Friday, October 26, 2018

Political and Media News for October 26, 2018

My little soccer player

Only About 70 People Attend Kamala Harris Event In Iowa, Empty Seats Everywhere
Another sign of the Blue Wave?
Vicente Fox backs Beto: ‘Hope every Mexican is going to vote for you’ @

Early Voting Numbers Optimistic for GOP in Key States
By Matt | Contributor | October 23, 2018 11:19AM
This is a real plus for the midterms – if this trend continues for the next week plus.
To break down the races more specifically in states where NBC provided data:
Arizona – 44% of early voters are Republican, compared to 33% Democrat.
Florida – 44% of early voters are Republican, compared to 38% Democrat.
Georgia – 52% of early voters are Republican, compared to 43% Democrat.
Indiana – 51% of early voters are Republican, compared to 39% Democrat.
Montana – 46% of early voters are Republican, compared to 29% Democrat.
Tennessee – 63% of early voters are Republican, compared to 30% Democrat.
Texas – 53% of early voters are Republican, compared to 43% Democrat.
The outlier is Nevada – 38% of early voters are Republican, compared to 45% Democrat.
Early voting tilting towards the GOP is a good omen – and it’s hardly the only factor pointing towards GOP victory.
I’m not all the concerned with the Nevada figures. We will see more Repubs voting after the visits of President Trump and VP Pence. Also, early turnout is usually spurred by the unions getting their people to the polls. Once they’ve done their thing, the non-union numbers will start coming in.
Early Voting Begins In Most States – Favors Republicans @

Early Voting Spells Troubling Signs For Democrats In Battleground States
More bad news for the Dims
A noticeable portion of those 5 million early votes counted came from these battleground states. Election day is still weeks out, however this is not the start Democrats were hoping for. An adequate sample size has already been taken from these eight states. If the blue wave is to manifest, it is now or never. Even if voter turnout for Democrats is good, it is looking more and more like they will be battling high voter turnout from Republicans.

Look Who’s Lavishing Cash on the Democrats This Midterm Season
Why is this not surprising. So, when you support these people, think of where your money is going.
In 2018, there has been a dramatic turn. The Facebook and Google PACS have given nearly $607,000 to Democrats and $538,000 to Republicans.
When it comes to employees’ individual donations however, there is a marked tilt to the Left.
Google employees have given more than their counterparts at Facebook and Twitter in terms of political contributions, $1.7 million, records show. Of that, they favored by Democrats by a decisive margin.
Only $117,000 went to Republicans.
The same holds true at Facebook.
Facebook employees donated nearly $549,000 to Democrats running for Congress. Only $58,000, just shy of 10 percent, went to Republicans.
Twitter employees have donated a total of $105,000 during the 2018 election cycle.
None of that cash has gone to Republicans.
Google Vice President Jason Spero told CNBC in May that his political activism has grown since Trump was elected.
I’d never been as aware, awake and active as I have been since that November,” he said.

In His 38-Minute Speech for NV Democrats, Barack Obama Referred to Himself More Than 90 Times
In all of his years in public life, The Great Orator has never changed. Probably the most egotistical speaker in the history of American politics.
And the media lets him get away with it.
So by the time I left office, wages were rising, uninsurance rate was falling, poverty was falling, and that’s what I handed off to the next guy. So when you hear all this talk about economic miracles right now, remember who started it. Remember who started it. Come on. Now, that’s important to remember.”
38 minutes to a meager gathering of less than 2,000 who were corralled close to the stage to make them look bigger.

Babylon Bee
Some more of the really funny stuff
Migrant Caravan Mysteriously Disappears But Leaves Behind Cool Wooden Horse @
Suspicious Package Mailed To Joel Osteen Found To Contain Bible @
Politics Now Nation's Fastest Growing Religion @
Zuckerberg Vows To Keep US Elections Safe From Unapproved Opinions @
'Noah's Tent' Bar & Grill Opens At Ark Encounter @
Bloods, Crips Release Joint Statement Calling For More Civility In US Politics @
Hillary Clinton Makes 'Get Out The Vote' Tour Stop In Tijuana @
Probably the biggest crowd she’s drawn in years.

Senator Blumenthal (D-CT) DID NOT Serve In-Country in Vietnam
He IS technically a Vietnam Vet as he served during that time and was awarded a National Defense Service Medal. He was a desk jockey who spent his entire Marine active duty as far from the rice paddies of ‘Nam as he could get.
See copies of his actual service records @

172 veterans running for Congress in November
A total of 172 veterans won primaries this year and will appear on midterm ballots across the country. Their military service spans from the 1950s to today, and includes time spent in the active-duty ranks, reserves and the Coast Guard.
Experts say more veterans are running credible campaigns for congressional seats this year than ever before.
By: Leo Shane III
On election night, Military Times will track the status of each veteran’s race — 62 Democrats, 109 Republicans and one independent — across the country and update the results here. Readers can sort the candidates by clicking on the column headers below, or search for specific names using the search bar.
Veterans running for Congress in 2018
This list includes all candidates with military experience who won a primary
election and will appear on the fall ballot.
The complete list with details is @

Pentagon Plans to Send Hundreds of Troops to Border
Hundreds” won’t be enough. Not by a long shot.
(Newser) – President Trump on Thursday again declared the situation at the US-Mexico border a "national emergency" and promised to get the military involved. Now it appears the Pentagon is preparing to do just that. Defense chief James Mattis is expected to sign an order authorizing at least 800 troops to head to the border, reports the AP. It wasn't immediately clear whether they'd be active-duty troops or members of the National Guard, or what their specific duties would be, reports CNN. But the best guess is that the troops would help shore up fencing and other barriers along parts of the border deemed vulnerable, rather than directly engaging with migrants attempting to cross illegally
US Deploys 800 Troops To Southern Border As 'Migrant Caravan' Approaches: CNN @
None will be armed nor will they directly face the invaders.

Avenatti, Swetnick Referred To DOJ For Criminal Investigation Over False Statements On Kavanaugh
The whole Kavanaugh attack is falling apart. The lies are mounting up and someone s finally taking action to make the liars pay for it.
While the Committee was in the middle of its extensive investigation of the late-breaking sexual-assault allegations made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Avenatti publicized his client’s allegations of drug- and alcohol-fueled gang rapes in the 1980s. The obvious, subsequent contradictions along with the suspicious timing of the allegations necessitate a criminal investigation by the Justice Department.
When a well-meaning citizen comes forward with information relevant to the committee’s work, I take it seriously. It takes courage to come forward, especially with allegations of sexual misconduct or personal trauma. I’m grateful for those who find that courage,” Grassley said. “But in the heat of partisan moments, some do try to knowingly mislead the committee. That’s unfair to my colleagues, the nominees and others providing information who are seeking the truth. It stifles our ability to work on legitimate lines of inquiry. It also wastes time and resources for destructive reasons. Thankfully, the law prohibits such false statements to Congress and obstruction of congressional committee investigations. For the law to work, we can’t just brush aside potential violations. I don’t take lightly making a referral of this nature, but ignoring this behavior will just invite more of it in the future.”
Grassley referred Swetnick and Avenatti for investigation in a letter sent today to the Attorney General of the United States and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The letter notes potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1001 and 1505, which respectively define the federal criminal offenses of conspiracy, false statements and obstruction of Congress. The referral seeks further investigation only, and is not intended to be an allegation of a crime. -Senate Judiciary Committee

Last Week’s Ratings Completely and Totally Humiliate CNN
Karma’s a bitch.
More Americans tuned into programming meant for children and young adults than CNN last week, according to numbers provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation by Fox News.

Shepard Smith wages a one-man-battle against President Trump over the migrant caravan
The guy makes no secret of his disgust for our duly elected leader. I wonder if FoxNews keeps him just so they can claim the truth of their motto: Fair and balanced news.?”
On “Pat Gray Unleashed” Wednesday, the guys discussed comments made by Fox News host Shepard Smith during his midday news broadcast Tuesday. Pat called Smith out and said he is waging a one-man battle against those who dare to ask questions about the migrant caravan that is currently making its way from Honduras toward the U.S.-Mexico border.
In response to a comment made by President Donald Trump on Tuesday, calling the caravan “an assault on the U.S. border,” Shepard reported that the movement of thousands of migrants headed toward the U.S border is not an invasion.
It is absolutely not an invasion, it’s nowhere near the U.S. border,” Smith said.

CNN’s Jim Acosta: Covering Trump’s Rallies Makes Me ‘Depressed’
Great! That’s what they’re supposed to do with brain-dead Snowflakes like him.
CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta let loose on President Trump during a Citizen CNN event, saying that covering Trump rallies depresses him and that Trump’s attacks on the press are nothing more than “reality TV shtick.”
If you want to ask me what makes me most depressed about my job, it’s covering the rallies,” Acosta said. “It gets to the larger point of what it’s like covering the president of the United States, and in particular Donald Trump … In many ways the danger is not what Trump is doing to America, the danger is how America is changing under Trump.”
Watching the president whip people up into a frenzy to attack the press is “the most depressing thing I have ever witnessed as a journalist,” Acosta said.
Oh boo hoo.

CNN Uses Prime Time to Mock Trump Jr.’s Dating Life
Can the channel sink any lower?
I will admit the Jeanne Moos does occasionally come up with some fun and interesting reports. But this? She’s just showing hers and her network’s bias.
Moos reported on how Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle are “muttering sweet nothings,” while on the campaign trail.
These two are hot and heavy, hot and heavy into politics,” Moos said, reporting about how the couple likes to “drop flirty little nuggets” while tag-team campaigning.

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