Monday, July 22, 2019

The most reliable appliances, Google and Facebook can swing 15 million votes, New Song: “CNN SUCKS!” US Army sends a soldier into space, Amazing Shaq, and a lot more entertaining/interesting stuff for July 22, 2019

Amazing Shaq

Ilhan Omar Used False Name To Enter U.S.
It gets dirtier by the day.
An investigative reporter who has helped compile compelling evidence that Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother and lying about it under oath now cites multiple sources within the Minneapolis Somali community who claim the congresswoman entered the United States in 1995 as a fraudulent member of the Omar family.
And here comes the truly damning stuff:
Steinberg explains that the Omar family is a second, unrelated family that was being granted asylum by the United States, noting the information from his sources is corroborated by public records.
The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family,” he writes.
While the three received asylum in the United States, Ilhan’s three other siblings, using their real names, obtained asylum in the United Kingdom. Among the British siblings, according to abundant evidence reported by Steinberg over the past three years, was Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
Before applying for asylum, the congresswoman’s name was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.
To be honest, I can’t find out anything about the source except that it has a lot of onlie news stories. I have no idea who’s behind it, it’s staff, or funding.

More on Ilhan (Nur Said Elmi) Omar
This article is very long and details many things that have already been reported in this and other forums. It points out her fraudulent entry into this country along with others actions that should’ve put her in jail. It also talks about Cedar-Riverside, the area she was elected to represent.
It will disgust you.

How Well Do You Know 1977?
As I was around then, I should pass it.
Well, here goes:
Here’s an example, Is this Hawaii 5-0? I can’t remember the other choice.
Says I’m an Ultimate 1977 Challenge Maste, better then 95% of my peers
The test takes forever, so be patient.

Bernie Sanders advocates for a $15/hr minimum wage
Then stiffs his own staff.
Bernie Sanders' campaign staff has unionized and is demanding a $15 per hour "living wage" and 100%-paid health care for those earning under $60k. The campaign leadership has thus far resisted.
Brian Riedl (@Brian_Riedl) July 19, 2019
Bernie Sanders’ Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage—For Themselves @

The Sneaky Way the Government Is Growing the Number of Bureaucrats
According to this, the number of government employees has been steady at about 2 million since the 1960s.
But, the government continues to expand its influence over more segments of society.
How so?
According to New York University professor Paul Light, the true size of the federal government’s “blended workforce” is now somewhere between 7 million and 9 million people.
The biggest portion of the blended federal workforce consists of federal contractors. Today, there are about 3.7 million federal contractors—almost twice as many as there were in the 1960s.
And then there are:
In addition to government contractors, a large portion of the nonprofit sector exists to execute federal policies. In fact, federal grant money is the primary source of income for about 1.6 million nonprofit workers.
Finally comes this:
It’s not even clear which companies are receiving federal dollars. According to a 2014 report by the Government Accountability Office, only 2% to 7% of grant and contract awards on the website contained information that was fully consistent with agency records.
Go that? Nobody seems to know where the money’s going!
Drain the swamp!
You have to find out where the swamp is first. Then you have to identify its denizens.

Justice Scalia’s son to be nominated as Labor Secretary
He already served once at Labor under G.W Bush as the department solicitor
Some conservative GOP Senators have urged the president to appoint Scalia. He should be able to pass the vetting process living under such public scrutiny.
I am pleased to announce that it is my intention to nominate Gene Scalia as the new Secretary of Labor,” Trump said. “Gene has led a life of great success in the legal and labor field and is highly respected not only as a lawyer, but as a lawyer with great experience working with labor and everyone else. He will be a great member of an administration that has done more in the first two and a half years than perhaps any administration in history!”

The kid who is a crocheting genius |
Today’s good story.
I learned to crochet as a kid and have done all sorts of afghans. But I was never able to come up with the stuff this kid does.

The 2020 Corvette
Hot looking car. An 8 minute sales pitch
How It Feels to Drive—and Crash—the First-Ever Mid-Engine Corvette @

Area 51 is nothing compared to some others
So, it appears this is nothing but an attempt to make a splash over nothing.
And I’m sure there are others even more secret than the ones exposed in the article.

117 years of the air conditioner
A bit too big for your apartment window.
There are some drawback to it beside living in ultra-dry air. No more large, shady patios or sitting in the window to talk with neighbors. No more spacious front porches to catch the evening air and socialize with others.
I’m sitting at my computer right now wearing a long-sleeve shirt to fend off the cold air from our a/c.
In July of 1902, an engineer named Willis Carrier designed the world's first modern air conditioning system. The design was to cut the humidity level at the Sackett & Wilhelms printing plant in Brooklyn, New York.
"It was so hot that summer that the ink would not stick to the paper. It was too humid," said Rackley. "So he developed a device that would pass air over coils that were cooled by a refrigerant, I guess it was called water then, that pulled the moisture out of the air and they were able to print."
There was a happy side effect from that design. The temperature inside the factory became more pleasant and pretty soon, they were installed at other factories and businesses.
"When it first came out, movie theaters are where folks would show up," said Rackley. "You would go to the movies not only to watch a movie but to stay cool. It was dark and cold. You could sit comfortably and get out of the heat."

Nutritional Science is broken
First, eggs were good. Then they were bad. Then good again. Now, in this past March, they not good again.
What the heck is going on?
So which is it? Is the egg good or bad? And, while we are on the subject, when so much of what we are told about diet, health, and weight loss is inconsistent and contradictory, can we believe any of it?
Quite frankly, probably not. Nutrition research tends to be unreliable because nearly all of it is based on observational studies, which are imprecise, have no controls, and don’t follow an experimental method. As nutrition-research critics Edward Archer and Carl Lavie have put it, “’Nutrition’ is now a degenerating research paradigm in which scientifically illiterate methods, meaningless data, and consensus-driven censorship dominate the empirical landscape.”
In other words, no hard science. Just opinions.

Babylon Bee
Man Bitten By Radioactive Cat Just Lies Around House All Day @

Millennial Horrified As Old Age Filter Shows Him Living On His Own, Working Steady Job @

People Who Have Screamed 'Racism' For Decades Wonder Why No One Is Listening To Them @

Plan To Put Women On The Moon Canceled After They Find Out How Cold It Gets @

Google and Facebook can swing 15 million votes
This is frightening. Google and Facebook can determine how people will vote? Especially when one knows both have Leftist leanings.
This professor said that 2.6 million additional votes went to Shrillary in 2016.
Senator Cruz then dropped a massive bombshell. Reading from the liberal doctor’s testimony, Ted Cruz asked, “You said in subsequent elections, Google and Facebook and Twitter and big tech’s manipulation, could manipulate as many as 15 million votes in a subsequent election?”
Dr. Epstein explains how Facebook’s own published data reveals how their “Go Vote” reminder experiment is a way to get his users to get hundreds of thousands of Democrats to get out and vote. Epstein told Cruz that in 2016, he doesn’t think Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sent out the reminder to get out and vote to Democrats because he was so confident that Hillary would win. Epstein warned Senator Cruz that in 2020, “you can bet, that all of these companies are going to go all out.” He continued with his stunning testimony, “And the methods that they’re using are invisible, they’re subliminal. They’re more powerful than most any effects I’ve ever seen in the behavioral sciences, and I’ve been in the behavioral sciences for over 40 years.”
Think on that.
Freedom of speech is one of our most precious rights. But, can we let two guys sitting in Silicon Valley determine the fate of this country through their unrestrained access to the internet? And the mush minds of Dimocrap-leaning voters?
And this could be the very reason that groups opposed to the Electoral College are so bent on doing away with it. Let the few deep blue areas override the will of the rest of the country!
Democrats And Media Already Panicking Over Possibility Of 2016 Election Replay In The Electoral College @

President Trump could lose by 5 million votes in 2020
And still win!
It all comes down to the Electoral College and the Dimocraps are doing everything they can to eliminate it. All their effort will fall flat as changing would require a Constitutional amendment. But, you can bet there will be legal battles as 2020 approaches and perhaps even after the election.
Together, these six states — Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — are best-positioned to decide which candidate reaches the magic 270 Electoral votes. That's not to say that other states won't be close: It's possible Trump could win Maine, Minnesota, Nevada or New Hampshire, and it's possible the Democratic nominee could win Georgia, Iowa, Ohio or Texas. But if either scenario materializes, the election will be a blowout and the victor will likely have already won the "swing six" comfortably.

Here’s A Partial List Of Racist Statements By Members Of The ‘Squad’
I’m going to say right here that I find this diatribe of “racist” tiring. Race is a human construct and I think there has to be a better term for statememts degrading people and groups one attacks.
AOC attacked the man she ran against for being white and has repeatedly attacked Jews and Israel.
Ilhan Omar openly calls for the obliteration of Israel and Jews
Rashida Tlaib also calls for the dismantling of Israel and attacked a black woman as being a “prop” for Jews.
Ayanna Pressley constantly states that blacks who don’t agree with her leftist agenda aren’t legitimate. She also implies that a white person could not represent her district.
The hatred of these four Harridans is saddening. We are in the 21st Century, not the 18th.

Hope Hicks – no charges in campaign finance investigation
The Left loses another.
Two sources familiar with the probe told ABC News neither Hicks nor anyone else would be charged in the as it relates to the investigation in the Southern District of New York.

America: One Squad Under God
Another poke in the eye to the Harridans.
Nobody knows how to troll the angry, anti-American left better than Donald J. Trump.

Outside Trump Rally, Teen Band Plays New Song: “CNN SUCKS!”
It’s only on a Twitter feed, so you’ll have to click on it in order to enjoy it.
As Trump already assemble for tonight’s Greenville, North Carolina rally, a group of teens took it upon themselves to provide free entertainment for those waiting, playing an original song titled “CNN Sucks” for the crowd.
Featuring lyrics like “Lyin’ Wolf Blitzer”, “Don Lemon, he lies about everything” and “Jake Tapper, you make me wanna hurl”, the band appears to have utterly horrified Christopher Mathias, the Huffington Post journalist who captured the video on Twitter.
Other good lyrics captured include deriding another journalist, saying “he whines like a girl”, and “Jeff Zucker, keep talking!”
Can you hear us yet? CNN sucks,” the video concludes, “We’ll give you a story, and you’ll never forget! CNN sucks!”
I have arrived at the Trump rally in #Greenville, NC and the first thing I see is a MAGA teen band playing a song called “CNN sucks”
Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) July 17, 2019
Good for a chuckle – if you’re not a Libturd.

Federal judge upholds Trump's expansion of non-ACA health plans
Another nail in the coffin of the Pelosi/Obama atrocity.
A D.C. federal judge upheld Friday the Trump administration's expansion of insurance plans that don't comply with the Affordable Care Act — a key part of its health care agenda.
The big picture: The Department of Health and Human Services last year allowed consumers to keep barebones, lightly regulated "short-term" health insurance for up to three years — longer than than the Obama administration had allowed. HHS does have the legal authority to change those limits as it sees fit, Judge Richard Leon ruled today.

Repair pros tell all: Whirlpool, Maytag make the most reliable appliances
And this says Kitchenaid is 3rd.

It says Maytag is now owned by Whirlpool, the longest-standing and well-known brands.
And then it give this:

The US Army sends a soldier into space
Col. (Dr.) Andrew “Drew” Morgan
He’s got experience as an emergency room doctor and flight surgeon along with studying sports medicine.
The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command has reported that Army astronaut Col. (Dr.) Andrew “Drew” Morgan successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, aboard a Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft July 20 for a nine-month mission as a flight engineer for Expedition 60 aboard the International Space Station.
Flight engineer?
What’s that all about?
Bet his 4 kids are proud of him.

Exploring Detroit’s Abandoned Car Factories
A truly heartbreaking video.
Warning! It’s 32 minutes long and filled with some of the saddest things you will ever see

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