration or source in groundwater and proximity to active gas well sites. No significant changes in CH4 concentration, CH4 isotopic composition, pH, or conductivity in water wells were observed during the study period. These data indicate that high levels of biogenic CH4 can be present in groundwater wells independent of hydraulic fracturing activity and affirm the need for isotopic or other fingerprinting techniques for CH4 source identification.

Liberal Millennial Snowflakes Suffer Mental Breakdowns From Being Called ‘Snowflake’

The poor babies. The horror of it.

Being called a "snowflake" is damaging to mental health, young people say. Figures show that the majority of young people think the term is unfair - and even more think it could have a negative effect of its own.

The "snowflake generation" is a disparaging term now commonly used to refer to young people, who are perceived to be over-sensitive and intolerant of disagreement.

But research by insurance firm Aviva found that 72 per cent of 16-24 year-olds think the term is unfairly applied, while 74 per cent think it could have a negative effect on young people's mental health.

The figures also show that young people are more likely to have experienced stress, anxiety and depression in the last year.

Almost half of adults between 16 and 24 said they had experienced stress or anxiety, compared to just over a third of all UK adults.

Young adults were also more likely to be uncomfortable talking about a mental health problem, with one in three saying this compared to 27 per cent of all adults.

13 per cent also said they were experiencing a problem but had not sought help, compared to seven per cent of all adults.

I'm all teared up and can barely see to type. Aren't you too?

Parents should ask babies’ permission to change diapers

—for ‘culture of consent’ at home: sex expert

What male in their right mind would want to have sex with that? Oh. Wait. Perhaps. (You figure that out for yourselves.)

And it comes from Down Under.

How did folks react to Carson’s statements?

The Mirror said numerous viewers hopped on Twitter after Carson’s statements with reactions like, “I’m dumbfounded” and “If this doesn’t qualify for Lefty Lunacy…” and “The world has gone completely mad.”

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