Saturday, September 8, 2018

News and Interesting Stuff for September 8, 2018

CONFIRMED: Organizer Vinay Krishnan Who Was Caught Paying Off Kavanaugh Protesters — Works for Soros-Linked Organization

Vinay Krishnan is an “organizer of civil disobedience” who works for a Soros-funded group — Center for Popular Democracy.
Followed by picture after picture of he and others handing out money to people later hauled off for disturbing the Kavanaugh hearings.

3 Reasons Why We Should Get Rid of Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings
The reasons listed are right on track. Read them and I’ll comment.
No. 1: Senators are asking both unanswerable and, frankly, nongermane questions.
No. 2: These hearings have become nothing but political grandstanding for political bases.
And No. 3: These hearings have become a circus, a theater, a fiasco, whatever you want to call it.
The entire committee system was created by the various congresses. Nowhere in the constitution does it call for them. At one time, they were a way of gathering information so members could make informed decisions.
However, with the advent of live television, they have become nothing but platforms for politicians to grandstand. As the Kavanaugh hearings have shown, what they really display is the insanity of DimocRATs and the forebearance of qualified nominees.
Did we really learn anything new about Judge Kavanaugh during these shows?
We did watch a bunch of uncouth barbarians embarrass themselves and driving the judge’s you children from the hearing room. What kind of lessons did those girls learn from sitting there in that hearing?
What lessons have other youngsters learned from it?
I cannot agree more with the following:
It’s time to put an end to this whole political charade. It is full of sound and fury, but is accomplishing nothing. And it’s wasting both the Senate’s time and our taxpayer dollars.
Here’s some interesting stuff on congressional committees:
The modern committee structure stems from the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, the first and most ambitious restructuring of the standing committee system since the committee system was first developed. The 1946 act reduced the number of House committees from 48 to 19 and the number of Senate committees from 33 to 15. Jurisdictions of all committees were codified by rule in their respective chambers, which helped consolidate or eliminate many existing committees and minimize jurisdictional conflicts.
They are not part of the constitution!
The first Senate committee was established April 7, 1789, to draw up Senate rules of procedure. In those early days, the Senate operated with temporary select committees, which were responsive to the entire Senate, with the full Senate selecting their jurisdiction and membership. This system provided a great deal of flexibility, as if one committee proved unresponsive, another could be established in its place. The Senate could also forgo committee referral for actions on legislation or presidential nominations.
The first House committee was appointed on April 2, 1789, to "prepare and report such standing rules and orders of proceeding" as well as the duties of a Sergeant-at-Arms to enforce those rules. Other committees were created as needed, on a temporary basis, to review specific issues for the full House. The House relied primarily on the Committee of the Whole to handle the bulk of legislative issues. In response to the House's need for more detailed advice on certain issues, more specific committees with broader authority were established. One of the first—a three-member committee "to prepare and report an estimate of supplies ... and of nett [sic] produce of the impost"—was established on April 29, 1789. The Committee on Ways and Means followed on July 24, 1789, during a debate on the creation of the Treasury Department over concerns of giving the new department too much authority over revenue proposals. The House felt it would be better equipped if it established a committee to handle the matter. This first Committee on Ways and Means had 11 members and existed for just two months. It later became a standing committee in 1801, a position it still holds today.
All of this comes from Wikipedia.
House Freedom Caucus debates best way to get border wall funding, weighs gov’t shutdown @

The Difference Between President Trump and Obama
In his first campaign speech since leaving office, he once again did what he has in almost every speech he has ever given – repeatedly referred to himself. This one, 120 times he said “me” or “I.”
How many times have you ever heard President Trump personally refer to himself? It’s always “we” or “us.”
And, as always, Obama spent all the speech telling us why this nation is divided.
President Trump always speaks about seeking ways to unite us.
Obama Rants About Trump Administration and Tucks In ‘Nazi’ Comment @
Barack Obama Trashes Trump – Tries to Take Credit For Trump’s Booming Economy @

The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime”
One of the very few time I agree with Obama. The November 2018 elections will determine America’s future for years to come.
The choice is simple.
Left-wing socialist kooks take control of Congress.
Or common sense reigns and we move forward to right the wrongs of the past.
"Now, some of you may think I'm exaggerating when I say this November's elections are more important than any I can remember in my lifetime," he told the crowd. "I know politicians say that all the time. I have been guilty of saying it a few times, particularly when I was on the ballot."
[How many times does he use the personal pronoun?]

The Left Attacks Rep Nunes (R-CA) Wife and Family
How much lower can these scumbags sink? And to be aided and abetted by a local newspaper. It’s disgusting beyond description. Acts like this should be shouted to the rooftops so sane Americans will step up and put an end to them at the ballot box.
Through the Fresno Bee, he was attacked by Faith in the Valley a no ordinary interfaith organization. It’s a progressive, left-wing activist group.
A left-wing group known as the American Democracy Legal Fund seized upon The Fresno Bee’s insinuations and recently filed an ethics complaint against Nunes regarding the incident. The Fresno Bee had the opportunity to volley back, publishing a story on the filing of the complaint, making it the third article (following a Bee op-ed denouncing Nunes) linking Nunes to an incident with which he had no involvement.
They then pestered his uncle, his 98-year-old grandmother, and his school teacher wife.
Regardless of one’s feelings towards Nunes, we should all be able to agree that family members shouldn’t be subject to harassment and that we should hold elected officials accountable for that which they are actually accountable—nothing more, nothing less. To do otherwise is to create both an unhealthy political climate and cheapen criticism.

Despite the resistance’s coordinated melee, the Central Valley farmer and grandchild of Azorean immigrants is expected to win his district this November—and quite handily, too.

Grand Jury Impaneled to Investigate Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
This has apparently been going on for months with a number of individuals called before the panel.
Via WaPo:
Federal prosecutors have for months been using a grand jury to investigate former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe — an indication the probe into whether he misled officials exploring his role in a controversial media disclosure has intensified, two people familiar with the matter said.
The grand jury has summoned more than one witness, the people said, and the case is ongoing. The people declined to identify those who had been called to testify.
The presence of the grand jury shows prosecutors are treating the matter seriously, locking in the accounts of witnesses who might later have to testify at a trial. But such panels are sometimes used only as investigative tools, and it remains unclear if McCabe will ultimately be charged.
Does this mean more will be following?
Grand Jury Proceedings Underway Against Former FBI Deputy Director @

Democratic Party Transforming as it Searches for Leaders
The article calls this a “grass roots movement.” I think it is more an attack on entrenched party members who are no longer in touch with their constituents. This reports on Ayanna Pressley beating a 10-term congressman. And, we of course know all about Ocasio-Cortez.
Grassroots activists on the left have a mixed record in Democratic primaries this election year, but the self-described progressive movement has scored enough victories to suggest its popularity is based on more than just protesting the Trump White House. The movement is also remolding the Democratic Party into a younger, more diverse and decidedly liberal party.
How can they become more progressive/socialist than they already are?
At least, it appears there are those within the DimocRAT party who are sick and tired of Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, and so on. Sadly, they also support jerks like Booker and Ellis.
If anything, I see this movement as actually being a plus for Trump Supporters.
The GOP is also transforming itself. Lots of establishment types are either retiring or simply not running for reelection. Does this mean the GOP will become more centerist?
We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis... The Democratic Party is now a socialist party” @

RNC Releases Ad: The Left Is Crazytown
I hope this appears in prime time on every TV channel across the country!
The Republican National Committee released a new campaign ad on Wednesday showing how the Democratic Party has become completely unhinged as they have embraced leftism.
The ad specifically takes a shot at Bob Woodward's new book that targets Trump, which states that a Trump official claimed that the Trump administration was a "crazytown."
The ad specifically shows left-wing protesters at Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing this week who were arrested for erratic and disruptive behavior.
Again, the question is whether or not the GOP will actually take advantage of the Kavanaugh hearings to show how unhinged the left has become.

The Elephant at the Southern Border
I normally find article from the American Thinker to be thoughtful and insightful. But, I have to admit, this is one of the most bigoted pieces I’ve read on the internet. Check out the following:
The elephant in the room is the low I.Q. of these would-be future Americans.  Specifically, the average I.Q. in central American countries – Honduras 81, El Salvador 81, Guatemala 79, for example – would assign these migrants and their offspring to the "educable" or mildly retarded category in schools, unable to master all but the basics (Mexico might be a small exception with an average I.Q. of 88).
In other words, people from south of our border are simply too stupid to play a positive role in American society.
What bull shit!
The truth is that those countries south of us have failing or few schools and most who come from there have little more than 5th grade educations.
It’s not their fault.

Vast Wind and Solar Farms to Bring More Rain to Africa
The solar farms would decrease reflectivity and wind farms to raise air to a level to help increase air moisture.
Or something like that.
The researchers put their idea to the test in a climate model of wind and solar farms in the Sahara desert. Their vast 3.5 million square miles of simulated energy tech would generate a whopping 82 terawatts of electrical power, far more than the 18 terawatts of total energy the world currently uses. The model incorporated dynamic changes to vegetative cover and showed the renewable energy installation would increase daily precipitation in the Sahara about 150 percent. The model indicated similar benefits would come from renewable energy farms that only covered the northwest quadrant of the desert.
Sahel, an area suffering socioeconomic hardship due to lack of freshwater, would feel the most benefit from such a scheme. Precipitation there could jump up by nearly 20 inches per year according to the model, the scientists report today in the journal Science.
The extra rain would bring life to this arid region,” said Motesharrei.

Giant Iceberg Breaks Free of Antarctica
Estimated to weigh one trillion tons!
After a large chunk of ice breaks away, sunlight, plankton and fish take over and transform the ecosystem pretty quickly, marine biologist Phil Trathan explained to Live Science last year.
It will be sort of a chain reaction. As you get productivity happening then you’ll get more species coming in, and so there will be quite significant changes over relatively short time scales.”
Courtesy of an international agreement, the area will be off-limits for any commercial operations – fishing included – for two years at the least

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