Thursday, June 20, 2019

#Impeach Trump rallies versus Trump Reelection Rally, Denizens of Tentopolis, Canada’s drought and Midwest flooding, US Security clearance revamp stumbling, and more for June 20, 2019

Feds ‘Actively Working’ on Crackdown on Welfare-Dependent Immigration
Make ‘em squirm. Hit them in the pocketbook.
As part of USCIS’ implementation of this memorandum, USCIS officers will now be required to remind individuals at their adjustment of status interviews of their sponsors’ responsibilities under existing law and regulations. Our officers must remind applicants and sponsors that the Affidavit of Support is a legal and enforceable contract between the sponsor and the federal government. The sponsor must be willing and able to financially support the intending immigrant as outlined by law and regulations (see INA 213A and 8 CFR 213a). If the sponsored immigrant receives any federal means-tested public benefits, the sponsor will be expected to reimburse the benefits-granting agency for every dollar of benefits received by the immigrant. [Emphasis added]
Over the next several months, federal agencies will develop and implement guidance on the presidential memorandum to make sure that agencies enforce these requirements. USCIS will do our part, and we are actively working to implement the President’s directive with our federal partners, including by updating policies and regulations. We continue to advance the President’s directive to enforce the public charge ground of inadmissibility, which seeks to ensure that immigrants are self-sufficient and rely on their own capabilities and the resources of their families, their sponsors, and private organizations rather than public resources. [Emphasis added]
A more subtle way to enforcing the laws. Open up your back statement and find a biig oopsie were the feds are taking it right out of your account.
It could happen.
Trump Said Sponsors Will Pay U.S. Back for Welfare Benefits Given to Immigrants. It’s About To Happen. @

633 Divers Just Set the World Record for Largest Ocean Cleanup After Collecting 1,600 Pounds of Trash
Though the total amount of recovered garbage is still being calculated with experts expecting the number to grow, officials say that the cleanup resulted in at least 1,626 pounds of trash and 60 pounds of fishing line being recovered from the ocean floor – and city officials say that they will be recycling and disposing of all of the collected ocean waste accordingly.
A really neat event.

Far-left activists held ‘#ImpeachTrump’ rallies across US —
but hardly anyone showed up
And of course the media won’t show the pictures of the actual turnouts. Just like they don’t show the paltry groups showing up at Dim candidate rallies.
Hundreds show up in NYC
And they are truly a nasty bunch who have nasty things to say to anyone who asks why they’re there.
Southern Californa protest - “a few dozen”
Eugene, Oregon

From poo to food: Kenyan toilet waste key for new animal feed
Chickens double their output and crops blossom from the fertilizer.
And it’s all done without chemicals.
Nestled beneath her squat-toilets are small blue barrels that, once full, are sealed and taken to an organics recycling factory in Machakos County, a bumpy 40-minute drive outside the city.
Beds of writhing black soldier fly larvae feast on a mix of excrement and food waste from hotels and agri-businesses.
That produces two products for farmers: fertilizer and animal feed.
In 10 days the larvae munch their way through 70% of the waste, leaving behind a manure laden with nitrogen and calcium, which becomes organic fertilizer.
Once the recycling plant is expanded later this year, Auerbach said it will provide 400 tonnes of fertilizer. Larvae production will ratchet up from 7 tonnes to 300 tonnes per month.
Right now we are receiving equity debt, and grant investment to scale up operations,” Auerbach said. “We’re on track for profitability by the end of 2020.”
The plump white larvae are boiled in hot water to kill off pathogens, Michael Lwoyelo, managing director of Sanergy, said.
The larvae are then sold to animal feed millers, who grind them into powder mixed with other ingredients to create a balanced diet for poultry, pigs and fish.

Texas Gov Vetoes 51 bills – in one day!

Abbott blasts excessive “bureaucracy for bureaucracy’s sake”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott vetoed 51 bills in one day, many of which he viewed as well-intentioned but adding excessive bureaucracy.
A detailed reason behind each veto can be found @
The Nevada governor, a Democrat, surprisingly vetoed the bill taking the state out of the Electoral College system.

Trump Reelection Rally
There are lots and lots of articles about it so I’ll just highlight them and let you choose which ones to read.
DEMS PANIC AS TRUMP’S Greatest Show On Earth Rocks Orlando…”Carnival Atmosphere”…”Blacks For Trump” Hold Concert…900+ Watch Parties Across USA @
MSNBC Morning Joe Hosts PANIC: Reporter At Orlando Rally Says Trump Supporters “Are Fired Up”…”Reminds Me Of What It Looked Like Ahead Of The 2016 Campaign” @
Media Throws Shade On Trump Campaign Kickoff Celebration @
Of everything the president said, this is what BBC selected to trumpet.
CNN Cuts Away from Trump Rally After Crowd Breaks Out in ‘CNN Sucks’ Chant @
Sore losers?
Sarah Sanders on Trump: ‘He’s Going to Have an Incredible Six More Years’ @
Watch–Melania Trump: ‘I’m Excited’ to Serve This ‘Incredible Country’ for Another Six Years @
What an awesome lady.
All-Day ’45 Fest’ Tailgate Party in Full Swing Ahead of Trump’s Reelection Rally @
Making a lot of connections to get out the vote.

Pompeo State Dept. punishes 15 Hillary Clinton staffers over email scandal
In a letter to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley who is heading the security review of Hillary Clinton’s emails, State Department Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Legislative Affairs Mary Elizabeth Taylor said 15 people were involved in committing the security violations and infractions, Fox News reported Tuesday.
To this point, the Department has assessed culpability to 15 individuals, some of whom were culpable in multiple security incidents,” the letter said. “DS [Department of State] has issued 23 violations and 7 infractions incidents. … This number will likely change as the review progresses.”
Wow. They’re going to get nasty letters put into their personnel files. What horror.

Republican women aim to grow their numbers in U.S. House next year
We need more conservative women in Congress.
The WFW (Winning for Women) Action Fund, which raises money to support female Republican candidates for Congress, is announcing a goal of electing 20 Republican women to the House of Representatives next year.
There are 13 Republican women serving in the House now, down from 23 in the previous Congress and the smallest number since 1995. Democrats have 89 female representatives after a record number of women ran for office in 2018, many of them motivated by a dislike of President Donald Trump.
Our numbers are so low, it’s become appalling,” said Olivia Perez-Cubas, spokeswoman for the WFW Action Fund.
The fund will ramp up recruitment efforts and offer more financial support to help women get through primaries, where they sometimes struggle against men who are viewed as more conservative by the party’s base.

The Denizens of Tentopolis
This is an extremely informative and thoughtful piece. It includes information from an extensive interview of people living on the streets of Los Angeles in early 2019. Some of the findings are:
I was surprised to find that by far the most frequent cause of homelessness is domestic violence -- and I assume that most of these are women, women who feel safer on the streets of L.A. than in their own homes.
If they have a permanent address, their abusive spouses can find them.
The next most prevalent cause of homelessness is chronic illness.
Where are their friends and families?
The next largest group is those with serious mental illness.
My question is, what is considered mental illness?
A large number of the homeless are substance abusers. How many of those are also mentally and physically ill, veterans with PTSD, or victims of domestic violence we don’t know.
It’s no longer the old Wino hunched in a corner sipping on his bottle of Thunderbird.
How do we help these people lift themselves from this lifestyle? How many even want to get out of it?
And don’t include these with the people you see on street corners and freeway off ramps begging for money. Most of them do it because it’s a great way to make money without the IRS learning about it.

Mitch McConnell Opposes Slavery Reparations: ‘No One Currently Alive Was Responsible for That’
He’s far from my favorite politician but he sure as hell got it right with this.
Only an extremely small number owned slaves and not a single one of them is alive today.
Were YOU responsible for slavery?
Do YOU feel you should see descendants of slaves receive reparations?
As Breitbart News reported, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties will hold a hearing on reparations Wednesday and receive testimony from left-wing Hollywood actor Danny Glover and author Ta-Nehisi Coates, who wrote the book The Case for Reparations. The Associated Press notes the objective of the hearing is “to examine, through open and constructive discourse, the legacy of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, its continuing impact on the community and the path to restorative justice.” Earlier this year, subcommittee member Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) reintroduced H.R. 40 to establish a commission to study reparations.

Dem Mayor Wants Government To Act After Immigration Crisis Engulfs His Small Border Town
Send ‘em even more. Send them to every sanctuary town, city, county and state. Let them eat the costs.
According to Fox News, the mayor invited members of Congress down to his part of the world to witness the issues he faces with their own eyes.
They need to see firsthand what’s going on,” Lozano said.
They need to understand the frustrations that the commissioners, or that the city council, the school board, the hospital officials are managing [and] having to deal with.”
The mayor explained that illegal immigration is crushing his town and taking away resources from other needed projects.
We’re frustrated. We’re extremely frustrated,” he said. “Our priorities on the city council are our streets, are our parks, are the economy, are the drive of the community and the places of worship and the places to have leisure activities. It is not the priority to solve immigration.”

Trump’s revamp of U.S. security clearances stumbling
They make this sound like it’s a problem due to Trump administration bumbling. But, check this out:
Over the years, OPM has accumulated a backlog of more than 400,000 uncompleted clearance investigations, with some taking more than a year to finish, congressional experts said. A September 2018 internal OPM report seen by Reuters said the Trump transfer is handicapped by the consequences of a cyber attack on OPM’s data systems in 2014-2015 that compromised personally identifiable information of millions of people.
Ummm, had the president even decided to run in 2014-15?
With a June 24 deadline for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to begin transferring thousands of employees and contractors to the Department of Defense under Trump’s plan, it is unclear when the overhaul will be completed, said four government sources who requested anonymity.
Most security clearances involve jobs at the White House, Defense, State, Homeland Security, Energy and Justice departments, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.
Backlogs in the process can delay appointments to sensitive positions or complicate the handling of various levels of America’s secret information.
How many of the employees who were responsible for security clearances are fighting the move and causing delays?
The article doesn’t say.
OPM, under Trump’s order, is supposed to begin the transfer of 3,300 agency employees and 6,000 OPM contractors to the Defense Department by June 24 and finish it by Oct. 1.
The work of OPM’s National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) would move to the Pentagon’s Defense Security Service (DSS), which will be renamed the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA).

China snub, drought and debt shake finances of Canada’s farmers
American farmers are losing millions of acres of crop lands due to flooding. And Canadian farmers are facing drought conditions?
Shaun Dyrland, who farms near Kyle, Saskatchewan, said conditions are the toughest in about 20 years, forcing the farm to make its first claim from AgriStability, a federal government program that helps farmers weather losses due to poor crops, rising costs or market disruptions.
Torrential Rain Of Biblical Proportions Is Causing Immense Devastation For Midwest Farmers @
Obama’s ‘Wholesale Destruction’ Of Tens Of Thousands Of National Archive Records
Ho hum. Shrillary shreds a few thousand emails from the server in her basement.
So why then should anyone care that Obozo and his minions destroy massive amounts of files, documents, and records from the National Archives?
Lipscomb wrote that “the accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and ‘loss’ of tens of thousands of government records covered under the act as well as the intentional evasion of the government records recording system by engaging in private email exchanges.”
…”In 2014 President Obama signed the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments. For the first time electronic government records were placed under the 1950 Federal Records Act. The new law also included updates clarifying “the responsibilities of federal government officials when using non-government email systems” and empowering “the National Archives to safeguard original and classified records from unauthorized removal.” Additionally, it gives the Archivist of the United States the final authority in determining just what is a government record.”
Gee whiz. Who was behind it?
So far, former President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Lynch and several EPA officials have been named as offenders. (Western Journal)
The IRS suffered record “losses” as well.
Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy called it “an unauthorized private communications system for official business for the patent purpose of defeating federal record-keeping and disclosure laws.”

Can YOU tell what color these spheres are?

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