Sunday, October 7, 2018

News and Interesting Stuff for October 7, 2018

Justice Kennedy swears in his former law clerk to be Associate Justice Kavanaugh

The Democratic Ten Commandments
Almost a pagan movement in its hatred of anything to do with Christianity or Judaism.
These they adhere to with a vengeance:
1 Thou shalt have no other gods but human power.
2 Thou shalt worship under the direction of these priests: Darwin, Alinsky, Spock, Marx, Dewey, and Sanger – to say nothing of Baal.
3 Thou shalt bow down to nothing wholesome or productive.
4 Thou shalt demonstrate no respect for the universe as God's creation.
5 Thou shalt destroy all vestiges of family.
6 Thou shalt attack, provoke, ridicule, and kill whoever gets in your way
7 Thou shalt have any kind of sex with whomever, whenever, and wherever.
8 Thou shalt legalize theft by authorizing the government to steal.
9 Thou shalt bear false witness against thine enemies.
10 Thou shalt envy, covet, and indulge all jealous attitudes, hating anyone who has accumulated more wealth, more power, or more fame than you have.
But most Americans are good people – generous and forgiving, honest and hardworking, earnest and dutiful. What we saw in the behavior of the Democrats, both on the committee and around the edges, was the opposite of everything we have been proud of as a nation. The Democratic adherence to these leftist directives, these ancient pagan mandates, proved to be too ugly to countenance. No doubt, decent Democrats all over the nation looked in that national mirror and were as horrified as the rest of us were. The voting booth is the only way we have to wash that venomous taste from our mouths.

How California Republicans Could Avenge Kavanaugh
Oh what a delicious idea! Vote her out of office and replace her with a Leftist loon who has absolutely no seniority.
Justice for the Judge
When all this is said and done, we had better hope and pray, for all that is good and just in our world, that Brett Kavanaugh makes it to the Supreme Court. Not only would his confirmation be a victory for due process and his decades-long tenure drive the Left even further over the edge, but you had better believe that Justice Kavanaugh will never forget what the Left tried to do to him. They will have made a powerful enemy out of the fifth justice in a 5-4 originalist Supreme Court.
But even that just won’t be enough to demoralize them.
There are few better ways to demoralize an army than to take down their leader. Even if the Democrats are reduced to an even smaller minority in the Senate, and don’t take back the House, it would still be an insult if the orchestrator of this madness isn’t punished. Feinstein has problems. The far Left wants her gone. Moderates and independents may be turned off by the fact that her age and tenure in office puts her on par with the Crypt Keeper in terms of longevity. And Republicans don’t have a candidate of their own.
Republicans have little hope in California this year. Aside from defending all incumbents in key congressional races, as well as potentially flipping a few state assembly seats, it looks to be another Democratic sweep at the statewide level.
A vote for de León would be a way for Republicans to send a message to Democrats. It would punish the incumbent for leading the charge on the most despicable character assassination crusade in recent history. Republicans could join with the far-left in ousting the woman who has unleashed an unspeakable evil by weaponizing fake claims of sexual assault, which has greatly devalued real acts of sexual misconduct while turning women into props in our already-debased political discourse.
If Feinstein truly believed that this anti-Kavanaugh charade would help her win reelection, then it truly would be poetic justice if that were the thing that crushed her.
Perhaps after she is handed an early retirement, she can work as a lobbyist for the Chinese government?
Contact every Californian you know, conservative, independent, and DimocRAT to vote for Feinstein’s opponent. What a huge win that would be.

Far Left Candidate Ocasio-Cortez Claims Insane People On Right ‘Holding Country Hostage’
And let’s bury the Dims even deeper by putting this flake in office.
When you’re dealing with these insane people holding the country hostage on the right, you can’t go in with your end point. You have to go in with a strong position,” she said. “If they’re trying to end Planned Parenthood, I don’t think we go in with, ‘No, let’s keep Planned Parenthood.’ I think we go in with, ‘Let’s expand women’s rights to health care and have it guaranteed in every state.’ I think we can compromise on our tactics and how we get there, but we can’t compromise where we’re going.”
Ocasio-Cortez Just Won the “Dumbest Politician in America” Award @

As Kavanaugh circus drags on, polls show Democrat edge in voter enthusiasm has completely vanished
Piss people off and it results in payback. Dim antics are not playing well with lots of people and those who strongly support the president are urging friends and relatives to vote red in November.
There are consequences for acting in an utterly disgraceful manner, especially when you’re hopes of achieving power depend on the public’s approval of how you do things.
It’s a little early to conclude this is going to bazook Democrats at the ballot box in November – that’s a long time for something else to grab the headlines or for people to simply forget how disgracefully they’re acting right now – but if they were hoping their attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh were going to help their chances in November, they might want to think again:
RED WAVE? Trump Rallygoers Say They’re Voting in Midterms for First Time Ever @

A Quiet Victory at the U.S. Supreme Court
It may be 4-4 but the court goes on. A lot of stuff has been discussed and decided upon before the opening date of the current session.
Last Monday, on the opening day of the term, the Court announced that it will not hear a challenge to a 2014 Tennessee ballot measure, Amendment 1, which stated “nothing in this [state] Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion.” Or, if you prefer, look at the news through the lens of  the Justices declined to hear a challenge to “a ballot measure that eliminated the right to an abortion from the Tennessee state constitution.”
Thumbs up to the Supreme Court on this one.
Leftist judges try to overridThe Tennesseane the will of the people by nullifying valid ballot measures. Thus, it’s refreshing to see the high court affirm the people’s right to speak up.

81% of Americans under 45 would fail basic ‘US citizenship test’
What the hell has happened to our education system? One would think that pride in this country would call for teaching our youths all the things that give them futures not available anywhere else in the world.
Just one-in-three Americans passed the multiple choice exam that is undertaken by foreigners. Shockingly, 87 percent of respondents did not know that the US Constitution was ratified in 1787, while 60 percent of respondents couldn't identify which countries fought in World War II against the US and its allies.
While many Americans aren’t shy when it comes to expressing their opinion regarding the controversy surrounding US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavan
augh, only 43 percent knew the actual number of justices (nine) that protect the nation’s constitution.
Some 72 percent failed to correctly identify the 13 original states from a list of options offered to them in the multiple-choice questions.
The problem with basic civic knowledge seems to be more acute for those aged 45 and under, with only 19 percent passing the mock test. Those 65 years and older, however, managed to answer the questions with 74-percent success rate.
By the time I reached my junior year in high school, I’d had at least 5 classes about American history and government. Why is it no longer important in our education system?

Swiss firm claims new feed will curb cow farts — and global warming
California politicians would love this! Right up their alley with laws aimed at reducing bovine flatulence.
BIERE, Switzerland — Cows burp and fart more than they need to, according to a Swiss firm that says it has developed a feed that cuts methane emissions from livestock — helping to combat global warming into the bargain.
A single cow produces the equivalent of about three tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, says Agolin, based in Biere, near Lausanne. Co-founder and managing director Kurt Schaller told Reuters its specialist feed can reduce that by 10 percent.
We sell our mixture for around 1 million cows per year… There are 25-28 million cows in the European Union, so it is a big percentage,” he said. “That represents 300,000 tonnes of CO2 reduction today.”
The United Nations says livestock farming alone is responsible for up to 18 percent of the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
Nearly a quarter of that comes from bovine flatulence.

Indonesian Soldiers Ordered to Fire on Looters in the Wake of Sulawesi's Earthquake and Tsunami
Estimates are that more than 1,500 are dead. A nearby volcano is erupting. So many bodies, they’re being put into mass graves.
And the Indonesian government isn’t fooling around.
Indonesian soldiers have been instructed to fire on people caught looting in the wake of a deadly 7.5-magnitude earthquake and tsunami as desperation for food, water and fuel grow, a military officer said Wednesday.
Authorities warned survivors against theft in Palu, a city in Indonesia’s central Sulawesi province that bore the brunt of the devastation and is still struggling to recover, Agence France-Presse reports.
If there is looting again, we will quickly fire a warning shot and then shoot to immobilize,” Colonel Ida Dewa Agung Hadisaputra told AFP. Hadisaputra explained that soldiers had initially tolerated looting in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, when vital resources were badly needed, and aid in short supply.

Gov’t Watchdog Group Exposes $3.1 Trillion in Potential Federal Budget Savings
What’s a billion here and there? Chump change in a budget for 2019 of a little more than $4 trillion.
But, every little bit helps.
In its Prime Cuts 2018 study, Citizens Against Government Waste identifies $3.1 trillion in potential federal budget savings over five years, $429.8 billion of which the nonprofit organization says could be realized in the first year of being enacted.
CAGW’s latest study includes 636 recommendations with cuts across the entire federal government. The recommended expense cuts come from bipartisan and nonpartisan sources, such as the Government Accountability Office, Congressional Budget Office, President Donald Trump’s fiscal year 2019 budget and former President Barack Obama’s “Cuts, Consolidations, and Savings” budget recommendations report.
Among them are calls to eliminate programs that have outrun their original terms and budgets, CAGW says, including the U.S. Air Force’s F-135 fighter jet development program, subsidies that amount to corporate welfare such as for the sugar and dairy farmer industries, and those that the federal government simply cannot afford, or would be better off leaving to private enterprise, such as the National Endowment for the Arts.
The single, largest source of savings would come from dramatically reducing improper payments across government departments and agencies, according to CAGW. Reducing improper Medicare payments by 50 percent alone would save U.S. taxpayers $18.1 billion over five years, CAGW Communications Director Curtis Kalin told
Can the waste ever be brought under control? Our only hope lies in the businessman approach of President Trump. It’s not something professional politicians and bureaucrats are capable of doing. And that is exactly why we have to support the president’s efforts in the midterms and see to his reelection in 2020.

Survey Finds 20% of American Workers in Major Cities Quitting Over Unbearable Commutes
What have we done to ourselves? So dependent upon vehicles that we’ve destroyed the infrastructure for effective mass transportation?
We also centralize businesses in inner cities that depend upon workers who live in the suburbs.
Robert Puentes, president of the Washington-based Eno Center for Transportation, said the Robert Half finding that 23 percent of employees surveyed had bailed on their jobs due to bad commutes seemed high, but there’s no dispute about some of the downsides of long, stressful commutes to work.
We do know that there are big impacts of long commutes on the American workforce,” Puentes told, adding that these include mental health issues, higher divorce rates and high blood pressure.
But the quality of the commute may be just as relevant as the time spent, he said. Research shows workers who are able to walk to work are highly satisfied, and employees who have the option of a pleasant light-rail ride tend to be happier than those who are constantly in bumper-to-bumper traffic, according to Puentes.

Data Shows Charter Schools Are Better Than Public Schools
The study is for NYC schools, so I wonder how valid it is for other districts across the country.
In 2018, charter schools students in New York City scored 20 percent better than students in regular public schools.
And their margin of success grew four-fold over the past three years.
In 2018, only 45 percent of regular NYC public school students performed at grade level proficiency.
But 54 percent of New York City charter school students did so.
In 2016, charter school students out-performed regular public schools students by only 2 points (40 vs 38).
In 2017, they did 5 points better (45 vs 40).
In 2018, they did 9 points better (54 vs 45).
In all, 67,000 charter school students in New York City took the achievement tests.
A total of 1.1 million students are enrolled in the NYC public education system.

Seven ways hackers can steal your keyless car in seconds
They can just about hack into anything today.
and owners of high-risk vehicles could see insurance costs spiral
Study reveals three in five wouldn't buy a keyless car due to hacking risk
Insurance premiums could rise for those who own a model frequently targeted
We share top tips to protect yourself from falling victim to this vehicle crime
Seven major car hacks
1. Relay hack keyless entry
2. Keyless jamming
3. Tyre pressure monitor systems
4. App flaw local remote control
5. Controller Area Network disabled safety features
6) On-board diagnostics hack
7) Phone phishing

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