Wednesday, October 17, 2018

News and Interesting Stuff for October 17, 2015

The Blue Wave Fizzles
Some snippets about the midterms.
Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar Deletes Instagram Post Calling His Terrorist Grandfather a ‘Legend’ @
Will backpedaling be enough?
Poll: Republican Scott Taylor Leads in Virginia Congressional Race @
Dims will be canvasing graveyards from coast to coast.
Marine Colonel Infantry Officer Shreds Radical Democrat Abigail Spanberger for Teaching at ‘Terror High’ in Ad @
Poll: Nevada Turns Away from Democrats Post-Kavanaugh @
Heller gaining a big lead. And most House seats are up for grabs.
Poll: Pete Stauber (R) Surges in Minnesota Congressional Race @
McSally: Sinema Being OK with Americans Joining Taliban Is ‘Disqualifying’ @
The Repub ex-fighter pilot shreds her opponent
While Beto has more money and much better press coverage than Cruz, he is still losing in the polls
Blue Wave or Blue Bust? The Key Senate Races and the Reason Democrats May Actually Lose Seats @
A state-by-state analysis that supports the headline.
Does this mean incumbents are in trouble?
CNN Ignores Dem Candidate Appearing to Encourage Illegals to Vote @
FNC Highlights Dem Candidate Appearing to Encourage Illegals to Vote @
Dem Senator Outs Sexual Assault Victims Without Their Permission @
And one of the named claims she was never assaulted.
'People Just Can't Know That': McCaskill, Staff Exposed In Undercover Sting Video @
SPOOKY: AZ Dem Senate Candidate Invited Coven Of Witches To A 2003 Anti-War Rally @
And the Fauxahontas story goes on and on and on.
The election threads are endless and none of them look very good for DimocRAT candidates.

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person @
Makes more sense than Fauxohantas claiming to be Cherokee
Al Gore Predicts Massive Apocalypse If Billions Are Not Spent On His Books, Films @
Obama Quickly Takes Credit For Pastor Andrew Brunson's Release From Turkey @
Doctors Recommend Nation Get Portland Removed @
Archaeologists Unearth Giant Chocolate Bunny In Ruins Of Ancient Babylon @
New Study Suggests Arguing About Politics Is Most Effective Method Of Evangelism @
Emergency Constitutional Amendment Bans Taylor Swift Fans From Voting @
Baptist Church Launches Total Immersion Car Wash @
Tomahawk-Wielding Elizabeth Warren Vows To Take Land Back From The Pale Faces @
And then we get great stuff from the Duffle Blog
Senator proudly cites DNA test to prove he’s nearly 1 percent veteran @
BOSTON — Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Dickard Rosenthal has released the results of genetic testing to add legitimacy to his claim that he is “basically a veteran” and “should be treated as such”.
The DNA test shows that he has a distant grandparent that may have possibly fought in the Thirty Years War, the French Revolution, or was a member of a Mongol horde terrorizing eastern Europe in the 13th century, Roesnthal said in a press release and a subsequent CNN-sponsored town hall event.
Followed by:
Taliban declare ceasefire until Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson get back together @
Pentagon worries that plunging morale might affect morale @
That should be your good laugh for the day-to-day

President Trump Asks All Cabinet Department to Cut Budgets by 5%
Another campaign promise he’s trying to keep. If Congress doesn’t block him as usual.
Earlier Wednesday, during an interview with Fox Business Network, Trump said cutting the budget is "not as tough as you think, and frankly there’s a lot of fat in there."
He attributed a recent spike in federal spending to the needs of the military.
"You know we’re doing a lot of things, a lot of great things," he said. "But now I’m going to also do some cutting of the budget."
This year's deficit could have been higher, Treasury said, but the timing of certain payments was shifted.
Earlier this week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested that the rising deficit was the "dire consequences of irresponsible and unnecessary spending.”
But a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, released earlier this month, said tax cuts Congress approved last year partially led to the deficit jump.

Donald Trump To Speak At Hate Group's Annual Event
And who is calling Family Research Council a “hate group?”
The Southern Poverty Law Center – the most hate-filled left-wing, Soros-funded group of all.
The FRC’s mission is simple; Our vision is a culture in which all human life is valued, families flourish, and religious liberty thrives.
My word! What a hateful group that is.
They are, however, openly anti LGBTQ. The group organizing the summit has previously commented on homosexuality. “Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects.”
No word on what the president will speak about. He’s appeared before the group three times before becoming president.
[Notice the author is such a drudge that she can’t use the position of President.]

Great Painting at White House
I love it! This piece also shows a Dim version. But, it’s typical of the president that he managed to get it slipped into the interview he had with CBS’s Leslie Stahl – whom he took to the woodshed.
I wasn’t always a Trump fan. I voted for him because I was just sick and tired of the stodgy, buttoned up career politicians who lost my trust long ago.
Career politicians all seem to be too polished and over rehearsed and so you never really can trust that you’re seeing deep inside the real person and his/her character.
However, over the last two years Donald Trump has really grown on me as president and Sunday’s “60 Minutes” interview is just one example of why.
Trump's strange portrait with former GOP presidents has netizens in stitches @
Artist Shares Thoughts on Painting of Trump and Republican Presidents After It Goes Viral During ’60 Minutes’ Interview @
[I bet they’re selling like crazy]

Trump Falling Behind on Filling Empty Judge Seats
Although he’s nominated 113 federal judges, Senators have stalled at every point. There were 104 vacancies when he took office but 118 today. And a lot of them are considered “emergency vacancies” due to massive case loads.
These vacancies have jumped from an already historically high number of vacancies,” Carrie Severino, chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network, told LifeZette. “It’s stunning.”
Severino, whose organization advocates for the appointment of originalist judges, told LifeZette that Democrats have plenty of opportunities to obstruct even without the filibuster and have not been shy about using them.
They’ve been able to grind this down … They’ve been able to dramatically slow the process,” she said.
Federal judgeships have always been political, often paybacks for campaign donations. And what is amazing [not included in the article] is that nowhere does a law say that a judge has to be a lawyer – a member of a bar association. We have one Supreme Court Justice who has never, ever heard a case in a lower court as a judge.

The View Tears Into Shrillary’s Comments About Her Husband and Lewinski
I can’t stand this show! So, while I refuse to watch the above video, the story amazes me. While not the condemnation the comment deserves, it’s better than nothing.

Will the migrant caravan headed north from Honduras have implications for US midterm elections?
Absolutely! Another invasive force the Dims want to allow into this country. As it get closer and more appears on the media, it will only rouse more on-the-fence types to get off their duffs and to the polls to vote for Red candidates.
Local media coverage prompted hundreds more to join, and Dunia Montoya, a volunteer assisting the migrants, estimated Sunday that the group had grown to at least 1,600 people. Police gave their own estimate of around 2,000 on Monday. [Find out who the “volunteer” works for and find out who organized the march. Could it be the Catholic Church?—-ed]
IMHO the whole thing is purely political and backed by a number of open border groups. It is yet another desperate attempt by the DimocRATs to gain power in Congress. One which is going to fizzle – big time.

Drug ads will have to include prices
If this actually happens, the sticker shock will be awesome.
Expect big Pharma to fight this tooth and nail.
The Department of Health and Human Services formally rolled out a proposal yesterday that would require drug companies to include their products’ list prices in their TV ads, similar to the way they disclose side effects.
The big picture: There’s a legitimate debate about how this would work and how big a difference it will make. But it is, notably, the first real showdown with the pharmaceutical industry since the administration released its drug-pricing plan earlier this year.
"It has taken them five months ... to start skating to where the puck is going," HHS Secretary Alex Azar said yesterday.
Details: Drugmakers will have to disclose the list prices — the wholesale acquisition cost, to be specific — in TV ads for every drug reimbursed by Medicare or Medicaid, as long as the price is more than $35 for a month’s prescription.
The regulation ended up coming from Medicare and Medicaid, rather than the FDA, because those agencies have a mission to control costs — which may help put the rule on more solid legal footing.
Price disclosures will only have to be in text, not voiceover. Officials said that would make the rules less onerous for drug companies.
HHS would enforce the rules by publishing a list of companies and products that didn’t comply, and noncompliance could also trigger lawsuits.
What’s next, from the industry side: The pharmaceutical industry suggested yesterday that it's likely to challenge the rules in court once they're finalized, alleging a First Amendment violation.
What's next, from the regulatory side: The administration is considering more rules cracking down on pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). The White House is reviewing a proposal to rein in their lucrative rebates.
We believe today's rebates, which helped drive list prices skyward, are not necessary to a strong negotiating ecosystem,” Azar said yesterday. “They could be replaced with fixed-price up-front discounts.”

Global Warming Will Make Beer Costlier
Add beer to chocolate, coffee and wine as some of life's little pleasures that global warming will make scarcer and costlier, scientists say.
What scientists? Oh yeah, it comes from a dire UN Report.
If emissions of heat-trapping gases from the burning of coal, oil and gas continue at the current rising pace, the likelihood of weather conditions hurting barley production will increase from about once a decade before 2050 to once every other year by the end of the century.
That ought to shake up the pot-bellied barbarians ensconced in front of their TVs.
Beer supply threatened by future weather extremes @

13 dead in flash flooding in southwest France
We have our own weather problems here in the USA so we generally ignore what’s going on elsewhere in the world. There’ve been some horrendous events such as massive cyclones in Asia and severe weather in Europe.

Leftists Who Donated To Stormy Daniels’ Legal Fund End Up Having to Pay Trump’s Court Fees
Sometimes Karma is hilarious.
Part of losing a frivolous lawsuit is having to pay the opponents expenses. Nowhere in this does it say how much.
Trump wins “total victory” over Stormy Daniels (she’s paying up!) @

'The biggest coffee crisis of our time'
This worries me a whole lot more than predicitions that the cost of beer is going to rise. I drink from 4 to 6 cups of coffee every morning. What the h**l am I going to do if I can’t buy coffee?
Outbreak of rust fungus threatens to wipe out Latin America's entire crop
Coffee leaf rust is an orange-powdery fungus that slashes the plant’s yield
It causes defoliation, or loss of leaves, and affects 70% of farms in Latin America
Scientists say it's evolved to thwart resistant varieties of crops in recent years

Listen to an ice shelf the size of Texas 'sing'
We’ve heard the signing of whales. I wonder if there’s a possibility they might sing in sync with this.
Strange sounds could help scientists monitor Antarctica
Winds blowing across snow dunes on Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf cause noises
Researchers buried 34 sensitive seismic sensors under its snowy surface
Discovered the bizarre 'songs' caused by wind blowing across snow dunes

 Is An Asteroid Coming?

I’m tempted to post this under the conspiracy thread. But, it does raise some legit questions.
The Proposed Budget For NASA’s ‘Planetary Defense Coordination Office’ Is Suddenly Increased To $150 Million.
And the office’s only been there for 2 years.
The new Planetary Defense Coordination Office—which, despite its science fiction-sounding name, is part of a very real effort to ward off the potentially deadly impact of asteroids that may hit the planet—is charged with supervising “all NASA-funded projects to find and characterize asteroids and comets that pass near Earth’s orbit around the sun.”
Should we get busy building survival bunkers?

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