Monday, February 14, 2011

I did it!

I actually put one of my novels, Blood in the Meadows, up for sale on Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Nobel's PubIt! [Still shaking from being nervous] It wasn't anywhere as hard as I thought it'd be. Now, I just hope people find it interesting and read it.

Put a link to this so, if a reader likes it, dislikes it or just has questions, I can answer them.

And, for all coming here to visit, here's a link that will help you -
It's a piece I wrote several years ago for a website designed for visitors to Las Vegas.

Now, it's off to work on another novel to upload, this one a science fiction/fantasy tale.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I thought I would check out your blog after you kindly stopped by mine and was surprised to see you've taken the indie leap. Good luck to you! But can I make a suggestion? It would be so much easier to check out your book if you made the links clickable instead of just providing the url. One click and people are looking at your book. People can get so lazy, even about something as easy as cut-and-paste. With the one-click method, there's not good excuse for not checking out the book.

    I hope it does well!
