Sunday, November 4, 2018

News and Interesting Stuff for November 4, 2018

What You’re Seeing in Your Hometown for the 2018 Midterms
I tried to copy the map but it doesn’t seem to work.
It then breaks down – with more maps – the individual issues and their importance.
Health Care and Prescription Drugs
Economy - Despite a booming economy, there’s only one market where the issue is the most mentioned topic: Southeast Louisiana, where an incumbent House Republican has made it a top issue in his campaign ads.

Brett Kavanaugh Rape Accuser Admits She Made Up Her Story
Anyone surprised by this? Hope she really gets slammed for it.
In his referral to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) elaborates:
Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.
In short, during the Committee’s time-sensitive investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton submitted a fabricated allegation, which diverted Committee resources. When questioned by Committee investigators she admitted it was false, a “ploy,” and a “tactic.” She was opposed to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Mexicans shower the caravan with kindness —
and tarps, tortillas and medicine
Small Mexican towns and villages have organized to welcome the caravan with food and drink. And here’s an interesting item:
When the caravan comes to town, it brings much more than just migrants. It has become a traveling road show of humanitarian workers, U.N. refugee staff, religious volunteers, government bureaucrats, police and immigration officials, as well as a good chunk of Mexico’s foreign media corps. It is catching no one by surprise. On the radio in Tonala, a city 50 miles north of Pijijiapan, public service announcements went out on the radio Thursday ahead of the caravan’s arrival, instructing people where to donate and how to help.
Has it become a UN item to use this for its Open Borders agenda? And the Catholic Church? And, of course, we know media outlets are going all out on this.
President Enrique Peña Nieto’s government has vacillated on the caravan. There was an initial violent clash with federal police in riot gear at Mexico’s southern border, but the group was eventually allowed to pass.
Local governments in the state of Chiapas have so far been more welcoming. The newly elected mayor of Pijijiapan, Hector Meneses Marcelino, is from the Morena party, the same as Mexico’s incoming president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who campaigned on treating migrants less as criminals and more as human beings with rights that need to be defended. Meneses said he spent one morning this week defusing a situation in which federal immigration officials wanted to arrest Mexicans who were picking up migrant hitchhikers.
Here we go again. Young, single males who should be working to improve their own homeland instead of coming to the USA.
And it doesn’t appear that they’ll be anywhere near the border on election day. This the Left screwed up in figuring where they’d be then?

Troops Being Sent to the Border
Found this on my Cox news feed. Here are the types of troops being sent:
Military Police
An assault helicopter battalion
Communications, medical, and headquarters units
Combat Engineers
Planners and Public Affairs units
The Pentagon is adamant that active duty troops will not do law enforcement, which they are forbidden from doing under the Posse Comitatus Act in the Constitution. Troops can't arrest people at the border. Their main job will be to support the Border Patrol.
This means the military will transport border patrol agents to and along the border, help them erect additional vehicle barriers and fencing along the border, assist them with communications and provide some security for border agent camps. The military also will provide the border patrol agents with medical care, pre-packaged meals, and temporary housing.
Yes, many of them will be, mainly for self-protection.
Military police at the border will be armed, although they will have non-lethal options for dealing with unexpected conflict. Pentagon officials say they are planning for a worst-case scenario of violence that could force soldiers to rely on their training to make split-second decisions to defend themselves or civilians. MPs might, for example, be dispatched to provide armed security for military engineers placing barricades at locations where there are no border patrol agents to provide protection.

Trump: Troops On The Border Should Treat Migrant Rocks Like A Rifle
Sadly, the majority of federal troops won’t even be carrying weapons. I’m not sure about National Guard troops.
Does that mean the Border Patrol will carry more than side arms and will be allowed to fire upon those who do throw rocks or even shoot at them?
The issue came up on Thursday when a reporter asked Trump if any of the troops being sent to the border might open fire on asylum seekers, who are fleeing Central America.
I hope not,” the president replied. “It’s the military. I hope there won’t be that, but I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico – the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico, we will consider that a firearm – because there’s not much difference when you get hit in the face with a rock.”
We will consider that the maximum that we can consider that, because they’re throwing rocks viciously and violently,” Trump said in response to another reporter. “You saw that three days ago – really hurting the military. We’re not going to put up with that. They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. We’re going to consider it – I told them: Consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like they did at the Mexico military and police, I said: Consider it a rifle.”
Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed @
That’s what I posted above.
About 1,000 Marines from Camp Pendleton, California, will join the roughly 7,000 active-duty troops being deployed to the southern border, but it is unclear if any of those forces will be armed, defense officials told Task & Purpose on Friday.
Forces with assigned weapons may deploy with weapons stored; the commander of U.S. Northern Command will make decisions on arming,” said NORTHCOM spokesman Mike Kucharek.
Air Force Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy, head of NORTHCOM, has the authority to decide whether active-duty troops who are assigned with protecting classified information, guarding stored weapons, or serving in a force protection role, Kucharek explained to Task & Purpose.
As of Friday afternoon, O’Shaughnessy had not delegated to commanders the authority to arm those troops, Kucharek said.

FBI clears Michael Flynn in probe linking him to Russia
That’s why DOJ could only charge him with lying to the FBI. A bogus charge for which he should be fighting it in court.
The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.
The calls were made in late December and picked up as part of routine electronic surveillance of Russian officials. They did not reveal any illicit ties between Flynn and Russia, according to the Washington Post.
The review of the calls was part of a wider probe into Russia’s interference in the presidential election and hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

Here's What Hiring Managers Actually Care About
With such a massive job market, this is worth sharing with your friends and neighbors who might be looking for a job or improving the one they have.
Can You Deal With Conflict?
Your Previous Salary Doesn’t Matter
Strong “Soft Skills”
Soft skills are the “intangible traits related to character,” rather than a hard skill, like coding. They’re difficult to measure, but sometimes still come up in interviews. You know, like when you’re asked about your “greatest strength.” That’s not a throwaway question:
Résumé Red Flags
Do Not Say Any Of This [This is really important]
Post Interview Steps

Marines Drink up all the Beer in in the Icelandic capital of Reykjavík
Could be a PR stunt but this says the Finnish brewery,Tornion Panimo, says it’s already whipped up 1,000 bottles with roughly 33,000 bottles ready to ship out.
I guess our troops really get thirsty performing in Exercise Trident Juncture.
But while the brewery’s close proximity to the Rovaniemi Air Base an actual boon for thirsty air forces from around the world, delivering “thirst aid” to personnel based elsewhere may prove tricky.
Norway may be the host country for Trident Juncture, but it is not a European Union member state, which will pose a “small logistical problem with the Norwegian customs authorities concerning the fast delivery of the beer to the exercise troops,” Pönkänen said.
I actually had one beer export contact in Norway before, and I have a wide network of friends,” Kostiander told NewsNowFinland of delivery plans. “I messaged to them immediately, and I got more contacts, and trying to find out how to quickly get the beer to Norway.”

Our House Divided: Multiculturalism vs. America
This might be the biggest problem facing our nation.While Left/Right hatred and violence appears constantly in the news, I wonder if the underlying differences above are not at the root of it?
Many conservatives did not see that Trump had framed the 2016 election as a choice between two mutually exclusive regimes: multiculturalism and America. What I call “multiculturalism” includes “identity politics” and “political correctness.” If multiculturalism continues to worm its way into the public mind, it will ultimately destroy America. Consequently, the election should have been seen as a contest between a woman who, perhaps without quite intending it, was leading a movement to destroy America and a man who wanted to save America. The same contest is being played out in the upcoming midterm elections.
Multiculturalism = the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation. From
In other words, break America up into little communities isolated by their ethnic and racial differences. States to no longer matter.
What is wrong with that?

Millenials Bash Trump over ‘Racist’ Remark,
Then Learn Who Really Said It
They don’t take the time to find the proof of anything. And these are the ones the Dims want to come out in numbers to vote.
Hillary Clinton for a while was seen as a much more liberal candidate and was definitely put on a pedestal in comparison to Donald Trump,” she said.
That’s an interesting theory. It’s definitely possible that Clinton’s racist joke didn’t get as much attention because she’s “much more liberal.” The left-wing establishment media wouldn’t want to make their side look bad.
After all the interviewed students found out that Clinton made the joke instead of Trump, they conceded that the joke was still racist.
Even typically left-wing college students won’t try to defend Clinton’s comments.

Amazing Motorcycle Video
You won’t believe this.

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