Sunday, December 8, 2019

Hundreds of Military Families Will Be Displaced During Christmas, Epstein Was a Mossad Agent, When to Schedule Your Workouts, U.S. using secret “Ninja Bomb” in Syria, Dogs may be smarter than we think, CNN Ratings Plunge To 3-Year Low, and lots more for December 8, 2019

Full List of Dem Politicians Who Took Dirty Foreign Money From Convicted Pedophile Tied To Hillary
DOJ indicts Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja. According to the indictment, from March 2016 through January 2017, Khawaja conspired with Nader to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in campaign contributions, directed to political committees associated with a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election. By design, these contributions appeared to be in the names of Khawaja, his wife, and his company. In reality, they allegedly were funded by Nader. Khawaja and Nader allegedly made these contributions in an effort to gain influence with high-level political figures, including the candidate. As Khawaja and Nader arranged these payments, Nader allegedly reported to an official from a foreign government about his efforts to gain influence.
The complete list of who this foreign agent gave money to is @
Other than some state Democrat organizations, among many others, he gave money to Adam Schiff, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Hillary Clinton, and more @
Why isn’t the MSM reporting this?\
Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators @

Barbra Streisand Reveals 6 Reasons Why Trump Must Be Impeached
At last! We finally have the ultimate expert on impeachment speaking out. The Judiciary Committee need do nor more but to follow Bab’s comments.
Here come the impeachment charges:
1. Trump bribed and extorted the Ukraine with taxpayer money to investigate a political rival for personal gain.
2. Trump believes he is above the law. He thinks presidents can do anything.
3. Trump threatened a witness, a career diplomat, during the impeachment inquiry.
4. Trump clearly lied and obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation.
5. Trump dismisses intelligence briefings about Russia’s role in undermining our democracy, and repeats Kremlin disinformation on Ukraine.
6. Trump is personally profiting from the presidency, violating the emoluments clause. He charges our government to stay at his resorts.
Now, doesn’t that make you feel confident about the pending impeachment? How could these charges miss in the Senate?

The Dims can vote to impeach again even if they lose in the Senate the first time
Multiple Democrats came out on Thursday and suggested that there may be multiple impeachments of President Donald Trump if the president is acquitted in the Senate, including if he wins re-election next November.
Rep. Al Green (D-TX), who has long pushed for impeaching the president, told C-SPAN that there was “no limit” to the number of times that Democrats could impeach the president.
If there is any reason to vote to get the GOP to control the House again, this is it! These hate-filled Dims will never stop. Even if the president wins in a landslide in 2020.
Katyal tweeted: “[Important] note on future: If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election. Double jeopardy protections do not apply. And Senators voting on impeachment in the next months know this.”
And we must add more GOPers to the Senate.
There are no other choices.

Leftist thugs viciously attack the First Lady for defending her son
The hatred for the Trump family is unbelievable. Here are just a few samples of their passion:
Tony Posnanski tweeted: “Your son isn’t a baron. His name is Barron. You’re a dumbf**k birther racist a**hole if you couldn’t figure that out. Eat s**t.”
Benjamin Dreyer wrote on Twitter: “I swear, the faster she’s working behind the front desk at a Motel 6 in Dubrovnik, the happier we’re all going to be.
Jaremi Carey tweeted: “Oh now you wanna speak up for children….but you cool with them dyin’ in cages?! Shut the f**k up.”
There are many more @ if you need to confirm just how much disgusting hatred exists.

Taking an Ice Bath After Working Out Might Impair Muscle Growth
Just the thought of climbing into a tub of ice makes me shudder. How can anyone do it?
But then…
I remember a Christmas in Austria when my friend took me to a small farm that was also an inn. They had a sauna in a separate building and my friend and I luxuriated in it – until he had us run outside in our birthday suits to the icy cold night.
I never felt the cold.
New research found fewer signs of muscle growth in legs treated with ice baths than in legs recovering at room temperature. Published in the Journal of Physiology, the study adds to other, more long-term work suggesting that ice baths post-workout might slow down muscle building, says study co-author Cas Fuchs, a doctoral researcher in the department of human biology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.
Some research still shows that hopping into cold water after a workout soothes sore muscles. Or, at least, it offers a placebo effect that keeps athletes and their coaches returning to the tub. But some newer evidence indicates that ice baths also keep people from building more muscle after a workout, particularly when it comes to resistance training, Fuchs says.

Top AP photos of 2019
There are dozens of them in this piece and I suggest you will find them not only interesting but emotional.
This is the first one:

Colin Kaepernick's November workout produces its first NFL signing
But not for him!
Less than 10 days after the workout, Veasy got invited to Cleveland for a tryout with the Browns, but didn't end up landing a contract. The receiver finally landed a deal this week when the Redskins called and offered him a spot on their practice squad. In something that's probably not a coincidence, the Redskins just happened to be one of the seven NFL teams that sent at least one scout to the workout.
He’s not exactly a first-liner but he still got a better deal out of it than Kap did.

Average Person Can’t Last Four Hours With Their Family Over The Holidays
Especially if they’re dumb enough to talk politics!
New survey reveals that a quarter of adults seek solitude in a relative’s home during a holiday gathering.
Two in five people say that getting together with family for the holidays is almost always a stressful time.
You always remember how things were and forget how they weren’t. The aunt you cared so much for turns out to be a nasty old biddy. The uncle you looked up to is a drunk. Oh, and that cute second cousin is a fat blob with three bratty kids.
Oh how much fun we have.
The average survey respondent will stay with their family for a total of three and a half days, and a big reason why most don’t stay longer is the sleeping situation. Most of this sleeping stress is derived from a lack of space; the survey found an average of two holiday house guests each year will end up sleeping on something that isn’t a bed.

There Are Now 18 House Republicans Retiring. What Does This Mean For 2020?
So what do we know about these recent retirees other than the majority of them are from safe Republican districts? Well, age could have played a role in many of these departures. Combined, these seven retirees share about 150 years of experience in the House and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, for instance, is the second-longest serving House member, having first been elected in 1978. But only two — King (75) and Sensenbrenner (76) — are actually older than 70. The others are still in their early-to-mid 60s, which isn’t that far off from 58, which is the average age of a congressional member in the 116th Congress. In fact, because Reps. John Shimkus of Illinois, Mac Thornberry of Texas and Greg Walden of Oregon are all still in their early 60s, the relatively young age of these retirees reinforces the idea that Republicans might have misgivings about winning back the House.
The article suggests that these retirements came about because they felt the GOP cannot win back the House in 2020. And, it’s my guess they’re Never Trumpers who know the president won’t support their reelection.
So, the question is: Will the RNC come up with viable, pro-Trump candidates for these positions? And, will they be able to beat the leftists the DNC and people like George Soros will put up to take their seats?
And, finally, will enough independents support the president to help elect his people to these and other seats?
The future of the country is going to be decided in 2020.

Epstein Was a Mossad Agent Used to Blackmail American Politicians
Here we go. Another piece about the evil Jews doing their best to get the better of duplicitous American politicians. Lure them into having sex with 14-year-olds to get the goods on them so they could be blackmailed.
No wonder Epstein died so mysteriously.
Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy and alleged “handler” of Robert Maxwell, told the authors of a new book, Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales, that Epstein ran a “complex intelligence operation” at the behest of Mossad.
Believing that Epstein planned to marry his daughter, Maxwell introduced him and Ghislaine Maxwell to Ben-Menashe’s Mossad circle.
Maxwell sort of started liking him, and my theory is that Maxwell felt that this guy is going for his daughter,” Ben-Menashe said. “He felt that he could bless him with some work and help him out in like a paternal [way].”
Israeli intelligence bosses gave the green light and Epstein then became a Mossad asset.
They were agents of the Israeli Intelligence Services,” said Ben-Menashe.
And, we know we will never get a response from Mossad or the Israeli government. And, if this is true, why didn’t our CIA know about it?
This article also claims Weinstein has used the Mossad. I wonder how much longer he’ll be along.

When, Exactly, to Schedule Your Workouts
My daily workouts consist of getting up from my electric scooter and into my desk chair and doing the reverse. So this article doesn’t especially help me. Bur, perhaps it will help some of you.
Research finds that performance varies drastically based on the time of day.
Evidence shows that performance on tasks that rely on physical and psychological capacity varies drastically based on the time of day. For example, a 2011 review article published in the journal Sports Medicine found that “the majority of components of sports performance—for example: flexibility, muscle strength, and short-term high power output—vary with time of day in a [predictable] manner.” Meanwhile, a 2013 paper published in the Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice concluded that time-of-day effects can explain up to 20 percent of the variance in performance on cognitive tasks.
I think we can see that in most sporting events. When do we see athletes at their top performance?
If your goal is to train hard while minimizing injury risk and performing at your best, you should schedule your workouts in the late afternoon.
Surprising? I think most people think they should work out first thing in the morning.
But you shouldn’t always work out in the afternoon. If you’re trying to lose weight, for instance, Pink highlights evidence showing that exercising first thing in the morning, prior to eating, in what are sometimes called “fasted” or “glycogen-depleted” workouts, can burn up to 20 percent more fat than workouts completed after you’ve had a meal. Yet it’s also important to be aware that the quality of your workout will suffer if you try this technique. You’ll also experience a heightened risk of illness and injury. (This isn’t rocket science: It’s hard to train well without fuel.) It’s for these reasons that Matt Dixon, a physiologist and founder of Purple Patch Fitness, says athletes should lower the intensity of their fasted workouts.
And then comes this:
8 Morning Exercises You Should Do as Soon as You Get Out of Bed
They all seem to be stretching and loosening your body.

What Makes You “Multicultural”
Is it really all that important to be multicultural?
And, is monoculturalism all that bad?
To know, ask yourself the following questions:
How much do you identify with more than one culture?
How much have you internalized more than one culture?
It’s very difficult for me to determine this. How do I identify with my basic culture when it was never that clear to begin with?
And, since I married a Mexican and have become somewhat immersed in her culture, does that make me multicultural? (I have dreamed in Spanish. But, at one time, I dreamed in German. What does that mean?)

State Of New York To Give Free Daycare To Illegal Aliens -
While They Attend Workshops On How To Obtain Driver’s Licenses
You have really got to be kidding me!!! I can see this is Kalyfornya but not New York.
Judicial Watch reports – This month New York will become the 13th state in the U.S. to give illegal immigrants driver’s licenses and officials in counties throughout the Empire State warn they are not equipped to handle the predicted onslaught. One state lawmaker is offering free care for the children of illegal aliens who attend a workshop to help them navigate the process of obtaining a license. More than half a million undocumented immigrants are expected to qualify and all they need is an expired passport, consulate identification or license from their country of citizenship.
And clerks in local DMV offices have no idea how they’re going to be able bring this about.

Trump nominates Navy’s former top lawyer for Army undersecretary job
The guy’s got lots of degrees, held lots of high positions to include being the Judge Advocate General of the Navy which means he had at least 2 stars.
But, here’s the most important experience of all:
In addition to serving in the Navy JAG Corps, McPherson also served three years enlisted in the Army as a military policeman.
(The only thing that bothers me is that nowhere is there a word about family.)

Sig Sauer lets public have US military’s new M18 pistol in ‘nearly identical’ release
SIG SAUER is proud to introduce the long-awaited P320-M18, the civilian version of the US Military’s M18, the official sidearm of the U.S. Marine Corps. Click for more information and to find a dealer! #M18 #P320M18 #MHS #SIG #SIGSAUER #NeverSettle
SIG SAUER (@sigsauerinc) December 3, 2019
I guess you gun nuts would be interested in this. Me? I’d be happy with the good old Colt .45.

U.S. using secret “Ninja Bomb” in Syria
There’s lots of articles about this AGM-114R9X bomb. But, almost no details. The closest I’ve found is @
Supposedly designed to leave little peripheral or unintended damage, unlike exploding missiles.
As long as it gets its target, that’s all that counts.
More @ leaving little peripheral or unintended damage, unlike exploding missiles.

Trump may get the weak dollar he wants
Okay, I have to admit that I don’t fully understand what this means. I know that imports cost more but that foreign countries are more likely to buy what we produce.
Heck, we already export lots of petroleum products so a strong dollar helps that industry, doesn’t it?
The bottom line: With the U.S. economy poised to slow next year, "the economic differential between the U.S. and the rest of the world will decrease," Akoner says, which should lead to less appetite for the dollar.
Perhaps someone here can explain it better than this article @

Almost Half of Conservative Students Claim Their Profs Rant Against Donald Trump
Surprised? I’m not.
The survey, which was conducted by College Pulse, revealed that 46 percent of Republican students said that their professors are openly engaging in leftist activism in the classroom. For students majoring in the social sciences, the arts, and the humanities, this percentage was even higher.
Students were encouraged to provide comments on their experiences with activist professors. One student noted that his professor cried in class after Trump was elected. Another student said that their professor forced them to watch CNN for 30 minutes during class time.
I love this comment:
One student from Central Michigan University said that even their French professor used class time to bash President Trump. “I don’t care if you like him or not but when I’m in French class I would prefer to talk about French stuff. Maybe even French politics but I’m not paying you $25 an hour to give me your opinion about politics.”

Hundreds of Military Families Will Be Displaced During Christmas Due to Moldy, Decrepit Homes
The Military Housing Privatization Initiative was authorized by Congress in 1996 and good ole Bubba signed it into law.
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said the Army has tracked the displacement of 2,265 families overall. The other services did not provide numbers, although Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett testified that last week she met families at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi who had been displaced from their privatized homes as many as four times in recent years.
The reports also revealed serious health issues suffered by military families living in these homes, including neurological damage and severe pulmonary and respiratory conditions. Breitbart News reported earlier this year on one family whose children suffered serious respiratory issues after living in a moldy home at the MacDill Air Force Base in Florida.
We have children with brain damage and brain cancer, anaphylaxis and long-term forever reactions. When their family gets out of the military, it doesn’t just magically go away…it will last forever for families,” said Amanda Brewer, a Navy spouse at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, who attended Tuesday’s hearing.
At the core of the problem is a decision by the military to hand over its stock of nearly 300,000 homes to private contractors in the 1990s with the intention of improving military base housing and saving taxpayers billions of dollars in repairs. Contractors were supposed to foot the repair bills and in turn get a steady flow of government dollars from 50-year leases.
And the cheapie private contractors cut corners and didn’t bother to do the stuff it takes to keep them livable. And incentive fees go straight to the contractors instead of improving the military homes. Or bad ones continue to get contracts.
Billions upon billions for bullets and bombs but nothing serious for the men and women who serve and their families.

Dogs may be smarter than we think —
and can benefit our health in ways we don't realize
Anyone who belongs to one can tell you this. They understand our moods and do their best to improve our lives. My wife suffered from allergies before our little Chihuahua came into our lives. Now, they’ve practically disappeared.
What they found was that kids were more motivated to read when a dog was in the room.
"They were more likely to read for a longer period of time and enjoy it more when the dog was present," said Camille Rousseau, study researcher and doctoral student at UBC Okanagan's school of education.
"Therapy dogs might provide a non-judgmental space and that would allow the children to work through the struggles associated with reading."

White House tells Democrats it won't participate in Trump impeachment hearings
Why should they? The whole world knows they’re rigged. If the Dims can’t find crimes, they’ll invent them.
I’m wondering if House Republicans will attend and participate in the hearings.
In a letter to judiciary committee chairman Jerrold Nadler, White House counsel Pat Cipollone called the Democrats' impeachment inquiry "completely baseless" and said that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had ordered Democrats to proceed with articles of impeachment "before your committee has heard a single shred of evidence."
Most of te rest of stuff in this article is nothing but a rehash of hundreds of similar ones. It’s @

50 super cool kitchen gadgets you can get for less than $50
Of all the stupidest things I’ve ever seen, this has to be it!
Everyone needs one of these!
For dog lovers?

CNN Ratings Plunge To 3-Year Low
CNN fell to No. 18 in prime time this past week,” AdWeek reported. “The network aired a lot of specials, re-runs, and gave some of its prime time hosts multiple days off. Nevertheless, a drop is a drop and CNN had its lowest-rated week in 5 years among adults 25-54, and its lowest-rated week in total prime time viewers in almost 3 years.”
On basic cable for total viewers per day, the list is:
Fox News (1,331,000)
Hallmark (1,158,000)
ESPN (975,000)
MSNBC (781,000)
Nickelodeon (686,000)
HGTV (598,000)
Investigation Discovery (569,000)
CNN (539,000)
Lifetime (533,000)
A&E (530,000)
I don’t even know where Hallmark is on my Cox Cable selection.
And, of course Rush Limbaugh takes into it.
CNN is the hate Trump network,” Moore said. “They just trash Trump every single hour of every single day. All they’ve talked about for two years is the [special counsel Robert] Mueller report — and how bad does it make them look now that it proved nothing?”
I’m so thankful that places like Denny’s are no longer showing it.

US Navy using civilian helicopters to support aircraft carriers and other warships
The Airbus EC225LP Super Pumas are flown by Air Center Helicopters Inc. out of Texas. Slinkedin says there are 92employees and makes one wonder how they operate a fleet of 17 choppers, 10 of which are in service with the US Armed Forces. From the linkedin page, it appears the pilots and mechanics are all veterans with lots and lots of experience. The list is @

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