Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Lots of Political News and Some Interesting Stuff for October 23. 2018

A Record Number Of Female Combat Veterans Are Running For Congress In November
It hurts to say this but I honestly don’t care which party they belong to. Although most are Air Force types, they’ve still been in the heat of battle and, I sincerely hope, hate war as much as the rest of us veterans.
Six of the veterans are first-time Democratic candidates pursing House seats — half of them are predicted to win their races or are keeping the polls tight a few weeks ahead of Election Day. The six women are reshaping what has been an area of strength for the Republicans: military service.
Female candidates ran into that, but military women have that advantage where we don’t get as much question about whether we’re as tough as men,” Duckworth said. “As a woman running for office, having a military background is a real political advantage and it negates the perception that women are not as strong on defense and military issues.”
And we need a whole lot more in Congress who are not career politicians.

Political Rallies
Seems to be a big deal about President Trump’s rallies versus those of the Dims.
Oct 21, the president addressed a crowd of many thousands in northern Nevada. Joe Biden addressed a few hundred union workers in front of their offices in Las Vegas.
Does anyone know where Elko, Nevada is? A city of a tad over 18,000 in the middle of northern Nevada for goodness sake. Check out @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elko,_Nevada
President Trump had a crowd of thousands.
Obama will hold a rally in Las Vegas on Oct 22 at Cox Pavilion, part of the UNLV campus. It has a maximum seating capacity of a little over 3,000.
President Trump will be holding a rally in Houston, Texas with over 100,000 people seeking to see he and Ted Cruz. So big they’re organizing “tailgating” in the parking lot.
Does anyone see a correlation between crowd attendance and voting?
Trump Hammers ‘Sleepy Joe Biden’ over Tiny Crowds @ https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/trump-hammers-sleepy-joe-biden-tiny-crowds/
Trump told the audience there were 193 people in Las Vegas for Biden, whereas 6,000 to 7,000 people couldn’t get into Trump’s Elko event.
Over 100,000 RSVPs For Houston Trump Rally With Ted Cruz
Tailgater Set Up Outside to Accommodate Massive Crowd
And the media want to tell you that Cruz’ opponent leads the polls. Polls? Who believes in polls?
Incredible numbers for #HoustonRally. 100,000+ RSVPs. I have flown in early and my great team is setting up the first ever TAILGATER for outside. So everyone come, room for everyone. Come see @realDonaldTrump inside or out! pic.twitter.com/92M3qBs5tp
Brad Parscale (@parscale) October 21, 2018

Kyrsten Sinema Reminds Us That Democrats Hate Housewives
This is the best the Dims can do to try to gain a Senate seat in Arizona?
Sinema is running against her Republican House colleague, Rep. Martha McSally, for the open seat vacated by retiring Arizona Senator Jeff Flake. The 42-year-old unmarried bisexual atheist lawyer with a Ph.D. in Justice Studies has some interesting views on life, as you might imagine.
She once wrote that capitalism poses a danger to Americans; she was an anti-war activist in the early 2000s—one of her protest groups distributed flyers portraying U.S. soldiers as skeletons with automatic rifles; she summoned witches to one anti-war stunt; and she mocks her own (adopted) home state as a “meth lab of democracy” whose residents are “crazy.
Not exactly a winning campaign message when you’re running in Arizona.
Her opponent, Rep. Martha McSally, is an Air Force veteran and a triathlete. Not married and no kids.
Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Smeared Stay-At-Home Moms As ‘Leeches@ https://americanlookout.com/arizona-democrat-kyrsten-sinema-smeared-stay-at-home-moms-as-leeches/
And this:

The Best Political Ad of the Year
What a great ad! Run it day and night from now until the election.

10,000 [Wyoming] Voters Change Teams
Join Republican Party Ahead of Midterm Elections
October figures from the Secretary of State indicate there are 272, 623 registered voters in the state. From what I can gather, the wide majority are Republicans

Milk is Now Racist!
The Left is truly losing it.
Cows’ milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists.
One more reason to #DitchDairy. https://t.co/EcHYpUmBux
PETA ❤️🦊 (@peta) October 19, 2018

General Political Tidbits
There’s so much to report on that I’m just going to post headlines with links/
The Democrat Taking On Scott Walker Accused Of Plagiarism @ https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/democrat-taking-scott-walker-accused-plagiarism
Dem Governor Candidate Blacklisted By VA; Evidence He Sold Disabled-Vet Status @ https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/dem-governor-candidate-blacklisted-va-evidence-sold-disabled-vet-status
Gillum Dances Around Denying Taking Broadway Tickets, Trip to Costa Rica in Exchange for Lobbyist City Contract @ https://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/10/21/watch-gillum-dances-around-denying-taking-broadway-tickets-trip-to-costa-rica-in-exchange-for-lobbyist-city-contract/
Democrat Abigail Spanberger Parrots Business Lobby: ‘Employers’ Need Amnesty for Illegal Aliens @ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/21/watch-democrat-abigail-spanberger-parrots-business-lobby-employers-need-amnesty-for-illegal-aliens/
And how many dimwits will vote for them?
WSJ: Democrat Sean Casten Is a ‘Smash-mouth’ Trying to Insult His Way to Congress @ https://www.breitbart.com/midterm-election/2018/10/21/wsj-democrat-sean-casten-is-a-smash-mouth-trying-to-insult-his-way-to-congress/
'Morning Joe' Bemoans Receding 'Blue Wave'; 'Momentum Appears to Be on Donald Trump's Side @ https://www.cnsnews.com/video/morning-joe-bemoans-receding-blue-wave-momentum-appears-be-donald-trumps-side
This 'Beto For Texas' Flash Mob Is The Most Embarrassing Thing You'll See All Day @ https://www.dailywire.com/news/37441/watch-beto-texas-flash-mob-most-embarrassing-thing-emily-zanotti
Gillum Hints He Isn't Far-Left On Immigration, Then DeSantis Traps Him @ https://www.dailywire.com/news/37414/gillum-hints-he-isnt-far-left-immigration-then-ryan-saavedra
Dim candidate fails to show up for Minnesota Senate debate

A collection of stories of leftist attacks on prominent Republicans
This dichotomy shows the blind hatred of the Left and their sinking in barbarism.
Remember, a blue wave may be coming. Are you prepared for it?
Buzzfeed News: Angry protesters confronted Mitch McConnell at restaurant and threw out his leftovers.
Daily Caller: Georgetown protesters harass Mitch McConnell — Elaine Chao fights back
NBC 9 Denver: Mitch McConnell harassed by protesters at DC airport over Brett Kavanaugh vote.
TMZ: Ted Cruz and wife Heidi run out of D.C. restaurant … by Kavanaugh protesters.
USA Today: ‘God bless you’: Sen. Ted Cruz thanks women heckling him at airport over Kavanaugh vote.
Twitchy: Angry mob? Restaurant owner called a Nazi sympathizer for renting a room to Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn.
Fox News: Minnesota House candidate says he suffered concussion in ‘politically motivated’ attack at restaurant.
Campus Reform: Former sec of state [Henry Kissinger, age 95] heckled at NYU.
Townhall: WATCH: Jeff Flake mobbed by screaming, rabid leftists after saying he’ll vote for Kavanaugh.
DCist: Update: Capitol Police have arrested more than 200 protesters at Kavanaugh hearings.
Gateway Pundit: Democrat senator defends ‘well justified’ harassment of Republicans by leftists over Judge Kavanaugh (VIDEO).
Fox 13 Memphis: Ole Miss professor under fire for urging people to harass senators in viral tweet.
CNN: Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials.
The Blaze: Pot-smoking protesters storm GOP lawmaker’s DC office; Capitol Police intervene.
Politico: Protesters chant ‘shame’ at DHS Secretary Nielsen at Mexican restaurant.
New York Post: Hillary Clinton’s hypocritical call for ‘incivil’ war.
Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Political Insider: Kavanaugh critics corner David Perdue at D.C. airport.
Eater: Red Hen Restaurant 86’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
USA Today: ‘It’s time to destroy Trump & Co.’: Scalise shooter raged on Facebook.

Dozens Of Key Midterm Races Could Go Either Way, And Control Of Congress Hangs In The Balance
Yet another “expert opinion” on possible outcomes of the midterm elections. How did those experts work out in 2016?
According to Real Clear Politics, 205 districts are “likely” or “leaning” Democratic, 199 districts are “likely” or “leaning” Republican, and there are 31 “toss up” seats that could go either way.
According to Real Clear Politics, 4 seats are “leaning” Democratic, 6 seats are a complete “toss up”, and 3 seats are “leaning” Republican.  That means that 13 seats are essentially “in play”, and Democrats would need to win 11 of those in order to take control of the Senate.
And the bottom line: the party that turns out the most voters is going to win. Do you think Nancy Pelosi/Maxine Waters/etal are going to get out more voters than President Trump?

More Babylon Bee
Just to lighten things up a little.
Demons Beg Jesus To Cast Them Out Of Hysterical Mob Of Liberals And Into Abyss @ https://babylonbee.com/news/demons-beg-jesus-to-cast-them-out-of-hysterical-liberal-mob-and-into-abyss
'Anti-Science' Trump Administration To Revert Definition Of Gender To Objective, Scientific Standard @ https://babylonbee.com/news/anti-science-trump-administration-to-revert-definition-of-gender-to-objective-scientific-standard
George Soros Vows To Lead Migrant Caravan Into Promised Land @ https://babylonbee.com/news/george-soros-vows-to-lead-migrant-caravan-into-promised-land
CNN Piece On Importance Of Journalism Featured Next To Article Examining Trump's Eating Habits @ https://babylonbee.com/news/cnn-piece-on-importance-of-journalism-featured-next-to-article-examining-trumps-eating-habits
Nation Longs For More Civilized Age When Politicians Settled Disputes With Pistols @ https://babylonbee.com/news/nation-longs-for-more-civilized-age-when-politicians-settled-disputes-with-pistols

The Coast Guard Has Better Snipers Than The Freakin’ Marine Corps
You gotta be kidding.
The Coast Guard team, which is part of the service’s Special Missions Training Detachment, came in 9th (They were 3rd place in 2017). The Marine Corps team, which was from the Scout Sniper Instructor School in Quantico, Virginia, came in 10th (the Corps team in 2017 got 7th place).
The best team came from the 75th Rangers while the Colorado Army National Guard came in second.

U-2 Pilots Were Given A Special Diet So They Wouldn't Have To Poop
Oh my Lord. The thought of this is enough to give me nightmares. I spend all my time taking stuff to make me go on a regular basis.
The U-2 was no place for a Number Two.
The U-2 spy plane was famous for pushing pilot endurance to the limit. The slow, high-flying aircraft flew for up to nine hours at a time, with a single pilot guiding the plane, taking pictures of the ground below, and occasionally dodging surface-to-air missiles.
Nine hours is a long time to be cooped up in a plane without a real bathroom—or to be stuck in a small space with the smell of your own fart. So the CIA actually prescribed a proper diet for U-2 pilots to avoid the need to poop or pass gas.

North and South Korea Out of the News
With everything else going on, little or no attention is being paid to what is going on in the Koreas. I’ve read where both sides are working hard to clear the DMZ of mines – a truly major act.
Then, there is this:
Two Koreas, U.N. forces agree to remove weapons at border @ https://www.oann.com/two-koreas-u-n-forces-agree-to-remove-weapons-at-border/
The neighbors are looking to withdraw 11 guard posts within a 1-km (0.6-mile) radius of the Military Demarcation Line on their border by the end of the year.
They also plan to pull out all firearms from a Joint Security Area (JSA) at Panmunjom and cut to 35 each the numbers of personnel stationed there and share information on surveillance equipment.

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