Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Published!

BLOOD IN THE MEADOWS (A Tale of Terror on The Strip)  is now available to download for $1.99 at Amazon's Kindle books -
and also for $1.99 at Barnes & Nobel's NookBooks -

So now, you might ask what brought me to writing this particular story?
As anyone who works in the public arena - cops, fire fighters, EMTs, bus drivers and, yes, cab drivers - each city has an underside visitors and even locals never see. While driving a cab, I had lots of time to think while waiting for fares - which takes up the vast majority of cabbie's time - and came up with all sorts of weird scenarios about what might happen if ...

Then, when I couldn't drive anymore and spent my time writing, a lot of those items went into various folders that were later incorporated into Blood ...

Also, while dreaming up how such a terrorist attack might occur, it scared the bejeesuz out of me to discover it might not be all that far-fetched. The places and items I describe in Blood are real and it makes one wonder a bit nervously to think of the possibilities.

I pray every day that my imagination doesn't become fact. And, I do hope all the readers will enjoy and think about this novel.

{now - I'm working on the next to publish!}

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