Monday, June 3, 2019

Miss India - Are they clones? Huber, Sessions’ investigator sat on his hands, German city wants to legalize “dumpster diving” and much more for June 3, 2019

DNC rules to shut out minor candidates from debates
They’re up to their old tricks. Make it easy for the “established” ones and put up all sorts of hurdles for the newbies.
Dims are oh so easy to figure out.
The Democratic National Committee has imposed new debate requirements for candidates that could make it harder for minority candidates to compete. The rules essentially help the Democratic party’s “older, more established” gatekeepers.
Campaigns like Kirsten Gillibrand have not qualified for the debate and pushing back against the DNS,” a Democratic campaign senior operative, who wished to remain anonymous, told Accuracy in Media on Thursday.
The party is hoping that after the debate a couple of candidates will drop, easing the process for top contenders.
It goes on to explain how they’ve already decided who will make the debates.

NM Gov. Pulled Nat’l Guard from Border
Karma’s a bitch!
Now She’s Begging for Help To Deal with Illegals
But think of all the Dimocrap voters she’s let into her state!
Democrat New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham initially denied there was even a hint of a national security crisis at the border, though it appears she may have changed her tune. Now, she’s asking the federal government for help in dealing with illegal immigrants.
t’s a remarkable shift, especially given that in February, Lujan Grisham dismissed Trump’s repeated claims of a national security crisis at the border. She even went so far as to order National Guard troops from both her state and others to withdraw from the border region, suggesting their presence was an unnecessary “charade” and only the result of the president’s “fear-mongering” about the border.

12 Food Products That Flopped
How many of these have you heard of?
1. Life Saver’s Soda
2. Gerber Singles
3. Cheetos Lip Balm
4. Cosmopolitan Yogurt
5. Frito Lay Wow! Chips
6. Kellog Breakfast Mates
7. Pepso A.M.
8. Ore Ida Funky Fries
9. Frito Lay Lemonade
10. Nestle Glowelle
11 Pepsi Blue
12. Stallone High-Protein Pudding
What could possibly caused any of these to flop?

RNC Launches Grassroots Initiative to Build Party
It looks like they are getting serious about the 2020 elections. Now lets see if they can reach the sofa-sitters and get them to actively help retake the House and increase the lead in the Senate. They can have a big start if they just get the people who attend the president’s ralleys to work at their home districts.
The previously-under-wraps initiative, called Project GROW, includes advising parties on outreach strategy and fundraising, in addition to giving them free access to voter data, the news outlet reported.
State party committees were set to meet in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday and Thursday to start training.
"The strength of the Republican Party comes from our grassroots, and with 100% participation from our states and territories in Project GROW, and their presence here at the training this week, we again are demonstrating our robust organization, strong infrastructure, and commitment to electing GOP candidates up and down the ballot and re-electing President Donald Trump in 2020," RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said in a statement to Fox News.

Austria turns its back on politicians in its new government
An interesting turn of affairs. After the politicians show corruption, the president turns to a senior judge to become interim chancellor.
(President) Van der Bellen’s pick is what had been widely expected – a veteran civil servant not involved in day-to-day politics – though many judges are close to a party, and Kurz’s right-wing coalition government proposed Bierlein as the court’s chief.
He said he and Bierlein, whom he plans to formally appoint along with her cabinet within days, had agreed to pick mainly civil servants as ministers. Bierlein said she had chosen Alexander Schallenberg, a diplomat who worked as a senior official in Kurz’s office, as foreign minister.
In the coming months we will, no doubt, not see any big, lasting legislative initiatives. It is much more about a good and orderly administration of state affairs,” Van der Bellen said.

Miss India - Are they clones?
Yet another
So what? Why the fuss?
India is a very big country with differing types from north to south. Having fair skin is not exactly normal and a loft of Bollywood types are pushing skin lightening products. Here’s an example of how diverse they are;
And here’s another picture to show India’s true diversity:

U.S. Government Wastes Billions on “Fragmented, Overlapping or Duplicative” Programs
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Heck, nobody knows exactly how many government agencies there are let alone what they’re spending money on.
GAO’s 2019 annual report identifies 98 new actions that Congress or executive branch agencies can take to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government in 28 new areas and 11 existing areas. For example:
The Department of Energy could potentially avoid spending billions of dollars by developing a program-wide strategy to improve decision-making on cleaning up radioactive and hazardous waste to address the greatest human health and environmental risks.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services could also potentially save hundreds of millions of dollars by improving how it identifies and targets risk in overseeing Medicaid expenditures to identify and resolve errors.
Congress could enhance federal revenue by at least tens of millions of dollars annually through expanding the definition of allowable expenses authorized to be covered by the Foreign Military Sales administrative account, thereby likely reducing the need to cover these expenses with other appropriated funds.
The Department of Defense could expand its use of intergovernmental agreements to obtain military installation support services—such as waste management and snow removal—and potentially save millions of dollars annually.
The Department of Defense could also potentially save millions of dollars in its administration of military treatment facilities—such as hospitals and dental clinics—by analyzing medical functions for duplication, validating headquarters-level personnel requirements, and identifying the least costly mix of personnel.
The Department of Homeland Security should develop a strategy and implementation plan to help guide, support, integrate, and coordinate its multiple chemical defense programs and activities to better manage these fragmented efforts.
The federal agencies that coordinate research on quantum computing and synthetic biology could better manage fragmentation by agreeing on roles and responsibilities and identifying outcomes to help agencies improve their research efforts to maintain U.S. competitiveness in these areas.
The report @ goes on to identify 33 new actions related to 11 existing areas presented in its 2011 to 2018 annual reports.

Huber, Sessions’ investigator, sat on his hands
JAN CRAWFORD: Um, what’s the status of Huber’s investigation in Utah? I think the former Attorney General Sessions had asked him to look at this.
WILLIAM BARR: Right, so Huber had originally been asked to take a look at the FISA applications and the electronic surveillance but then he stood back and put that on hold while the Office of Inspector General was conducting its review, which would’ve been normal for the department. And he was essentially on standby in case Mr. Horowitz referred a matter to him to be handled criminally. So he has not been active on this front in recent months and so Durham is taking over that role. The other issues he’s been working on relate to Hillary Clinton. Those are winding down and hopefully we’ll be in a position to bring those to fruition.
And we all had our hopes up that Sessions was really moving forward to uncover what was going on. Instead, he did nothing while his appointee did the same.

Fires raging across Canada
And the American media is ignoring it.
A broad view of the fires.
I read where the government is sending military personnel and equipment to try to fight them.
Smoke from Canadian wildfires now covers millions of square miles — and is visible from a million miles away @

Wild cows - a major Polish problem
185 of them have been running wild for 3 years and the regional veterinary office wants them sent to slaughter as they might spread disease to other cattle.
Poland's most powerful politician, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said this week the herd in the rural community of Deszczno should be saved for humanitarian reasons. Famed Cat-lover Kaczynski said he wants Poles to know that many politicians are friends to animals.
President Andrzej Duda also tweeted to say the herd should be saved.
In response, Agriculture Minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski said the animals will be examined and put under the care of a state-owned farm.
The deputy governor in Deszczno, Aleksander Szperka, said Friday he is waiting for the herd — which remains on fenced-off land — to be taken away.
Seems a lot of animal lovers made it clear they wanted the animals saved.
They’re dairy cattle, for goodness sake. Think of all the milk, cream, and cheese that been going to waste all that time.

New Indian government signals Hindu and Indians-first goals
The top Hindu nationalist leader referred to Muslim migrants from Bangladesh as “termites” and pledged a citizens registry.
Shah, who served in the same role in Gujarat when Modi was the western state's chief minister, a role akin to governor, will be in a key position to redraw India's political map according to the BJP's Hindu-first agenda, said political commentator Arati Jerath, who frequently writes opinion pieces for Indian newspapers.
"Whether it is Kashmir, or terrorism, or pushing through the citizens registry against the resistance in India's northeast, Shah is very tough and he won't hesitate to defy conventions or norms to achieve his goal," she said.

Rolling Thunder from someone who was in it
We see the pictures on TV. But, he don’t hear the noise or see the interaction between hundreds of thousands of vets and American patriots.
This story comes from someone who took part and it just might cause you to get a tight gut in places.
Most of all I will remember the spectators, who lined the ride with flags and flattering signs, and cheered us on the whole way. I've been on many rides before, but never one in which the community made us so welcome. They were proud of us.
After the ride, with my bike in Potomac Park and the shade of the trees to rest in, I met a group of riders one of whom was having his shoe tied by the other. The one guy couldn't bend his back anymore due to injuries, so his brothers knelt down on the grass and tied it for him. He didn't get left behind. No one gets left behind. That's what the ride was about, with the POW/MIA issue as its main focus. It wasn't just words. They were living it out.

5 worst proposed (and operational) US weapons
The article hints that the Army has problematic systems too. Namely the Comanche helicopter or Crusader self-propelled artillery. Systems rushed into service before the technology has reached maximum usability.
It should be noted that all 5 of these are currently on active duty with personnel doing their best to deal with the shortcomings.
1. F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter
Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has colorfully described the F-35 program as "f---ed up."
2. Zumwalt-class destroyer
They lack working guns which rounds cost $1 million each
3. Littoral Combat Ship
The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), sometimes referred to as the "Little Crappy Ship," has suffered from uncontrolled cost overruns, delivery delays, and various mechanical problems.
4. Ford-class aircraft carrier
The electromagnetic catapults don’t work correctly.
5. Electromagnetic naval railgun
It suffers from rate of fire limitations, significant energy demands, and other troubling technological problems that make this weapon a poor replacement for existing guns or missile systems.

German city wants to legalize “dumpster diving”
Lots of countries throw millions of tons of edible food away every day. It’s past the “best before” date and many places make it illegal for people to take perfectly good food from waste receptacles outside of stores and eating establishments.
The time is overdue for better handling of food,” he tweeted. “It should not be the case that millions of tonnes are thrown away without consequences and, at the same time, people are being prosecuted. Decriminalize!”
Steffen reportedly also wants to either clarify whether retailers should be banned from putting food in the bin. In France, which wastes only 1.8% of its food production, supermarkets are prohibited from throwing away edible food and must instead donate it to charities or food banks. A similar law applies in the Czech Republic.

1 in 10 Brits don’t know who their real fathers are
Are they that promiscuous? I bet this is going to throw monkey wrenches into a whole lot of family reunions.
Health boss reveals shocking statistic from DNA tests for hereditary illness- and doctors DON'T reveal truth to patients
Genetic tests are revealing one-in-10 people in the UK have a different father
Ian Cumming, chief executive of Health Education England, exposed the finding
Families currently are not told if a child has a different father

Soros, Wallace Help Bankroll Dark Money Fund Aimed at Midwestern Voters
Why the hell aren’t the Dims investigating this?
Answer is simple. Because they’re funding Dim candidates.
Liberal billionaires George Soros and Scott Wallace are helping bankroll a new fund hosted by an intricate dark money organization and focused on helping Democrats make inroads with midwestern voters for the 2020 elections.
The deep-pocketed donors moved the money from the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s foundation, and the Wallace Global Fund, Wallace’s foundation, to the newly launched Heartland Fund, a collaborative effort focused on building “power across the divides of the American heartland” as overall Democratic efforts have veered towards the region.
The Heartland Fund recently disbursed $500,000 in its first round of grants to nine left-wing groups and will begin its efforts with organizing and issue advocacy. The initiative is housed at the Windward Fund, which falls under the auspices of Arabella Advisors, a major dark money “fiscal sponsor” network founded by Eric Kessler, a former Bill Clinton appointee.
For a growing number of donors, the 2016 election was a wake-up call, clearly indicating that we need to re-engage with these communities and their concerns to achieve philanthropic priorities related to health care, immigration, education, economic development, climate and environmental justice, civil and voting rights, and more,” Arabella’s website states. “Even among these donors, however, discussions about how best to engage often fall prey to assumptions and narratives that pit rural communities against urban ones, communities of color against the white working class, and progressive organizing and movement building against efforts to bridge a broader portion of the political and ideological spectrum.”

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