Monday, August 5, 2019

CNN ripped by libs for 2-night debate debacle, Bobby Mueller’s Book Report, Miclellle O to run in 2020? FactChecking the Mueller Hearings, and lots more for August 5, 2019

AG Huber is investigating ex-FBI Director Comey?
DOJ is supposed to be releasing some information today, July 31st. It appears a lot of people are very nervous about that.
Did you even wonder why there’s been so much secrecy surrounding the investigation into the former administration’s abuses, particularly James Comey’s blatant lies, schemes and illegal acts?
Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker appeared on Fox News to discuss the replacement of Dan Coats with John Ratcliffe as head of the ODNI, and the current status of AG Bill Barr’s ongoing reviews into prior DOJ and FBI (mis)conduct.
Whitaker posits the placement of Ratcliffe as looking at the aggregate intelligence apparatus and seeing if there “are systemic issues and failures for how the investigations were kicked-off”; and the engagements with other countries (FBI and CIA).
Additionally Whitaker summarizes U.S. Attorney John Durham as focused on the origin of the intelligence operation against candidate Trump and “prosecuting anyone that needs to be prosecuted“.  [By the way, that seems to confirm Durham as an official “investigation”, not a “review”.]
And then, on the tape, Whitaker says Huber is reviewing “anything related to Comey’s memos and the like.”
An investigation that explains why DOJ is fighting so hard to keep a judge from releasing some documents to the public.
Is FBI Attempting To Block How Comey’s FBI May Have Targeted Trump? @
The answer is yes.

President Trump to name John Ratcliffe as new National Intelligence Director
So, who is this guy and why does he have so many Dims nervous?
He’s a GOP Rep from northeast Texas. He ran his own law firm before GW Bush made him Chief of Anti-terrorism and national security for the Eastern District of Texas. That includes Texarkana. He then ran for office and beat a 17-term incumbent. And, in 2018, he won reelection with near 76% of the vote.
He’s a strong conservative and took Comey to task during committee hearings. He then tore into Mueller during that hearing.
He’s hawkish on Iran.
He supports prohibiting immigration from predominantly Muslim countries.
He is for term limits.
He’s strong on cybersecurity and was for repealing net neutrality.
He supports the president on the Russian probe.
He’s happily married with 2 daughters.
Ratcliffe has been instrumental in exposing the FBI abuses under the Obama regime, including withholding evidence from the FISA court, and the fact that 159 judges were surveilled and monitored!
Trump abruptly reversed GOP Rep. John Ratcliffe's nomination for spy chief amid a bipartisan uproar
"Our great Republican Congressman John Ratcliffe is being treated very unfairly by the LameStream Media," Trump tweeted. "Rather than going through months of slander and libel, I explained to John how miserable it would be for him and his family to deal with these people."
He’ll stay in the House and attack Dims as much as he can.

Only six U.S. Air Force B-1 heavy bombers ready for combat
But it’s not as bad as that makes it appear to be.
The (Air Force) Magazine provides a statement from senator stating that of the 61 heavy bombers, 15 are in depot maintenance and 39 aircraft are down for inspections or other issues.
They’ve been around since the 80s and get almost as much work as the even older BUFF.

Phytoplankton Bloom off Iceland
And who’s there to feed on them?

Nadler Misrepresents Mueller Testimony
Of course he did. One doesn’t need to know that. He claims Mueller didn’t indict the president because of DOJ guidelines. In other words, the president was guilty but got away with it due to rules.
That’s Nadler’s view of the exchange.
But, here’s what Mueller says when pressed:
Mueller: Now, before we go to questions, I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning. I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said, and I quote, “You didn’t charge the president because of the OLC opinion.” That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.
In other words, they didn’t think he was guilty of anything!

A detailed listing of the hearings with some interesting findings. This deals with:
Trump’s Cooperation – claims he didn’t
Welcomed’ Help? - campaign didn’t coordinate or conspire with the Russians
The Dossier – did not start the investigation
FISA Application -
Cost of Investigation
Mueller and the FBI Job

Cummings’ Baltimore got $16 BILLION in aid in 2018
Where the hell did it go?
The Baltimore Sun confirms that they received just under $15.7 billion in grants, benefits, and assistance in the fiscal year 2018.
Liberals will never admit that President Trump is really helping minorities… because if they did, they would lose their control over them and more importantly lose their votes
Kimberly Klacik Exposed The Conditions In West Baltimore Now She’s Under Siege @
She’s black so they’re claiming she’s turning on her own.
Can’t have that. Dims don’t operate that way.
Bernie Flipped Out After Trump Quoted His Past Baltimore Comments @
Video Emerges Of Elijah Cummings Calling Baltimore ‘Drug Infested’ @
It came in a 1999 congressional hearing.

Bobby Mueller’s Book Report
We’ve all come to guess that his report was actually written by his staff and he wasn’t all that certain of what was in it.
So, just for the sake of veracity, we will go back to 1958 and check out this transcript of his grade nine oral summary of his book report.
TEACHER: Bobby, could you tell us what book you chose to read?
BOBBY: I read The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk, Miss Jones.
TEACHER: Please summarize the plot of the novel.
BOBBY: I’d refer you to my written report for that.
TEACHER: Could you at least read the summary from your book report?
BOBBY: I’m happy to have you read it.
TEACHER:   Well, in the book, as I recall, some lower officers on the World War II Navy warship the U.S.S. Caine are at odds as to whether or not to relieve command of the ship from Lieutenant Commander Queeg.
BOBBY: I defer to you on that. I can’t get into the details.
TEACHER: But it was clear, wasn’t it, that Commander Queeg performed a number of cowardly actions which endangered the safety of the ship and its crew.
BOBBY: If that’s what was written in my report, then yes.
And his amazing report goes on from there.
And then, we get this:
The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Special Counsel Robert Mueller @

The President’s new U.S. Citizenship Test
Another one of the president’s promises to overhaul the aged and ineffective immigration and naturalization program. We know there are problems with the old test is Ilhan Omar could pass it.
So, here’s a sample of the new one:
Who was the best President ever?
What does MAGA stand for?
Which of these sources is fake news?
What are the most important words in American politics?
Add up your citizenship test scores. If the total is less than zero, please report to the nearest deportation center. If your total is less than ten, please report to the nearest reeducation camp. If you score between ten and twenty, citizenship is yours for any four-figure contribution to the Trump Reelection Committee. Twenty-one to twenty-four means you’re automatically a new American. If you score twenty-five, congratulations; you’re now a member of President Trump’s cabinet.

Democrats just purged white party staffers
When I saw this, I thought it was a joke. Fake news.
Apparently not.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the House Democrats’ powerful campaign arm, has just abruptly purged half a dozen staffers. Why? Because they are white.
Even if all these staffers ended up with cushy lobbying jobs as a reward for their loyalty, this is still a lot more shocking than people perhaps realize.
There are two possible interpretations of this mass-purge at the DCCC. Either a few Democrats are making a racial issue out of a patronage question, once again knifing each other under the cover of intersectionality, or Democrats are genuinely angry that half the staff at the DCCC are white. As often happens with the Democratic Left, it is difficult to tell just where the insincerity ends and the fanaticism begins.
And who are the first one to scream racist when the president talks about the horrid conditions in Baltimore?
And, in case you want to attack the source, I did a Google search and found the same story reported by the Washington Examiner, New York Post, Realclear politics, and more.

SEALs Aren’t the Problem, it’s the Leadership’
A letter from Rear Admiral Collin Green, the commander of the Naval Special Warfare Command to the commander of the SEAL Teams.
We have a problem.”
His blistering letter to his subordinate commanders lays out the facts that the problems are not with the individual warriors but the men who lead them.
An observer might look at this as “what is wrong with the SEAL Teams” but the real question is; what is wrong with the leadership that has taken the word of terrorists, politicians and over zealous Navy attorneys or investigators that are selling our brave soldiers out?
And what happened to commanders looking out for and supporting the men under their command?
He relates a story that should break your heart.
I speak from personal experience. In 2009 my platoon captured the infamous ‘butcher of Fallujah’, so well featured in Chris Kyle’s America Sniper movie. We were subsequently Courts martialed by fellow commanding SEALs; Wilske and Richards. 3 of the 8 of us initially charged stood a full courts martials. Everyone was acquitted as we knew we would be, however the damage was done.
No matter what the results, the fact that a military member appears before a courts-martial will always be in their record.
And then he says this:
The system is broken, I wrote about this in all three of my books. Many commanders become bureaucratic monsters with their career in their front sights and not the mission or the men, they forget. Do SEALs get a wrap for being cowboys? Hell yes we do, and that’s because we are the ones that raised our hands to do the job that most don’t want to do and even more can’t do, so cut us some slack if we want to have a few beers in Iraq in between gun fights. I did, and I know a bunch of now high-ranking brass that did because they were right next to me doing it in Baghdad in 2007.

Top Navy SEAL commander writes scathing letter saying the force has a problem in the wake of SEAL scandals@

Charles Barkley Disses the Dims
And I bet he isn’t the only who does so.
Former NBA star Charles Barkley blasted the Democratic Party after Tuesday night’s debates, saying they have not done much to help most black Americans.
The former Phoenix Suns star sat in the audience during the presidential debate Tuesday. But, he was not impressed with what he saw. Barkley told the media that “every black person I know has always voted Democratic,” but most are “still poor” despite those votes.
He’s right on target.
Cummings, Sharpton, Waters, and the rest of their ilk live in expensive mansions with all sorts of servants while their constituents get by on welfare, food stamps, and the rest of all that free government largess that keeps them shackled to their hovels.
Barkley also slammed Democrats for ignoring people of color, saying, “It’s an economic thing, and that’s what both parties have been neglecting, especially the Democratic Party,” as reported by Yahoo News.
Every black person I know has always voted Democratic, and with the exception of a few guys who can play sports, all those people are still poor,” Barkley continued.
Barkley, currently a TNT commentator, also mentioned that he said the same thing back in 2017 and nothing has changed.
CNN ripped by libs for 2-night debate debacle
MSNBC, The New Yorker, USA Today, Thw Washington Post, New York Magazine, Rolling Stone, Slate, The Atlantic, HuffPost, and more took them to task for poor formatting, not giving the candidates enough time to respond, and asking soft ball questions.
We don’t even have to go through what conservative media though of the clown car parade.
Ironically, it was the right-leaning Washington Examiner that found itself defending the liberal CNN.
CNN moderators did a fine job keeping the Democratic candidates focused on the task at hand: beating each other first,” Examiner columnist Jason Russell wrote in a piece titled, “CNN did just fine: It was a debate, not a rally.”

Guess who the Dims want to run against President Trump in 2020
Michelle Sure Loves … Michelle
Michael Moore might come a close second, but clearly the number one fan of Michelle Obama is … Michelle Obama.
She’s bragged that she can give “a good speech” and that she’s “smart and intelligent,” while also suggesting a good investment for the country would be to “invest in creating thousands of ‘me’s.'”
GOOD GOD NO: @MichelleObama says she’s not interested in running for president 2020, instead she wants to create ‘thousands of me’s’! That’s all #America needs more mean people! #TriggerALiberalIn4Words swamp
GITMO KAG2020 🇺🇸 (@President1Trump) March 4, 2018
We don’t just need one, we need thousands and thousands,” Obama said.
Perish the thought.
She takes the stage and she’s so powerful and so good you just look at that and think of course she could win,” Moore fawned.
Has Moore finally lost it? No way is Moochelle going to run for office. She’s making too much dough giving speeches and selling books.
Or – would she?????

New BLM Head says Federal employees aren’t held “personally responsible for the harm that they do”
William Perry Pendley, the new head of the Bureau of Land Management, complained in a 2018 interview that employees like the ones he now manages aren’t held “personally liable” or “personally responsible for the harm that they do” regarding federal land management. He also said that one thing that would prevent such problems in the future “is the federal government owning less land.”
He was born and raised in Wyoming and served as a captain in the USMC. He went to Washington as an attorney to former Senator Hansen (R-Wyoming) and served in the Department of the Interior. He returned to Wyoming in 1989 where he’s president and chief legal officer of Mountain States Legal Foundation, not exactly a leftist whacko group. This comes from the mission statement and puts Pendley’s outlook right up front:
You may be shocked to learn that the government now owns 47 percent of the land in the American west. In addition, there are countless regulations controlling citizens’ lives, including where and when they can hunt or fish, run their farms, ranches, and businesses—even limiting how private citizens can use their own land.

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