US Army Retired

US Army Retired

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Green Beret Charged, Cannabis and Hemp Markets, The Babylon Bee, and Much More for December 19, 2018

Trump Says He’ll Review Case Of Maj. Matthew Golsteyn,
Green Beret Charged With Murdering Suspected Taliban Bomb-Maker
Good Lord! This decorated hero and his men were doing what they were assigned to do. And the Army already reviewed this and cleared him of any guilt.
Why the hell is it being reopened now?
At the request of many, I will be reviewing the case of a ‘U.S. Military hero,’ Major Matt Golsteyn, who is charged with murder,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “He could face the death penalty from our own government after he admitted to killing a Terrorist bomb maker while overseas.”

Nancy Pelosi reveals her NASTY 100-day plan for 2019
They promised to do it when they ran for office. Clearly, a lot of Americans seem to go along with this. I don’t understand why. Someone please calmly explain it to me.
Universal background checks for every single gun sale that happens in the country.
And that’s just the beginning.

President Trump Looking Forward to Impeachment Proceedings
Anyone with knowledge of the constitution knows that an effort by the Loony Left to do so is nothing but a big hee haw.
Radio host Hugh Hewitt said President Donald Trump might actually come to relish doing battle over any efforts to impeach him.
Hewitt’s comments came in a column posted by The Washington Post on Monday.
It will be a ratings bonanza,” Hewitt said. “Who likes ratings bonanzas? Who can command the media — or any particular outlet — and appear on 10 minutes notice? Who, in short, might learn to love ‘the process?’ Trump, of course.
"The animal need for House members to be on television, combined with the already accelerating race for the Democratic presidential nomination, guarantees that one dynamic will feed off the other as surely hurricanes do over warm ocean water," Hewitt said. "The big blowoff is coming. It will last months and months."
You think the leadups to the midterms was something, just wait until this happens.
And our president will laugh through every second of it. No way in Hades will the Senate come up with 60 votes to convict.

McSally Tapped to Replace Kyl in the Senate
USAF Retired Colonel appointed by Arizona governor Doug Ducey ® to fill McCain’s seat left vacant by the departing temporary senator.
Assuming McSally is sworn into the Senate before Sinema, she will become the state’s first female U.S. senator, as well as Arizona’s senior senator.
With her experience and long record of service, Martha is uniquely qualified to step up and fight for Arizona’s interests in the U.S. Senate,” Ducey added. “I thank her for taking on this significant responsibility and look forward to working with her and Senator-Elect Sinema to get positive things done.”
Oh how delicious! She would be senior to ultra-Leftist Sinema.

Portions of the Wall Going Up
It’s a Facebook video so I think you have to click on the link to see it
60 miles in the middle of the most desolate land you will ever see.
Forget negotiating with Congress. It’s a dead-end. Just as he ordered the Pentagon to send the troops to the border, he could order the Defense Department to begin construction on the wall immediately. There’s nothing stopping him from doing so. It’s the only way the president will get the wall.
Build The Wall: Nearly $7 Million in Illegal Drugs Seized at Border @
With OK from Congress, US Hemp Market Set to Boom
Long before the current Mary Jane craze, hemp was a major crop pushed by the government. It was grown primarily for rope used in naval vessels as well as other places. It also has many other non-medical uses to include fiber for clothing. According to Wiki, it can be refined into a variety of commercial items including paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed.
It is also refined into cannabidiol, or CBD which sells for $35 to $50 a jar for pain relief. A multi-billion dollar market.
An aside. When I was married to my second wife, we visited her family’s farm in northeast Iowa. They had acres and acres of tall corn but, in the hollows and creek beds, one found the distinctive plant growing like weeds. Government agents routinely prowled the area, moving in to burn down the poor plant with flamethrowers.

Big Consumer Brand Companies Jumping into the Cannabis Market

More and More potheads every day. Guess we’re going to see a major decline in booze hounds to be replaced by clouds of noxious smoke.
The cannabis market is expected to generate more than $10 billion in sales in North America this year, a number expected to grow to about $23 billion by 2021. The North American illicit market, meanwhile, is expected to growth to more than $50 billion, which presents a key opportunity should cannabis ever become legal at the federal level in the U.S. The U.S. cannabis market is estimated to be about 10 times bigger than the Canadian market, which is enjoying first-mover advantage since fully legalizing the substance in October.
So, lots of investors lining up to take advantage of a new market.

Congress Can No Longer do Anything about 86% of the Federal Budget
It does no good to place blame for this. We all know it was started a century ago and has only grown bigger by the War on Poverty and other such programs. And when politicians complain about $5 billion for The Wall, they ignore the fact that is 0.005% of the 4 trillion dollar 2018 budget. That means that Congress can only work with $56 trillion to try and make savings.
"Permanent appropriations" and "offsetting collections:" ostensibly puts 86 percent of federal spending on autopilot and not requiring annual approval from Congress, according to Investors Business Daily.
Entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare are funded annually without congressional approval because of laws that make them "permanent appropriations." They accounted for $2.6 trillion of federal spending in 2015.
Other vehicles for autopilot federal spending include contract authority, borrowing authority, and "offsetting collections," which are fees, fines, or charges for permits. Congress allows that money to be spent how the agency sees fit, and $421 billion was spent federally that way in 2015.

What Actually Shuts Down During a Gov’t Shutdown Is Depressing
Shutting down the government is nothing but a tactic to scare the public into pressuring their Congresspeople into “doing something.”
So, all right. What isn’t affected? Quite a bit, as it turns out.
Postal Service? Unaffected. TSA? Unaffected. Medicare and Medicaid? Unaffected. Social Security checks? Unaffected. Mueller investigation? Unaffected.
In short, a “shutdown” is very rarely a shutdown. The government continues as usual. Entitlement checks go out. Most government services stay open — particularly since this time, there’s funding in place for most of the federal leviathan.
In other words, nothing happens!
Government Shutdown ‘Phrase is a Lie;’ 75 Percent Is Already Funded @

The Babylon Bee
New Evidence Suggests Mary, Joseph Watched 'Die Hard' On First Christmas Night @
'Beware Of Trump: Keep Out' Signs Placed Along Border @
Death Panel Orders Life Support Removed From Obamacare @
Lack of Deer Hunters Imperils New Yorkers
Think the anti-Second Amendment types care? After all, they’re only deer.
One minor problem.
Less hunters equal more deer. More deer equal more ticks. More ticks equal more Lyme Disease.
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has noted, issues with Lyme Disease are numerous and can include facial palsy, heart palpitations and nerve pain.
New York is the top spot for Lyme Disease according to WROC-TV, and the issue is only getting worse across America.

America’s Most Profitable Non-Profit
I can see how it started out as an advocacy group for seniors making it a legit non-profit. But, from what I’ve seen over the past few years, it seems centered on making big bucks for the executives and employees.
According to AARP’s 2016 filing with the Internal Revenue Service, the non-profit raised more than $1.6 billion (yes, billion with a ‘B’) and had in excess of $1.1 billion of net assets that year, all of it shielded from the IRS because of its 501(c)(3) tax status. As non-profit groups go, AARP has done pretty well for itself, but at what cost?
Not exactly peanuts.
Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO AARP, poor girl, only makes $973,494 per year, not including all the perks. I can’t find what her current net worth is but it ain’t peanuts.

Who Should Moderate Content at Facebook?
Sure as hell not government!
I have an account but don’t just it a lot, just to keep an occasional eye on someone who means a great deal to me.
As far as I know, my content has never been censored so I can’t state firsthand how that works. All I do know is that it’s part of the “free” internet and if it doesn’t moderate itself, that should be left to the decision of the users. If you don’t like what it does, don’t use it! Period!
According to the article, nobody seems to know how members of an independent body to handle appeals of content moderation decisions.

All the places US armed forces took or gave fire in 2018
Wanna guess how many before reading on? I know what it says but I’ve got a gut feeling there are more nobody’s talking about.
The US military gave or took fire in some form or another in at least seven countries in 2018: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and Libya.
At least 15 US soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in 2018 in a war that entered its 18th year in October.
The US military also continues to be active in Iraq and Syria in the ongoing fight against the Islamic State group, conducting airstrikes and advising local forces on the ground.
Under Trump, the US has also dramatically increased the number of drone strikes in places the US is not currently at war.

The 15 wildest (Russian) military prototypes
This could really be a problem – armored and fast.
A piloted “Pod racer”
Heavy motorbike” with a max speed of 155mph
For crowd control with water cannon and fold-out wall
Sniper rifle

Putin Shuts Down Rap in Russia
I wish we could do something that like here. They belittle women almost as bad as Islam does. They make them out to be nothing but sexual toys.
Putin noted that "rap is based on three pillars: sex, drugs and protest." But he is particularly concerned with drug themes prevalent in rap, saying "this is a path to the degradation of the nation."
He said "drug propaganda" is worse than cursing.

Russia shows off festive decorations  
Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.
Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.
Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.
Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

Did a slave make your sneakers? The answer is: probably
Slave labor? In the 21st Century? That can’t be true! is. Human trafficking deals in a variety of forms, sex being just one of them. This article is going to open your eyes and make you take a second look at what’s in your closet.
Across the world, an estimated 24.9 million people are victims of forced labor. The lion’s share of them–16 million people–are exploited by companies for a profit, rather than by private individuals, such as in the case of sex trafficking. And according to KnowTheChain’s report, one of the largest sectors that relies on forced labor is the $3 trillion apparel and footwear industry. An estimated 60 million to 75 million people are employed in this global sector. And while most of us realize that these workers are paid very little, the reality is that some are not paid at all.
Almost 60 million slaves!!!
And it’s not just the everyday items that are being made by slaves. Some very expensive stuff is too.

What We Know About Diet and Weight Loss
After decades of research, there are shockingly few firm conclusions.
Here we go again. Another “expert” telling us all about the subject that never seems to go away. Let’s see if this one makes sense.
What we know
People vary — a lot — in how they respond to dieting
There is nothing new in the diet universe.
Diet studies are insanely difficult.
Dieting for better health is not necessarily the same as dieting to lose weight.
What we don’t know
Why do people have such varying responses to diets?
Is there a diet that prevents you from regaining lost weight?
Have sugary foods been making people fat?
Why have people become fatter in recent decades?
The author “Writes about science and medicine” so I guess that makes her an expert. Read all of this @

11 Best Snacks to Eat if You Have Diabetes
Oh yeah. Another great thread for me and my fellow sufferers.
1. Hard-boiled eggs – I love them
2. Cottage cheese with tomatoes – never had the 2 together
3. Cheese strips
4. Black olives
5. Pickled foods
6. Chia pudding – never had it
7. Mixed nuts
8. Trail mix – among my favorites
9. A small apple with peanut butter – like both and never had them together
10. Popcorn - yum
11. String Cheese
The site has lots and lots of items about healthy foods @

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