Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Rat infested” is now racist, Trump plastic straws, The Secret History of Washing Machines, The Banana Trick Self-Checkout Thievery, Too Many Canadian Geese, and lots of President Trump for July 30, 2019

The Left’s Attacks on the Electoral College Are All About Political Power
It’s a well-funded all out attack on YOUR vote.
Our Founders were wise. They realized that democracy was nothing but mob rule. They thus established a system unique to America that allowed individuals in their communities to gather to make their votes count.
One has to remember that the President and Senators were never meant to be elected directly by the people. State legislatures elected Senators and members of Congress selected who was to be the president and vice president. Once the two chief executives were selected, it was a combination of Senators and Representatives who would decide which were elected. Thus protecting the sanctity of communal votes. A Representative Republic.
And the Left hates it.
The system is somewhat skewed in favor of small states, as the total number of Electoral College votes of each state is dependent on the size of a state’s Senate and House delegation.
Since every state has two senators, small states have that edge, though not so much that the large states aren’t still far more important to win.
The implications of this are twofold. Small states collectively can check the power of large ones, and more importantly, presidential candidates must appeal to states as states, not to the nation as a giant, undifferentiated mass.
I really like the following:
In that sense, the Electoral College is “undemocratic,” as is much of our political system. The Bill of Rights, for instance, is highly undemocratic. Certain individual rights have been protected from majoritarian rule.

The Banana Trick and Other Acts of Self-Checkout Thievery
They’re springing up everywhere and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that people have figured out a way to scam them. If you can’t stick it inside your shirt or blouse, why not fool the machine to make off with it?
Self-checkout theft has become so widespread that a whole lingo has sprung up to describe its tactics. Ringing up a T-bone ($13.99/lb) with a code for a cheap ($0.49/lb) variety of produce is “the banana trick.” If a can of Illy espresso leaves the conveyor belt without being scanned, that’s called “the pass around.” “The switcheroo” is more labor-intensive: Peel the sticker off something inexpensive and place it over the bar code of something pricey. Just make sure both items are about the same weight, to avoid triggering that pesky “unexpected item” alert in the bagging area.
How common are self-scanning scams? If anonymous online questionnaires are any indication, very common. When Voucher Codes Pro, a company that offers coupons to internet shoppers, surveyed 2,634 people, nearly 20 percent admitted to having stolen at the self-checkout in the past. More than half of those people said they gamed the system because detection by store security was unlikely. A 2015 study of self-checkouts with handheld scanners, conducted by criminologists at the University of Leicester, also found evidence of widespread theft. After auditing 1 million self-checkout transactions over the course of a year, totaling $21 million in sales, they found that nearly $850,000 worth of goods left the store without being scanned and paid for.

Conservatives conned out of $10 million
It was set up to oppose Obama. Surprise. Instead of going to the Conservative Majority Fund PAC, it ended up in the pockets of the founder.
But it has made just $48,400 in political contributions to candidates and committees. Public records indicate its main beneficiaries are the operative Kelley Rogers, who has a history of disputes over allegedly unethical fundraising, and one of the largest conservative fundraising companies, InfoCision Management Corp., which charged millions of dollars in fundraising fees.
And, after a very lengthy article, there is no word of what is being done to stop such scams. Or if anyone is going after the scammers.

Too Many Canadian Geese – Eat ‘em!
With cities and town providing ideal feeding grounds all year long, a lot of them no longer migrate.
Geese are an annoyance, sometimes. They poop a lot, which has been linked to contamination of some water sources. There’s also the possibility that geese can transmit disease, though that seems to be a relatively minor concern. Mostly, for parks administrators, the birds are extremely annoying. They poop everywhere, and don’t scare easily. They can also be very aggressive, especially around their nests.
I remember playing golf at Lake Tahoe one time. The damned geese were so aggressive that it took forever to play the round. Some golfers complained that the birds would scoop of their golf balls and stick them in their nests; No way you were going to get them out.
Culling is a common solution. But the city of Denver announced that its cull of urban geese—2,200 in total—will be processed and donated to the hungry. This strategy has been used with other overpopulated species as well, like white-tailed deer in Pennsylvania. But is Canada goose any good to eat?
Cook ‘em right and they can be delicious.
Wonder why other cities aren’t doing this.

The President pushes back.
With all the investigations into him and his finances, seems our good president has a few of his own up his sleeve.
You’ve got to watch this video.
Trump just now in the Oval Office:
Subpoena all of Obama's records.
– Subpoena all of the records having to do with Hillary Clinton.
– Subpoena the Clinton Foundation.
– Look into the book deal that President Obama made.
– GOP will hold House, Senate & White House. pic.twitter.com/blRLP1k6fI
Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 26, 2019

Rat infested” is now racist
That’s what Pelosi claimed when President Trump told Super Hypocrit Cummings to spend more time in his “disgusting, rat and rodent infested” district than going after the Border Patrol.
Kimberly Klacik, a black woman on the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee, responded to the critics of President Trump, saying:
I can’t believe people are upset I went to West Baltimore and filmed all of the trash. Hopefully this attention forces the city to clean up the mess & treat residents better. Enjoy your Saturday
And she provided this video:
And then comes these Tweets from people living in the district.
West Baltimore’s violent crime rate is approximately 3,500 per 100k people. The national violent crime rate is 394 per 100k.
It’s one of the most violent places in one of the country’s most violent and dangerous cities. https://t.co/buThbI3PIx
Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) July 27, 2019

I invite Bill to walk the streets of West Baltimore at night with no security. Let’s go for a stroll bruh https://t.co/1fTYcVCUHZ
Jeffrey Sykes (@J_Sykes2016) July 27, 2019
So far, no response from Cummings or Pelosi
The Left Eats Their Words After Claiming “Infested” is “Racist” Because Trump Said it About Elijah Cummings’ West Baltimore @ https://100percentfedup.com/video-the-left-eats-their-words-after-claiming-infested-is-racist-because-trump-said-it-about-elijah-cummings-west-baltimore/

TRUMP Says He’s Considering Declaring “Gutless, Radical, Left Wack Job” ANTIFA And “MS-13” Gang TERROR Groups
Consideration is being given to declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who go around hitting (only non-fighters) people over the heads with baseball bats, a major Organization of Terror (along with MS-13 & others). Would make it easier for police to do their job!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2019
Can’t come soon enough.

New Trump campaign video about The Squad
 He’s really going after the Harridans.
You might be able to get $125 from Equifax
There is at long last a silver lining for the 144 million of us who had our personal data leaked in the gigantic 2017 Equifax data breach: cash money.
Under the terms of its settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, Equifax established a fund of at least $300 million to compensate individuals who had their data compromised.
You, the individual, get to choose which claim to file: up to 10 free years of credit monitoring service, or a $125 check.
Additionally, you may also be eligible to claim up to $500 in compensation for time you spent dealing with the fallout of the breach, and up to another $20,000 if you suffered identity theft you can tie back to it.
The article then goes on to explain how to chose and what you need to prove your claim @ https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/07/you-can-go-claim-at-least-125-from-the-equifax-settlement-right-now/

Snopes Rolls Out New Opinion Check Feature
And you can rely on it without question. No slant whatsoever.

Snopes Publishes Helpful Fact Check On 1996 Basketball Documentary 'Space Jam'
 U.S.—If you want to know if something's true, the first place you should go is Snopes.com. Snopes has an impeccable record, never having gotten any facts wrong and definitely not showing any bias when it comes to fact-checking fake news, hoaxes, and satire.
So it was really helpful when Snopes recently published a fact check on a 1996 basketball documentary that confused a lot of people: Space Jam. The movie was supposed to be an accurate depiction of Michael Jordan's career when he quit to play baseball, but apparently, it got some key facts wrong.

Babylon Bee
Joe Biden Challenges Trump To Water Aerobics Contest @ https://babylonbee.com/news/joe-biden-challenges-trump-to-water-aerobics-contest
Elizabeth Warren Changes Twitter Profile To Include Authentic Indian Name @ https://babylonbee.com/news/elizabeth-warren-changes-twitter-profile-to-include-authentic-indian-name
'I'm Still Sharp As A Tack,' Insists Mueller Moments Before Taking Phone Call On A Banana @ https://babylonbee.com/news/i-am-still-sharp-as-a-tack-protests-mueller-moments-before-taking-phone-call-on-a-banana

U.S. and Israel test missile defense system in Alaska
The Arrow 3 or Hetz 3 is an exoatmospheric hypersonic anti-ballistic missile.
An Israeli firm and Boeing have put this to the test where there’s a lot of open air space. They claim the tests were successful.
Israel wants it to protect from missile attacks from Iran. The US obvious wants it for simple defense from whomever.
This is a huge technological achievement. The Arrow 3 is the most sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in the world.
Senior Israeli defense officials said the test proves that Israel is several years ahead of the Iranians when it comes to missile technology.
Which means the US now has an outstanding missile defense.

A returning U.S. citizen's rights at the border
Anyone who routine travels outside of the USA knows the situation faced upon returning. Here’s something I bet very few know:
The 4th Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, but it doesn't apply at the U.S. border, says Georgetown law professor M. Tia Johnson, a former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security.
Got that? You can’t refuse to let one of the screeners go through your things – including your electronic devices.
And, if you do refuse:
There is no limit on how long CBP officials can hold a U.S. citizen, but they usually don't hold people for more than several hours or overnight because courts may look upon the detention as unreasonable, per Cope.
I know this is going to seem stupid but the bottom line is – don’t try to bring anything back with you that you shouldn’t.

One week of the not-normal presidency
Okay, Axios is not exactly MSM. But, it does provide a wide range of news and doesn’t seem to be too biased. Media Bias/Fact Check says it’s slightly left of center.
Here’s their list:
1 He heckled Robert Mueller, both before the former special counsel’s testimony (tweeting “why didn’t Robert Mueller investigate the investigators?”) and afterwards (“Robert Mueller did a horrible job”).
2 He attacked reporters who asked him to respond to Mueller’s testimony, calling one “fake news” and another “untruthful.”
3 He infuriated the leaders of Afghanistan after noting that “if I wanted to win that war, Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the Earth.” Afghanistan officials demanded a clarification.
4 India denied his claim that Modi asked him to mediate the conflict over Kashmir.
5 He suggested investigating Barack Obama's book deal: "Let's look into Obama the way they've looked at me ... Let's subpoena all of his records."
6 He kept attacking four Democratic congresswomen of color, tweeting that the group was “a very Racist group of troublemakers.”
7 He denied a Washington Post report that he had talking points on the lawmakers, even though there’s a photo of them.
8 He attacked the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, calling her “horrible,” “a horror show” and “grossly incompetent.”
9 He claimed with no evidence that undocumented immigrants “vote many times, not just twice, not just three times.” He’s made similar claims before, even though Trump’s own commission found no widespread evidence of voter fraud.
10 He claimed that Article 2 of the Constitution gives him “the right to do whatever I want as President.” (It doesn’t.)
11 He accused the news media of inventing sources: “There are no seven sources. They make them up.” (We don’t.)
12 He charged that social media companies “censor opinions” and “decide what information citizens are going to be given,” and claimed his supporters have told him “they make it so hard to follow you.” (Go to Twitter, look up @realDonaldTrump, and see if it’s hard to follow him.)
Ya gotta admit that he sure manages to get his name in the news a lot.

Cape Town, South Africa – 8 people killed every day
Cape Town is a well-known tourist hotspot, but also one of the most divided and dangerous cities in the world.
It has seen an average of eight murders a day, for the first six months of this year.
In one weekend in July, 43 people were killed.
The South African Army has now been deployed to help stop the violence. In some cases, residents are forming vigilante groups.
The BBC's Vauldi Carelse and cameraman Christian Parkinson spent a weekend on the streets of the city with both the police and the army, as well as the families of those killed.
They kill white farmers. Now they’re killing their own.

South Africa presidential panel backs limited land seizures
Take a little now – take it all later.
Those opposed to land expropriation point to Zimbabwe where a similar policy by former President Robert Mugabe wrecked the economy and scared away investors.
At least the farmers living there have lots of options with many countries opening their arms to them.

Trump plastic straws - $15 per pack of 10
Expects to sell $500k worth in a week. The first batch of 200k has already sold out.
The bright-red straws, laser-engraved with the word Trump, are being marketed as reusable and recyclable, with the message: "Liberal paper straws don't work. Stand with President Trump and buy your recyclable straws today."
The left is going nuts over them, claiming President Trump is just trolling them.
He manages to get under their skin every single day.

Arctic Wildfires
Wildfires are ravaging the Arctic, with areas of northern Siberia, northern Scandinavia, Alaska and Greenland engulfed in flames.
And, of course, they’re all because of man-made climate change.
And they aren’t all that easy to fight.
The article does say this;
Arctic fires are common between May and October and wildfires are a natural part of an ecosystem, offering some benefits for the environment, according to the Alaska Centers website.
The Russians aren’t fighting them and Alaskan officials indicate that fighting them is more damaging than the fire.

President Trump now going after Al Shapton
You gotta say that the president is a equal opportunity troll. He not only goes after Elijah Cummings but tax-cheat Sharpton.
Who next?
Jessie Jackson?
I have known Al for 25 years. Went to fights with him & Don King, always got along well. He “loved Trump!” He would ask me for favors often. Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC. Hates Whites & Cops! https://t.co/ZwPZa0FWfN
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2019
That’ll teach Al to try to defend Cummings.
FACT CHECK: Al Sharpton’s History of Racism, Antisemitism, Anti-Police Rhetoric @ https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2019/07/29/fact-check-al-sharpton-history-of-racism-antisemitism-anti-police/
CNN’s Ryan on Trump: ‘He Says He Is Not Racist but the Racists Believe He’s a Racist’ @ https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2019/07/29/cnns-ryan-on-trump-he-says-he-is-not-racist-but-the-racists-believe-hes-a-racist/
PBS Aired ‘Rat Film’ Documentary About Baltimore’s Rodent Problem in 2018 @ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/28/pbs-aired-rat-film-documentary-about-baltimores-rodent-problem-in-2018/
Baltimore Sun Op-ed, 2016: Trump’s Right: Declare Baltimore a ‘Disaster’ and Rebuild It @ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/28/baltimore-sun-op-ed-2016-trumps-right-declare-baltimore-a-disaster-and-rebuild-it/

Gilroy Garlic Festival Prohibited ‘Weapons of Any Kind’
Yeah. A gun-free zone. A safe place to gather and have fun.
So, let’s pass more gun control laws and regulations. That should make everything just fine.
The festival was held in Christmas Hill Park where the possession of “pocketknives and weapons of any kind” are clearly prohibited. Moreover, a perusal of the city of Gilroy’s “Park Rules and Regulations” unambiguously states that “guns, slingshots, or fireworks” are prohibited.
That didn’t prohibit some whacko from cutting through a fence and, in plain sight of police officers, offing 3 innocents and sending 12 others to the hospital.
Of course the Dims are calling for more laws.

80,000 California Students Lose Financial Aid
Thanks to Teachers’ Union, State Government
I bet they’ll blame President Trump
Last week, the department issued a notice that California “does not have a process to manage complaints for out-of-state public or non-profit institutions serving students at a distance in the State. Further, the State of California does not participate in a State authorization reciprocity agreement which addresses the issue.”
State officials scrambled, the Times notes: “California officials indicated that the financial aid suspension could be short-lived.” They claim to have “set up a complaint system that would meet the department’s requirements,” which “will go live on Monday.”

Celebrating 30 Years of Weird Al Yankovic
He’s hilarious.
And then there’s this:
There are so many there’s no way one can even start in a post like this.
Do you have a favorite?

The Secret History of Washing Machines
You gotta be kidding. This guy has a collection of 1,600 of them.
You won’t believe this one:
A hand-cranked drum from 1782.
He’s getting old and is looking for someone to either take over the museum or find a new home for them.

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