Saturday, January 12, 2019

Racist Democrats, What's Shut Down, and More Good Stuff for January 12, 2019

Dim Congresswoman Calls Incident Racist – Won’t Retract When the Truth Comes Out
All the police had to do was suggest that a white man was a “person of interest” before the racist b***h started shouting “racism!”
Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee quickly jumped into the fray. During a news conference on Friday, she declared that the girl had been the target of a racially motivated hate crime.
I believe – and having written hate crime legislation, knowing the criteria, I believe that this should be looked at as a hate crime,” the outspoken liberal declared. “We don’t want to have on the street someone who is willing to kill children and possibly kill them in the name of hate.”
And then, the truth came out:
That narrative, of course, quickly fell apart with the arrests of the first black suspect.
Incredibly, however, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee refused to acknowledge that she may have wrongly rushed to call the incident a hate crime and essentially pin it on white America — when a black man has reportedly confessed to the killing.
Do you think she would retract her statement?
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, when asked Sunday by a reporter about some of the comments made in the aftermath of the young girl’s death in Houston on Dec. 30, said it was ‘absolutely not’ irresponsible to make that suggestion,” Fox News reported.
(N)othing is irresponsible when it comes to the loss of a precious 7- or 8-year old,” the Democrat pushed back.

Many Democrats Refuse To See Humanitarian Crisis At Border
If it doesn’t match their agenda, they don’t want to know about it. And they constantly scream “Manufactured crisis!” as if the thousands of migrants don’t exist.
To them, the belief is; “open up and let them in.”
Do you think they’ll invite them into THEIR homes?
Consider these facts:
  • 60,000 unaccompanied children were apprehended in 2018 alone.
  • 31 percent of women, and 17 percent of men report being sexually assaulted on the journey north.
  • 70 percent of migrants report being victims of abuse, largely at the hands of smugglers.
Building the wall and erecting other deterrent structures along the border will be a huge disincentive to many who are thinking about making the dangerous trip north.
But, the biggest deterrent is one that’s already on the books!
E-verify every single job applicant
Deny welfare, food stamps, and other benefits to anyone without a valid visa, green card, or proof of citizenship
Watch how quickly the illegals will dry up.
Migrants from Terrorist Nations Try to Enter U.S. Via Mexico at Record Rates—300% Hike in Bangladeshis in Texas Alone @
And a couple apprehended at the border told reporters they spent $16,000 getting there. Why the hell couldn’t they spend that money in their home country?

Here’s a Heartbreaking List of Victims Killed by Illegal Immigrants
Scroll through it and it will break your heart – unless you’re a Leftist Snowflake.

Rising Remittances As A Down Payment On The Wall?
Will the numbers really surprise you?
Legal and illegal migrants sent $53.4 billion in remittances back to Mexico and Central America in 2018. That’s $53.4 billion – with a “B” – and more than double the projected cost of building a border barrier.
With that, we could double-fence the entire border from the Pacific to the Gulf.
And that’s BILLIONS not being spent in our American economy. What kind of difference would that make for the poor and homeless.
Taxing foreign remittances is a bipartisan no-brainer that makes the political gridlock over wall funding unnecessary. Retaining pennies on the dollars leaving the U.S. economy can finance border security while letting foreign governments and their migrants know there are limits to America’s largesse.
More w/links @

Pelosi, Schumer 'Struggle' to 'Relate' to Americans
How can they?
They’ve never slung hash or waited tables or spent hours at a desk in a going nowhere job. Or struggled to pay the rent, meet monthly bills, and find ways to feed their families. All they’ve done for decades is wander the halls of political palaces with all sorts of minions to wait on their every needs.
I’m just amazed that a DimocRAT strategist should point it out.
Democratic leadership appears to "struggle . . . to relate to Americans," strategist Andrew Feldman said Wednesday.
In a panel discussion Wednesday on The Hill.TV's "Rising" program, a day after President Donald Trump's Oval Office speech on border security, Feldman said he was disappointed in the somber and stern televised response from Senate Minority leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
"Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer struggle across the country to relate to Americans and that's a little bit concerning to me as a Democrat," Feldman asserted.
"We had this new opportunity to present these leaders differently, and I feel like we've seen that image a lot of times."

Twitter Goes Wild over the Schumer/Pelosi Response
There are simply too many for me to share here. Here are just a couple:
Your father and I aren't angry with you, just … disappointed.
jon gabriel (@exjon) January 9, 2019

When it's 6:01am and Country Kitchen Buffet still hasn't opened their doors
Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) January 9, 2019

If you have an erection that lasts more than 4 hours, get medical help right away.
LSU (@Geaux_Tygers) January 9, 2019

Dems Looking to Bring Ocasio-Cortez Under Control
Good luck! She enjoys her fame too much to give it up by toeing the line.

A Breakdown of What and Who Are Now Affected by Government Shutdown
We know the Coast Guard, Border Patrol, ICE, and TSA aren’t getting paid. So, who else?
IRS – 70k or 80% but refunds will be sent out.
Homeland Security -
HUD – 340 of 7.5k working
Interior – no Park Rangers [some private companies covering]
Commerce Dept -
Office of Personnel Management -
Judiciary – will operate until Jan 18 – biggest hit in immigration courts
Health -
Agriculture – SNAP to continue in Feb
FCC – Suspended most operations
Transportation – FAA and Federal Highway Admin still going
Executive Office of the President – 1,1k of 1,8k employees on leave – most of OMB
NASA – most on furlough
Environment – Only 800 of 14k at EPA necessary,
The remaining 2/3 of the federal government are working and being paid. It’s a shame the “unnecessary” can’t be identified and sent on an extended vacation.

Senate OKs bill to pay federal employees
We can all be certain that Queen Nancy will stall on it.
The Senate has approved a bill to ensure that all federal employees will be paid retroactively after the partial government shutdown ends.
The bill requires that all employees — including those who have been furloughed — be paid as soon as possible once the government reopens.
The Senate approved the bill unanimously Thursday. It now goes to the House.
Just read where the House has done the same and a WH spokesperson said the president will sign it.
Congress Passes Bill Amid Shutdown to Provide Back Pay to Federal Workers @

House Dems to Subpoena Trump Jr. in Russia Probe
The fishing expeditions are ramping up. Adam Schiff, California, Chair is keeping his promise of going after President Trump any way he can.
Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee plan to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. as part of their renewed investigation into Russia and the 2016 presidential election, the Washington Examiner is reporting.
Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., a committee member, was asked Tuesday night about who would likely be subpoenaed first.
She replied: “Donald Trump Jr.”
Democrats on the committee suspect some of those who had testified privately, including Trump Jr., were not forthcoming, according to the Examiner.
There are a number of persons that testified before the committee that I feel were not telling the truth,” said Speier, who addressed the Women’s National Democratic Club in Washington.
Speier said she believes special counsel Robert Mueller will soon present a clearer picture of Russia’s involvement in the election.
I think in short order we’re going to see all of the dots connected in a way that shows that there were people that were treasonous, there were people that were clearly conspiring to affect the election with the Russians, and it will go down in history as one of the real black eyes in our country,” she said.
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who now chairs the intelligence committee, said in December that the president may face “the real prospect of jail time” because of his link to former lawyer Michael Cohen’s campaign finance violations.

Stolen Valor Will Now Get You Up To A Year In The Slammer
The know-it-alls in Congress really tried to run the gamut this time. Was there anything they forgot?
Domestic violence
Adultery [That’s going to wipe out of whole lot of military wife-share clubs]
Sex with recruits
Credit card theft
Stolen valor
Retaliation [protecting whistleblowers]
Sexual contact
They’ve taken all the fun out of being in the military

Military Logistics System Not Ready for War With China or Russia
Defense Science Board warns military supply system 'decayed' and needs rapid upgrading
A very lengthy article that basically points out the fact that we simply have no way to get everything we need to a combat zone in a timely and efficient manner.
Not enough ships to carry equipment and material.
Not enough up-to-date transport planes to get personnel and light equipment there, along with a shortage of pilots, crew, and maintenance.
We don’t have the required infrastructure and I’m willing to bet the command and support organizations are not up to snuff.
The strategic American military system for moving troops, weapons, and supplies over long distances has decayed significantly and needs rapid upgrading to be ready for any future war with China or Russia, according to a report by the Pentagon's Defense Science Board.
A special task force on survivable logistics evaluated the military's current airlift, sealift, and prepositioned equipment and supplies and found major problems with supporting forces during a "high-end" conflict.

100% Disabled Vets Now Able to Fly Space Available on Air Force Planes
Under the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act veterans with a service-connected disability rating of 100 percent from the Department of Veterans Affairs will be able to hop on any scheduled or unscheduled military flight operated by Air Mobility Command within the continental United States — though direct flights are available to Alaska, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa according to
For those interested in traveling this way, keep in mind: You'll be in the lowest priority group — Category 6 — along with retirees and their dependents.
However, dependents of vets with a total disability rating won't be eligible to use this service, according to
Because Space-A travel is literally based on "space available," hence the name, it's generally only a good idea only if you have a flexible schedule, and some cash for room and board during your travels in case you have to wait a bit.
Fortunately the service is pretty cheap, with participants typically paying only a small tax or inspection fee.
As Task & Purpose's Jared Keller previously reported, the Disabled Veterans Access to Space-A Travel Act was introduced back in 2016, before it was merged with the fiscal 2019 NDAA that President Donald Trump signed into law in August.
You better have a whole lot of time and be very flexible. In addition, military terminals are no equivalent to civilian ones with few amenities. You may be able to get meals at military facilities but forget any alcoholic beverages.

The Pentagon Literally Has More Money Than It Knows What To Do With
Believe me, I am certain commanders, senior NCO, and civilian chiefs know exactly what to do with every penny.
The Pentagon failed to spend an eye-popping $27.7 billion of the funds it was allocated over five fiscal years – and President Donald Trump intends to give the U.S. military even more taxpayer cash to play with next year.
How did this happen? Defense officials literally didn't spend the money fast enough. "Money appropriated by Congress expires if it isn't spent within certain time frames and typically can no longer be used for new spending," as Bloomberg Government explains. "For example, money in procurement accounts is available for three years, research accounts for two years while money in personnel and operations and maintenance accounts expires after one year."
The unspent funds, revealed as part of the first-ever full audit of Pentagon coffers, came just one month after Trump signaled to then-Secretary of Defense James Mattis that he planned on requesting a record $750 billion in national security spending for fiscal year 2020.
That proposed $750 billion budget for fiscal year 2020 would constitute an 8% increase over that $692 billion for fiscal signed into law by Trump in December 2017.
The DoD IG report comes amid Trump's stated plan to declare a national emergency and bypass Congress in order to nail down $5.7 billion in funds for construction of a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, a project that would dip into the DoD's budget to mobilize the military to complete the barrier.
I’m sure the acting Secretary of Defense knows all about this and has plans for spending a whole lot of it. And I’m sure he’s informed the president.

Taliban Call Off Afghanistan Peace Talks With US Over 'Agenda Differences'
Pakistan’s puppets have no idea of working out any peace deals with the Afghan central government. Why should they? They’re winning on all fronts and the majority of Afghanis do not trust the government in Kabul.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Tuesday they had called off peace talks with U.S. officials in Qatar this week due to an "agenda disagreement," especially over the involvement of Afghan officials as well as a possible ceasefire and prisoner exchange.
Two days of peace talks had been set to start on Wednesday, Taliban officials told Reuters earlier, but the hardline Islamic militant group had refused to allow "puppet" Afghan officials to join.

The Red Cross has built exactly 6 homes in Haiti with 500 million dollars in donations
And how about all those millions received by the Clinton Foundation? Where are they?
130,000 homes promised – only 6 built.
Many regions were devastated by the earthquake and they have yet to be rebuilt. The earthquake left many people living in shacks that had been put together hastily from whatever debris could be collected. Many people do not have access to clean water, while others struggle to get dirty water.
And this comes from NPR – not exactly a right-wing media outlet.

Haitians abandon forgotten town, isolated for over a decade
Another one of those places where the millions the Red Cross had to build didn’t get built.
BOUCAN FERDINAND, Haiti (Reuters) – Near the bottom of the island of Hispaniola in southeast Haiti is a forgotten village, cut off from its own country, and slowly emptying as its residents leave for the neighboring Dominican Republic.
Without health services, electricity, or paved roads, Boucan Ferdinand lost its only road to the nearest Haitian town, Bois Negresse, in devastating floods back in 2004.
Some of its residents have left for the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and others cling on to a precarious life. Many have crossed illegally into the more prosperous Dominican Republic.
They do not have access to basic social services, this situation is at the root of the mass migration to the Dominican Republic,” said Jean Gilles Viola, mayor of the municipality that governs Boucan Ferdinand and around 20 other villages.
Those who remain live in thatch and stick hovels, collecting rainwater to drink and at constant risk of infectious diseases.

Syria war: On the frontline with US troops fighting IS
An interesting video from BC about a military base along the Iraq border with Syria where US and French soldiers fight IS.

America Has Massive Cheese Surplus
I have a great idea for dealing with that.
Send 2 million pounds to every country in Central and South America plus Mexico. Then, give 1 pound of each type to every family in the United States. Forget Canada. They’ve got enough of their own.
The American Dairy Coalition wrote an opinion piece for the Wisconsin State Farmer this week and said U.S. dairy farmers "are in a crisis."
"Our milk price has dropped nearly 40 percent over the last four years. Cheese exports from the U.S. to Mexico are down more than 10 percent annually and shipments to China have fallen almost 65 percent annually," the story reads.
"If this isn't bad enough, the industry faces onerous and costly dairy regulations, as well as a shortage of workers — making it hard to find a way each day to stay in business."
That will still leave a lot of cheese sitting in government cold storage but will certainly make a whole lot of grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum.

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