Sunday, October 28, 2018

Lots of News and Interesting Stuff for October 28, 2018

Candace Owens Announces BLEXIT: The Black Exit from the Democrat Party
Middle class blacks realize that their future lies with the GOP and President Trump’s policies. The same thing is happening among other minorities once dependent upon the DimocRATs.
Candace Owens announced her new project BLEXIT, ‘the black exit from the Democrat Party,’ vowing to take her mission of exodus to the very cities controlled by democratic politicians.
Politicians have been lying to us, the media have been lying to us,” Owens began, in a room surrounded by hundreds of friends and supporters, “and for a long time, if we’re being honest, we’ve been lying to ourselves.”
Barack Obama Complains About Media Coverage of Donald Trump
This is hilarious. The “I Guy” complaining that President Trump gets more media coverage than he and his minions. Could it be that our current president understands the media a whole lot more than he does?
Former President Barack Obama griped about the media and Fox News on Friday, returning to old complaints he expressed as president.
He appeared frustrated that President Donald Trump continued to raise fears about the migrant caravan forcing their way to the southern border and that the media followed suit by reporting it.
At a campaign rally in Detroit, Obama accused Fox News of having a business interest in amplifying fears throughout the country.
That’s what they do,” he said. “But even the outlets that aren’t in the can, you know, they kind of get distracted too.”
Obama lectured “the serious outlets” for not showing better news judgment when covering Trump.
I guess they can’t help themselves, so they just cover it,” he said in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Obama unleashes torrent of insults and mockery against Trump at Democrat rally @
No other ex-president in recent history has ever done this. The I-Guay just can’t help himself.
Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.
Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.
IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.
The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.
What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.
Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.
The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

Poll: Americans say US needs a third party
I think it should indicate a VIABLE third party. One that can compete with the Big Two. One that can have a prominent place in election discussion and have enough money to overcome the media blitz of the other two.

Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?
A great question! But, we all know the answer. The media is seeking any and all items to belittle Republicans while ignoring everything of value about what the DimocRATs
Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin—contact with the skin can be deadly—was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?
Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?
There are a few other differences between then and now. The target then was the president, his secretary of defense, a senior naval officer, and a Republican senator. And then, wasn’t there more than an implication that Republicans have it coming? After all, Democrats routinely claim that Republicans are not just cruel but that, as Nancy Pelosi said “millions, hundreds of thousands will die” if Republicans get their way. What stronger language is there than that? And if you believe it, then violence against Republicans becomes a justifiable—perhaps even heroic—act of self-defense.

The Whole Fake Bomb Threats a Ploy to Affect the Midterms?
How could a poor, bankrupt guy living in his mother’s basement or in the van itself afford such a vehicle? It’s nearly brand new.
The reaction from Democrats was another tell. They were ready the minute the story hit – some even before it hit. John Brennan predicted that more bombs were coming because he hadn’t gotten one. The next day he did. When CNN received its bomb, instead of running for cover and calling authorities, they took photos of it. Alexander Soros was even able to get an OpEd printed in the New York Times the same day the Clinton/Obama bombs were found. How did he manage that without prior knowledge?
And then there’s this:
He only registered as a Republican in 2016. Before that, he was a flaming liberal on social media.
The modern Democrat Party is the heart of deep state opposition to President Trump, conservatives, and our constitutional republic. They are capable of doing anything to win. This is their October Surprise. Make sure you vote.
5 Bizarre Facts About Cesar Sayoc & His Fake Pipe Bomb Scare That Are Making Americans Shout “False Flag!” @
1. The timing was suspicious
2. Look hard at this envelope…
3. Sayoc’s social media accounts say he was a huge Trump supporter and that he attended Trump rallies, but…
4. Is Sayoc really a Republican?
5. The van
It’s all a huge sham to affect the midterm!!!
Meet Cesar Sayoc, The Most Comically Incompetent Political Terrorist Of Our Time @

Here’s What Can Happen When the Caravan Reaches Our Border
10,000 people reach our southern border. [I suspect small groups will splinter off in order to try to cross undetected.]
Will they try to storm it like they did at the border between Mexico and Guatemala?
With women and children lead the way while the thousands of single, under 35 males stand back waiting for their chance.
So what if the president issues an executive order barring entry into the United States by any man, woman or child for any reason – or no reason?
Is that going to stop them?
What kind of physical actions will be taken to reinforce border crossings as well as wide-open areas where so many cross? What will be done to back up overwhelmed border patrol agents? 800 doctors, engineers, and other non-combat military personnel?
This is going to be riveting to watch. And, how the president handles it could well affect the important midterm elections.\
U.S. Has ‘National Emergency’ in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns @
Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US @
Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north @
Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border, Call for Security @

U.S. Moving Military Equipment to Southern Border
in Preparation for Migrant Caravan, Mattis Says
I had no idea that’s what they’re called. Will they really do any good? Only for vehicles but what about young men who can simply leap over them?
The U.S. military has already begun delivering jersey barriers to the southern border in conjunction with plans to deploy active duty troops there, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Sunday as a caravan of Central Americans slowly heads across Mexico toward the United States.Mattis told reporters traveling with him that details of the deployment are still being worked out but he should have them Sunday night. They will include exactly how many forces are needed.The additional troops will provide logistical and other support to the Border Patrol, and will bolster the efforts of the approximately 2,000 National Guard forces already there. The new forces are expected to provide logistical assistance such as air support and equipment, including vehicles and tents.National Guard troops routinely perform those same functions, so it is not clear why active duty forces are being used.

First completed section of Trump’s border wall unveiled in California
I really wouldn’t be surprised if someone doesn’t find a way over or under this thing. Build a better wall – find a better solution to getting around it.

President Trump Continues to Reduce US Debt to GDP
All the Lefties continue to gripe and whine about how the president’s fiscal policies are causing massive growth in the National Debt. They totally forget Obama.
The debt when Bush left office was $6,369 trillion.
The debt when Obama left office was $19.9 trillion
As of Sept 2018, the national debt is $21.5 trillion
Does anyone see a trend there?
The only thing keeping it from increasing even less are policies of The Fed which continually increases interest rates.
Rep. Brady: Q3 GDP growth is proof middle class tax cuts are working @

MSNBC’s Tur becomes enraged, yells at conservative for exposing liberal violence
Guess which one it is.
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace melts down, insists real ‘mobs’ are those attending Trump rallies @
Wonder if she’s related to Chris Wallace at FoxNews.

Crazed Zealot Jeff Sessions Attempts to Enforce Law!
I’m certain this is going to surprise a lot of people. Maybe even the president. :)
The New York Times recently published a snippy attack on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, portraying him as a single-minded zealot pursuing crackpot ideas that were putting the Trump administration “on track to lose in court and prompting high-level departures.”
The Times’ sources were “current and former career department lawyers.” In other words, Trump-hating Democratic zealots weeks away from their book contracts.
They even name names in the NYT piece!
This constantly refers to career DOJ employees who either ignore or simply refuse to carry out lawful orders from their superiors in doing anything that might eventually support the president’s agenda.
By contrast with the (nonexistent) felony of (nonexistent) Russian collusion, the whole point of a “sanctuary city” is to shelter known criminals from arrest and deportation.
Sanctuary cities like Philadelphia expressly prohibit officials from giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement advance notice before releasing illegal alien inmates to the public. In California, even if ICE shows up asking for a specific criminal alien, state and local government officials are instructed to refuse to comply, except in cases of certain violent felonies.

More Babylon Bee!
Caravan Of Liberal Americans Makes Way Toward Socialist Paradise Of Venezuela @
CNN Criticizes President Trump For Not Taking Full Responsibility For World War II @
Divided Nation Only Has One Thing Left In Common: Enjoying Videos In Which People Get Hurt @
Democrat Leaders Announce Brief Moratorium On Calling For Political Violence @
Millions Of Prius Drivers Recalled For Failing Smug Test @
More next time!

Nearly 50 Children’s Bodies in Clinic of Horrors
50 dead children stored in plastic bags and orange juice containers!
And no blaring headlines in the media about it.
And it doesn’t even deserve a minor mention in the news?
Oh yeah, they made a movie about it, “Gosnell, The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.”
But, that’s all?
Investigators found the bodies of nearly 50 children at Kermit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, and they were not stored in one place as medical waste. Instead, around every corner investigators found more surprises in the “house of horrors,” according to the firsthand accounts the movie-makers used.
They were stored in plastic bags, they were put into orange juice containers with the lids cut off, and they were stored in refrigerators in the lunch room … in the break room,” Sullivan said.
Do we really have our priorities in the right place?

The Origins of All 30 NBA Team Names
Growing up, I played Hoops. In the military, I was a Ref. But, for several decades now I’ve had absolutely no interest in the game. But, this looked like a fun piece so I thought I’d share it with you.
The Hornets were supposed to be the Spirit, while the Grizzlies were almost named the Mounties. Why is a team in Los Angeles nicknamed the Lakers, and what's a team called the Jazz doing in Utah? Here's the story behind the nicknames of all 30 teams.
And none of them really thrill me. Read about them @

What is the internet? 13 key questions answered
We sit here at our keyboards surfing the web and don’t think about what we’re really doing. I got into this in the 80s and remember connecting through Electronic Bulletin Boards. It was amazing to be able to exchange comments with people in foreign lands.
Now we do it every day as if we’re talking to the person next to us.
What is the internet?
The internet is the wider network that allows computer networks around the world run by companies, governments, universities and other organisations to talk to one another. The result is a mass of cables, computers, data centres, routers, servers, repeaters, satellites and wifi towers that allows digital information to travel around the world.
It is that infrastructure that lets you order the weekly shop, share your life on Facebook, stream Outcast on Netflix, email your aunt in Wollongong and search the web for the world’s tiniest cat.

5 Fun Facts About Pumpkins
Everybody knows they originated in the Americas. Right? And they are actually a member of the squash family.
1.Pumpkin: What's in a name?
The first settlers in the American colonies called the squash pumpkin and thus coined the name that we still use today!
2. Record breakers
The heaviest pumpkin ever recorded weighed 2,625 pounds
3. A Halloween tradition
4. The weird world of pumpkins
More than 45 different species
5. Healthy culinary delights

Medical cannabis products 'will drive patients to addiction and crime'
and turn doctors into drug dealers, warn experts in scathing letter
I really don’t know how valid this is as some claim The Daily Mail is the British version of the National Enquirer.
Cannabis oil will become available on the NHS next Thursday, November 1
A group of 166 pain consultants has written a letter slating the plans
They say it is being done for political reasons, not based on medical advice
And patients are already demanding cannabis, losing interest in other treatment

Northern Britain at the End of October
Seems Globull Warming is now Globull Cooling. By a lot!
Let it snow! Northern Britain is covered by a wintry blanket as icy showers blow in from the North Sea with temperatures plunging to a freezing 28F and more flurries on the way
Cold air sweeping in from Arctic brings frosty conditions to Britain after snow and sleet fell overnight
Chilly snap brought an end to mild start to autumn, with people advised to dig out warm winter clothes
Snow dusted Guisborough, North Yorkshire, this morning after temperatures hovered around zero overnight
Showers set to continue throughout the day but will turn to sleet as the day warms up and gets brighter

Where Does The Tradition Of Wearing Halloween Costumes Come From?
In Hispanic countries, the custom is part of the festival to celebrate families that have passed. It also has a religious meaning.
Would it surprise you to learn the custom actually goes back more than 2,000 years to the time of the Druids? And is an important part of the modern Wiccan followers.
Samhain is the day when the Celts believed that “the veil between the living and the dead” was the thinnest. It is a day that has always been closely associated with human death, and according to the History Channel it is supposedly a time when “the ghosts of the dead returned to earth”…
This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.
So it is definitely not a coincidence that people have always dressed up as ghosts on this day.
And then this comes up – Trick or Treat

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