US Army Retired

US Army Retired

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Senator Kyle Quits, Obamacare Unconstitutional, Golf Rules Change and Much More for December 16, 2018

More from the Babylon Bee
Ninth Circuit Court Rules Border Wall Must Be 'Short Enough That A Pregnant Woman Carrying A Child In Each Arm Could Be Expected To Scale It Without Difficulty' @
Eminem Announces He Will Decline Chief Of Staff Position Should Trump Select Him @
Donald Trump Is The Babylon Bee's Christian Of The Year 2018 @
Mike Pence Silently Praying Imprecatory Psalms @
Clintons Outnumber Crowd At Latest Speaking Engagement @
Man Leading Migrant Caravan Demanding Entry Is A Suspected Terrorist
Just a harmless guy trying to help poor, terrorized Hondurans to a better life.
Oh yeah. If you believe that…..
In the 1980s, this Honduran sparked friction between the U.S. and Mexico. Now, he's stirring migrants in Tijuana @
Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa, who organized a group of roughly 100 migrants to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, is accused of being involved in a 1987 bombing that injured six American soldiers in Honduras. The San Diego Tribune-Union reports:
I wonder just how much coverage CNN, MSNBC, and the big networks are going to give this.

Give Kavanaugh a Break – and a Chance
Struggling for everything they can find to belittle the latest Associate Justice, the Left instantly jumped on the decision of the court not to hear a case dealing with defunding of Planned Parenthood. Suddenly, Kavanaugh was called non conservative.
This article puts the whole thing in clear perspective.
The court only accepts approximately 1 out of 100 cases to review.
There are many possible reasons why Kavanaugh felt Gee wasn’t deserving of review, out of the many thousands of cases seeking to be heard by the court. Justices don’t have to explain why they didn’t grant cert to the 99 percent of cases they reject. Until Kavanaugh has produced a track record of rulings on the merits, trying to make sense of his way of thinking by scrutinizing his questions during oral arguments or his votes on cert petitions will produce nothing more substantial than a fortune teller’s divinations, an astrologist’s celestial insights, or the reading of tarot cards.

The Cold-Blooded Trumps
According to the media, they don’t care about anyone but themselves. All that stuff about wanting to help the needy is nothing but PR, it claims.
A couple of stories show it’s all a lie.
So, CNN, MSNBC and the others – stuff it!
MSNBC Host Blasts Melania, Reveals Just How Sexist the Media Really Is @

The Border Wall – Before and After
1,700 miles, much of it no more than barbed-wire fence.
The above link provides 15 videos by CNN and others about what the border looked like before and what it looks like now.
Remember? Obozo, Schmummer, and Peloosy were all for it BT – Before Trump. Now they’re opposed to it. Nobody needs to guess why.
USNS Comfort

Arizona Republican Senator Kyle to Resign from Senate December 31
The governor appointed him to fill the seat once occupied by John McCain. It means the governor will now have to appoint a Republican to fill the remaining two years of the term. There’s a big push to have him appoint Martha McSally, the outgoing Representative who lost to Sinema in the midterms.
Can you imagine the two of them meeting in the 116th Congress?

Obamacare Thrown Out by Judge, Raising Insurance Uncertainty
Well, here we go again! This will certainly make its way to the Supreme Court. We will first see what the Appeals Court says. Whatever that ruling is, it will certainly be further appealed.
At least another year or so of uncertainty?
Obamacare was struck down by a Texas federal judge in a ruling that casts uncertainty on insurance coverage for millions of U.S. residents.
The decision Friday finding the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional comes just before the end of a six-week open enrollment period for the program in 2019 and underscores a divide between Republicans who have long sought to invalidate the law and Democrats who fought to keep it in place.
U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth agreed with a coalition of Republican states led by Texas that he had to eviscerate the Affordable Care Act, the signature health-care overhaul by President Barack Obama, after Congress last year zeroed out a key provision -- the tax penalty for not complying with the requirement to buy insurance. The decision is almost certain to be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

Walker Signs Bill Undercutting Incoming Democrat Governor
Wow! A real poke in the eye to the guy who won the midterms.
And, remember this, while Walked signed the law, it was started and passed by the state legislature.
Wisconsinites deserve a government that works for them, and they deserve their officials to be willing to set aside partisanship,” he said at a brief news conference.
The Wisconsin bills, which passed the legislature on Dec. 5 largely along party lines, will limit the governor’s ability to pass administrative rules and block him from killing a work requirement for Medicaid recipients.
The legislation also allows lawmakers, rather than the attorney general, to decide whether to withdraw the state from lawsuits. That will prevent Evers and the incoming Democratic attorney general, Josh Kaul, from fulfilling a campaign promise to end Wisconsin’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

Electoral Fraud: the Real Record
42 Examples!
The list is far too long to copy here, but I’ll toss in a few examples.
In November 2016, there were 6,540 same-day registrants in New Hampshire who registered to vote in New Hampshire using out-of-state driver’s licenses to prove their identity.
In Sacramento, California, two illegal aliens voted five times in 201
More than 4,500 ballots were cast in Milwaukee than registered voters in the 2018 election.
This summer, 19 noncitizens were indicted for voting in the 2016 election.
More than 3,000 foreign nationals were removed from voter rolls across 13 sanctuary jurisdictions from 2006 to 2018, most of them in Virginia.
In 2018, California's DMV admitted registering 1,500 foreigners to vote in U.S. elections.
In 2018, a number of Democratic-controlled cities (San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and others) opened up voting rights to illegal aliens. In fact, San Francisco spent $385,000 to help 61 noncitizens vote illegally.

The GOP Needs to Stop Being the Stupid Party
As someone who considers himself a Constitutionalist but is forced to vote Republican, I have to completely agree with this headline.
The GOP is known as the Stupid Party, and with very good reason. In the two years that they have controlled the White House and the Congress, Republicans could have eliminated the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, HUD, withdrawn troops from Afghanistan, built the wall, defunded sanctuary cities, eliminated all foreign aid (one trillion dollars), and used the money for infrastructure.
In fact, the economic turnaround in this country came from one source: the White House. In a flurry of deregulation, Donald Trump alone has improved the economy.
Now consider this: the Republican Party’s files were hacked when the Republican establishment used the very same outfit that the DNC used when its files were hacked. Now, is that not stupid?

By Democrats’ Own Standard, We Have a Judicial Vacancy Crisis
Spartacus agrees there is a problem.
Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., is among the cadre of congressional Democrats that has warned of a judicial vacancy crisis in recent years, and the problem has only gotten worse.
126 vacancies in the US District Courts and US Courts of Appeal.
We know President Trump has nominated 60 who are currently awaiting Senate confirmation. He reportedly has 75 more waiting nominations in Jan 2019. And that doesn’t count the estimated 45 vacancies that occur each year.
Will GOP Senators get off their duffs to clear these and confirm their appointments?
Wait and see.

DIA Holds Document to Exonerate Gen. Flynn – Refuse to Release It!
Defense Intelligence Agency should tell anybody that they’re holding onto this stuff with the claim that releasing it would jeopardize national security.
Now that the president know about this, what will he do? Or what will his defense team let him do?
Hold the Phone on Flynn Sentencing – Judge Emmet Sullivan Has Questions… @

Virgin Galactic Reaches Space
Not quite high enough to go into orbit but a huge step toward being able to carry passengers into space.
The air-dropped rocket plane took off from Mojave Air and Space Port in California under a four-engine carrier jet shortly after 7 a.m. PST (10 a.m. EST; 1500 GMT) Thursday and climbed to an altitude of 43,000 feet (13,100 meters). Piloted by Mark “Forger” Stucky and Rick “C.J.” Sturckow, the SpaceShipTwo vehicle released from its mothership and fired a hybrid rocket motor nearly 60 seconds to accelerate to Mach 2.9 — nearly three times the speed of sound — and soar to an altitude of 51 miles.
It was the first time Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo, intended to carry space tourists on brief hops to the edge of space, has flown above the 50-mile mark, a threshold recognized by the U.S. Air Force, NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration as the boundary of space.

The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older
This instantly caught my attention!
1. Physical deterioration
Different with each individual. My knees are shot and affect my mobility. But, my heart’s strong and I see not loss in mental acuity.
2. Loss
We all lose people we love and things we enjoy at all ages.
3. Looking old
A matter of ego.
4. Achieving your dreams and NOT achieving your dreams
The worst thing anyone can have is the, “If I only...” syndrome.
5. Dwindling excitement
Again, it’s a matter of personal beliefs and desires
The author’s explanation for these can be found @

New Golf Rules to Make the Game Faster, Fairer, and Simpler
Until 1983, I was an avid, almost driven, player, often playing 27 holes per day for 5 or 6 days per week. So, of course, I’m still interested in the game.
It’s taken a long time, but the R&A and the USGA are finally changing the rules to make sense.
Here’s a brief explanation::
Stroke-and Distance” changed
Two-stroke penalty for relieve from a bunker.
Players allowed to repair spike marks.
No penalty for accidentally moving a ball on the green.
May keep the flagstick in the hole when putting.
No more replacing a club during a round.

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