Sunday, November 10, 2019

Five things everyone with a vagina should know, 14 year-old dreams up invisible car pillar, The Berlin Wall, and the city 30 years later, Donald Trump and The Art of Political Warfare, Who's in charge during a British election? and a lot more for November 10, 2019

Super-rich prepare to leave UK 'within minutes' if Labour wins election
Just like the rich would here if Sanders or Warren got elected with a Dim-controlled House. In a second.
Wealthy see potential taxes imposed by Jeremy Corbyn as bigger threat than Brexit
The super-rich are preparing to immediately leave the UK if Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister, fearing they will lose billions of pounds if the Labour leader does “go after” the wealthy elite with new taxes, possible capital controls and a clampdown on private schools.
Lawyers and accountants for the UK’s richest families said they had been deluged with calls from millionaire and billionaire clients asking for help and advice on moving countries, shifting their fortunes offshore and making early gifts to their children to avoid the Labour leader’s threat to tax all inheritances above £125,000.
The advisers said a Corbyn-led government was viewed as a far greater threat to the wealth and quality of life of the richest 1% than a hard Brexit.

The first map of America’s food supply chain
When we need to buy groceries we simply go to the store and buy them. How many of us wonder where the food came from and how it got to us?
Most of our food is moved across great distances—and through many different forms of transit—before it reaches our plates.
We see the endless lines of trucks. Where do they come from and where are they going?
The map doesn’t make a whole lot of sense unless you read the entire article.
Here’s a snippet:
For example, the map shows how a shipment of corn starts at a farm in Illinois, travels to a grain elevator in Iowa before heading to a feedlot in Kansas, and then travels in animal products being sent to grocery stores in Chicago.
But you will never guess where the biggest hub of food movement is. (And I’m not going to tell you.)
I recommend you read the article. It will give you an entirely new perspective the next time you go shopping for groceries.

No more Duck/Goose liver in New York City after 2022
And the city council voted 42-6 in favor of banning stores, farmers’ markets and restaurants from storing and selling pâté de foie gras. They claim they did so because it comes from the cruel practice of feeding birds. Must be something because it costs about $16 for a 3.17oz can of it.
Does this story ever bring back memories. I wrote in my blog. A Soldier’s Stories, Setting out to tour Southern France about my experience with it back in 1958. I was fresh out of my army schools to be a construction equipment mechanic and was assigned to a camp in the woods north of Bordeaux, France. After my settling in time, one of the guys in my unit was going back to The World and he had a bicyckle for sale. Not just any kind of bike but one with a 1 horsepower gas motor on it.
I’ll try to make the long story short. On Saturday’s, I would take off the explore the countryside. Someone told me about a beach resort not that far away. I was more than eager to see all those hot French babes in their bikinis.
Along the way, I came to a small village and the smell of fresh-baked bagatelles was too much to ignore. The bakery had a half load for a few sous. There was a butcher shop next door and I saw a gray, pasty stuff that looked like it would go great smeared on the bread. Add a bottle of Bordeaux wine and I was set for a day of girl-watching at a French beach.
Turned out to be a great lunch and I got very fond of that paste whenever I traveled around the south of France.
Oh. The girl watching. I hate to tell you but this was back when they had no idea of using a razor for arm pits or that other place. Nothing more disgusting than seeing big tufts of black hair sticking out you-no-where.
I watched a video of how the birds were treated to get the foie gras and I personally will never, ever eat it again.

California kicking patients our of their nursing homes.
Some of California’s most vulnerable nursing home residents, many of whom have nowhere else to go, are receiving letters from their health care plans saying they are no longer eligible for long-term care.
Another example of the results of liberal socialism on the Left Coast of the USA.
The residents included a 68-year-old amputee with diabetes, memory loss and kidney disease who required dialysis three times a week, and an 82-year-old man with congestive heart failure and diabetes who wasn’t strong enough to transfer himself from his bed to a wheelchair, Jones said.
All because Medi-Cal is running short and is desperately trying to cut back spending.
Golick, the ombudsman for several northern counties, said a man in his 80s in Trinity County received a notice from Partnership HealthPlan earlier this year that he was no longer covered for nursing care he’d depended on for a decade. Like many elderly residents, she said, he felt he had no choice but to comply. He told her he might sleep on someone’s couch, or in his brother’s car.
Add a few more to the homeless population.

14 year-old dreams up invisible car pillar
We may bemoan the education our children are not receiving.
I never thought that piece between the windshield and the door was a “blind spot.” But, this says that as it’s grown bigger, it blocks the view.
We're always excited when we hear about young women getting involved with STEM -- science, technology, engineering and mathematics -- because those fields still struggle with the underrepresentation of women. Add in our passion for cars, and it becomes pretty easy to see why we're so pumped for 14-year-old Alaina Gassler and her homebrewed blind spot reduction system.
Alaina's system uses a webcam, a projector, a 3D printed adapter and some retroreflective fabric to make a vehicle's A-pillar effectively invisible.
Why is that helpful? Well, as cars have been subject to more and more stringent rollover protection regulations, their A-pillars (the pillars that surround the windshield and help hold the roof up) have gotten thicker, reducing visibility.

25 thousand to fly to Madrid to attend world’s annual climate conference, COP25
In private planes!
Private jet lovers will fork out a combined $248 billion over the next ten years, buying 7,600 private planes according to a report quoted in the Guardian. The users span private, corporate, and government clients including the United Nations.
Why not? They’re following Algore’s lead with his private jet and massive yacht.
People like to have the newest and best jets.”
Handfield said new jets by Bombardier, Gulfstream and Cessna are proving especially popular because of their longer range.
Private jets are reported to burn 40 times as much carbon per passenger as regular commercial flights.

The most vulnerable 2020 House and Senate incumbents
I don’t like podcasts but am sharing this for those who do.
One year out from Election Day 2020 and Senate Republicans and House Democrats find themselves in parallel universes. The GOP is on defense in Senate races, where more Republicans are on the ballot, and it’s the opposite in the House, where many Democrats who won in hostile territory last year find themselves in tough races. CQ Roll Call’s campaign team, Simone Pathé, Bridget Bowman and Stephanie Akin, run through the 10 most vulnerable members of both the House and Senate.
Show notes:
Here are the 10 Senators
1. Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala – leans Republicans
2. Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo – toss-up
3. Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz – Toss-up (Remember, she was appointed to replace McCain)
4. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-NC – Toss-up
5. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine – Tilts Republican (Will her Kavanaugh vote go against her?)
6. Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich – Likely Democratic -
7. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa – leans Republican
8. Sen. David Perdue, R-GA – likely Republican\
9. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH – likely Democratic (Will she ride Bernie’s coattails?)
10. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas – likely Republican\
The following states will have vacancies to fill:
Georgia – Likely R
Kansas – likely R
New Mexico – likely D
Tennessee – likely R
Wyoming – Safe R
There are 5 toss-up states. We will see major pushes for them.

For crying out loud: Delhi onion prices soar 40% in one week due to unseasonal rainfall
It is no longer just the fumes and pollution that are making Delhiites cry, as onion prices in the greater metropolitan area have spiked by some 40 percent in just one week amid unforeseen supply shortages.
Onion prices have reached Rs 60-80 per kg ($0.84-$1.12) from averages of just Rs 55 on October 31. The price spikes have been attributed to a supply-side shortage triggered by unseasonal rainfall which severely damaged crop centers in Maharashtra.
Onions appear to be a really big deal for Indian poor. So the government tells them to eat carrots which are plentiful. They get a huge No!
And they live in this:
Half of India's population adheres to a vegetarian diet, usually because of Buddhist, Hindu or Jain religious values. Like the United States, India is a large country with many different climates and geographical characteristics. Different fruits and vegetables are produced in different climates, so a vast array of produce is used in Indian food. Tomatoes, onions, cucumber, eggplant and bananas are all commonly consumed. Legumes, like lentils and chickpeas, are also an important staple of meals. A common preparation of lentils is dhal, a soupy dish served over rice.
Indian politician accuses Pakistan of releasing poisonous gas to pollute Delhi’s air @

Texas Planned Parenthood wanted to sell aborted baby livers for $750 each
Ripped from the womb and sectioned to put big bucks in their coffers.
Infanticide at its cruelest.

Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld Calls Colleague Juan Williams ‘Ignorant’ for Claiming Crowd Booed Trump
I don’t know why he’s considered to be a comedian as I seldom find his attempts at being funny all that humorous. But, I loudly applaud him for shutting down the big-mouthed, ignorant, know-it-all Williams.
I Love it !!#Gutfeld finally tells Juan Williams he is Ignorant on #TheFive
Greg is Right
Bob_Ewashington (@BobEwashington) November 4, 2019
And, as Don Jr. pointed, 10 out of 50k doesn’t mean the “crowd booed.”

Conservative Californians Leaving In Droves For “America First, Law And Order” Red States
I don’t know where I read it so don’t have a link but rental companies in California are having a difficult time keeping vehicles on hand as they’re all moving out of state.
Just over half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times. Republicans and conservative voters were nearly three times as likely as their Democratic or liberal counterparts to seriously have considered moving — 40% compared with 14%, the poll found. Conservatives mentioned taxes and California’s political culture as a reason for leaving more frequently than they cited the state’s soaring housing costs. –LA Times
According to new Census Bureau migration data for 2018, 691,145 Californians left for other states last year, according to the San Jose Mercury News.
The Leftists never learn. People will only tolerate so much. And it’s not just California. The same is happening in NYC and other leftist urban centers.

The Berlin Wall, and the city 30 years later
I saw another article about Berlin being a mirror city. What was on the West, the communists built in the East, often bigger and more garish.
It’s also difficult to realize that it’s been three decades since the wall came down. There has to be an entire generation of Berliners who have no idea of the darkness that covered the city for so long.
The story has 10 interesting photos @

Onboard a US nuke submarine
A six and a half minute Tweet by ABC New, their reporter on the USS Florida somewhere in the eastern Med. I’m astonished that they showed the things they did. It’s a pretty impressive video and I recommend you all take the time to watch it.

Five hundred goats save the Ronald Reagan library from wildfires
The animals munch up all the brush in 13 acres surrounding the museum. No brush. No fire.
The goats were sourced from a firm called 805 Goats, which oversees an army of horned contractors, including Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez, Goatzart and, more prosaically, Oreo. The company charges fire-threatened clients about $1,000 per acre of goat-cleared land. It plans to expand its herd to cope with a growing wildfire threat in California, fueled by the climate crisis.
But their use doesn’t always end up for the best.
A heavy dependence upon goats does carry risks, however, as residents of West Boise, Idaho, found out to their cost last year when a herd of more than 100 goats rampaged through the neighborhood. The invaders caused carnage in flowerbeds and lawns before breaking a fence and it took two hours for the goats to be rounded up.

Pentagon announces 1.6% cost of living increase for retired vets
Starting in January 2020, most military retirees will see a 1.6 percent increase in their retirement pay, the Pentagon said in a press statement. Most survivors of military service members who have died on active duty, or inactive duty or participants in the Survivor Benefit Plan, will also see the 1.6 percent increase in their annuities.
Great news. Any little bit helps when you’re on a fixed income.
Survivors eligible for the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA) will also see their SSIA payments reflect the new 1.6 percentage increase. Starting in January, $323 will be the maximum amount of SSIA payale.

Donald Trump and The Art of Political Warfare
He’s clearly learned these two lessons by the greatest tactician of all, Sun Tzu:
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in battle every time.
It is the unemotional, reserved, calm warrior who wins, not the hothead seeking vengeance and not the ambitious seeker of fortune.
He’s fought back against unbridled hate day after day.
And is winning.
The time has come to stop attributing invincibility to the Left and the Democratic Party. The rest of the Republican Party and conservative movers and shakers need to recognize that their adversary has but one tactic and Donald Trump and his army of supporters have exposed their vulnerable underbelly and how to soundly defeat them on the battleground of political warfare.
The wimp Republicans need to stand up and fight back just as hard as the president. And to hell with “conventional wisdom.” Follow the president’s lead and got for it.
And his son has learned to stand up to the Looney Left too.
I really don’t understand how any sane individual could watch that hag fest.

North Carolina’s 'Can Opener' bridge
Can’t people read the sign? It clearly says 11’-8”
Wonder how much it cost to raise it.

Who's in charge during a British election?
So, the Prime Minister goes to the Queen to ask to dissolve parliament.
What happens?
Well, every Member of Parliament is out of a job, back to being a common citizen. No office. No staff. Not even the title.
So who's in charge while politicians hit the campaign trail?
However, the basic principle is that the Queen must have a government at all times.
That means the prime minister and other members of the government remain in charge during an election.
But, the ministers can’t do anything but carry out essential tasks. And, if they try to fudge, the civil servants step up and blab to the world about it.
The fate of those who are not re-elected
If a former MP fails to be re-elected, they are given five working days to clear their offices - anything left behind will be destroyed.
The silver lining is that ex-MPs do get severance pay - a Loss of Office payment. The amount depends on their age and the length of time they've been an MP.
Any outstanding debts (repayments for over-claimed expenses, for example) can be deducted first.
I like the fact that the number of days they can campaign is limited. I wish we had something similar here in the USA. You could only file and start running 90 days before the election. Maybe more people would pay attention to what they’re promising and force them to come up with the truth about their goals.
And I’ve read some comments that the Prime Minister might lose his seat to a young upstart.

Five things everyone with a vagina should know
1 - It's important to know your vagina from your vulva
2 - The vagina cleans itself
3 - Your vagina is like a garden
4 - Pubic hair is there for a reason
5 - Getting older can affect the vagina
There are many false myths on social media about vaginas, and one woman has made it her mission to correct them. Dr Jen Gunter has been a practising obstetrician-gynaecologist in the US and Canada for 25 years. She is a fierce advocate for women's health and has been described as Twitter's resident gynaecologist.
Only on BBC. Read it all @

Next week's Arctic blast will be so cold, forecasters expect it to break 170 records across US
The front will plunge quickly through the northern Plains and upper Midwest Sunday, into the southern Plains and Ohio Valley Monday, then through most of the East Coast and Deep South by Tuesday, the Weather Channel said.
High temperatures on Monday may be stuck in the teens and 20s in the Midwest and around the Great Lakes. It could be the coldest Veterans Day on record in cities such as Chicago and Minneapolis, according to the Weather Channel. 
Brrrrr. I’m gonna get out my jacket. We’re expecting temperatures of 78° here in Las Vegas this weekend.

Some strange weather stuff
Ice eggs in Finland
Ice pancake in Scotland
Giant snowballs in Siberia
Thanks to the BBC

Snopes Confirms Dems Tried to Impeach Every Elected GOP President Since Eisenhower
The fake, far-left fact check site Snopes accidentally confirmed that Democrats have sought to impeach every elected Republican president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Naturally, while confirming this, the garbage fire of fake news that is Snopes rated what is “mostly true” as “mostly false.”
Love it when the jerks working there step on their d***s
The U.S. has had six republican presidents since Eisenhower left office in 1961: Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. The claim is wrong on its face because Democrats made no effort to impeach Ford. While a handful of Democratic lawmakers have introduced articles of impeachment against five of the last six Republican presidents, in most cases these efforts weren’t taken seriously by the party at large. Nixon and Trump have been the only Republican presidents since Ike who have faced a serious threat of impeachment.
Maybe they “weren’t taken seriously” before, but they’re sure back in the bull pen with #45.

Oakland California Removes 75 Truckloads, 250 Tons of Trash from Homeless Encampment
Texas authorities set aside an area outside of Austin for the homeless to camp in – telling them they were being kicked out of where they were.
Las Vegas outlawed living on the streets, saying they had to use the shelters – or else.
Back to Oakland:
Despite the obvious threat to public health and safety, the Chronicle report said that the estimated 60 to 80 people believed to live there can remain at least until January.
And we still have 50 more tons to go,” Oakland City Councilman Noel Gallo said in the column. The encampment is in Gallo’s district and is located next to a Home Depot store.
And one official said the move is not designed to shutdown the encampment.
Don’t ya love how those caring Dims treat the homeless?

Durham Holding Grand Jury, “Several” Obama Officials To Be Indicted
According to inside sources, the reason for the delay of the IG report on Spy-gate is that Durham is already conducting grand jury hearings and several Obama officials are set to be indicted.
They say, “It’s going to be worse than you can imagine.”
And the screaming and screeching from the Dims will be deafening.
Wanna bet Schiff or someone else on his committee charges the President with pushing Barr to have Durham go after senior Obozo officials? And introduce legislation to try to quash the grand jury activities?
Don’t get ahead of yourselves. This will come soon enough and you can bet the LSM is going to be stuck between a crack and a hard place of what to report.

Houseplants Won’t Purify the Air in Your Home
Another myth blown away in the wind. And there are all sorts of “experts” to tell us which plants are best. What’s going to happen to them?
To purify your air with houseplants, you’d need anywhere from 10 to 100 plants per square meter — enough that you could get lost in your own apartment. That means those windowsill succulents and that drooping snake plant your sister gave you are little more than aspirational ornaments.
So, where would you sit to watch the Tube? Or eat” Or do anything else?
Still, it’s not a stretch to say that plants are nice to have around, even if their health benefits are unclear. And though we’ve all killed a plant (or five) in our time, a slew of new companies is vying to deliver a burst of greenery to your door.
Plants Make People Happy” proclaims The Sill, a startup that ships plants nationwide. It’s a nice sentiment — and a marketing ploy too vague for science to debunk.

Facebook will help military veterans become AR and VR engineers
I knew that VR stands for Virtual Reality. But AR has me baffled.
Facebook has launched a new resource hub to help veterans and serving members of the military improve their digital literacy and find new employment opportunities. As part of the venture -- undertaken in partnership with mentoring organization SCORE -- Facebook will be launching a 12-month career development program focused on AR and VR engineering, aimed at veterans with backgrounds in electrical and mechanical engineering, and computer science.
I wonder if it’s their attempt to fend of attacks against its so-called censorship?

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