Tuesday, September 25, 2018

News and Interesting Stuff for September 25, 2018

The House asked members for their ideas to make Congress work better.
Some of them make a lot of sense.
That means the leadership on both sides will never approve them.
One that caught my eye was changing the seating. Instead of GOP on one side and Dems on the other, make each member of one side sit next to a member of the other side. Newer ones with older ones. Means they might even talk to one another.
Multiple members argued that Congress would better function if its lawmakers adopted rules changes to combat corruption, or at least its appearance. In an effort to limit member dependence on special interests, Rep. Gallagher (R-Wisc.) asked that campaign fundraising be illegal on any day the House is in session.
The vast majority of member proposals, as well as their accompanying testimony, gave voice to bipartisan frustration with many internal procedures that effectively dictate how the House is run. Across the board—even from many subcommittee members hearing the proposals—lawmakers asked for rules changes that would facilitate the decentralization of decision and policymaking authority from leaders to congressional committees and rank-and-file members. As put to me in a recent conversation with Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), “we want rules changes that allow legislators to be legislators again.”
This all sounds well and good, but as I said to start, Congressional leaders will never allow stuff like this to happen – until The Old Boy Network is broken up and we get lots of fresh blood in both houses.

More Deep State Activists Uncovered
U.S. GAO Auditor Admits “I Break Rules Every Day
Leaks at HHS; DOJ Official Resists “From Inside,” DOJ: “These allegations are deeply concerning…referred to Inspector General.”
Leaks at HHS; DOJ Official Resists “From Inside,” and “Can’t Get Fired”
State Department on Hidden Cam, “Resist Everything,” “I Have Nothing to Lose”
Each of these is accompanied by a video. And these are just a very few of similar videos uncovered by Project Veritas.

Project Veritas: Deep State Deeper than you want to believe
Our investigation found several revelations:
DOJ employee claims that her colleagues discuss how to resist President Trump from the inside, including "slowing what they do." She is not concerned about repercussions and brags, "at the DOJ, we can't like get fired.
Rogue agents reportedly using DOJ resources to target political opponents; run their license plates; and target them at their homes.
Employees leaking confidential informationat the Department of Health and Human Services to undermine the administration.
But the roots of the Deep State run deep. There is more to uproot and unmask.

Why the Media Mania Over the Kavanaugh Situation?
Everywhere one turns is some story about this poor, beset-upon woman and how the whole world is mistreating her.
Could it be so they don’t have to report on other, more important news?
We have reports of the Deputy Attorney General planning to sabotage the duly-elected president of the US.
Amazing responses of federal and local agencies to the aftermath of Florence.
Further advances in seeking peace in the Korean peninsula.
And on and on.
There is one story if true interest and importance to me that has been totally ignored by the Lame Street Media.
During his stop in Las Vegas, President Trump took the time to visit the VA hospital in the northern part of the valley. He met with staff, patients, and any and all veterans who were there at the time. They loved him.
But, most important, he signed a funding bill allocating funds for further improvements in the VA. And, it included money to upgrade and repair infrastructure on military bases here and around the world. Dependent housing and schools. Just about everything not funded through other means such as exchange sales and rent from civilian outlets on base. Something sorely lacking during the Obama years.
Do you think the public is being fooled by this? I don’t and it will show up in November.

Far Left Protest Plans for Kavanaugh Hearing Leaked Out: Block Hart Senate Building – Intimidate Senators – Wear White Shorts “Stained with Blood”
WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 04: Protesters disrupt the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill September 4, 2018 in Washington, DC. Kavanaugh was nominated by President Donald Trump to fill the vacancy on the court left by retiring Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Far-left Protestors are gathering for this week’s senate hearings.
Many are being bussed in to disrupt the event by Soros sponsored organizations.
Paul Sperry reported that protestors from several radical left-wing groups are being bussed in for the Senate Hearings tomorrow:
The protestors are gathering tonight at St. Stephens of Incarnation Church in DC where they are being provided lodging for their efforts throughout the week:
Now this…
Investigative journalist Jack Posobiec listened in on the planning call and released details of the planned disruptions.
Block Senate Building – Wear white shorts stained in ‘blood’ – Intimidate Senators”

Radical Leftwing Groups Linked to Soros are Bussing in Protest Mobs for This Week’s Kavanaugh Hearings
Why are good Christians helping a far left radical, George Soros, use groups he is funding to attempt to overthrow the nomination of Christian and conservative Judge Kavanaugh?

Why We Hate the Media – Kavanaugh Edition
I posted my reactions earlier and wonder if this blogger was reading my thoughts.
It is hard to single out the most egregious media treatment of the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh because the field is so large and the competition so intense. But The Guardian at least deserves to make the Finals with its story today entitled “‘No accident’ Brett Kavanaugh’s female law clerks ‘looked like models’, Yale professor told students.”
The Guardian article is a blatant piece of character assassination, and journalism so shoddy and biased that it doesn’t even rise to the level of fake news. Their operating rule is simple: anyone who stands in the way of leftist power must be destroyed. Smear Kavanaugh. And smear anyone who might have anything good to say about him.
There’s a whole lit in between but all clearly point out the media bias and clear attempt to besmirch a good man. From https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/09/why-we-hate-the-media-kavanaugh-edition.php

I watched every minute of the tour championship with a great deal of interest. I listened to the endless commentary over how he had overcome his physical handicaps.
What I did not hear was how much he had done to overcome his mental handicaps.
As someone who was once a scratch golfer, I can tell you that the most important distance in golf is the one between your ears.
The difference between Tiger and Rory is a perfect example.
Rory is one of the finest golfers in the game. He has been a big-time winner. But, what I saw yesterday was someone who simply was not mentally able to win. Not just that he frequently missed fairways and greens, but what he did when that happened.
On the other hand, when Tiger missed a shot, he didn’t get upset but simply searched for the best way to make the most of it.
He showed the outlook of a winner.
Was yesterday’s win a fluke?
I don’t think so. I can see him winning at least one more major – maybe even two.
Another huge win was the outpouring of love and support from the massive crowd. I’m sure NBC had record ratings. Thousands who weren’t even golfers showed up and tuned in to see if he could pull out the win.
And Tiger clearly appreciates their support.
It was fun to watch and I think there will be similar events in the future.

Media Continues Its Slow Suicide
After reviewing last week’s news coverage, I would encourage President Trump to come up with a more accurate taunt than “fake news.” Maybe “garbage news.” Or perhaps “bottom-feeding news.” Even try “we-are-a-collection-of-dishonest-miscreants-who-are-unworthy-of-an-ounce-of-the-American-people’s-trust news.”
But “fake news” is tame in light of the media’s misleading, destructive, and willfully ignorant reporting last week that was intended further to inflame a divided body politic.
Yeah, we see this day in and day out. I agree that Fake News is really not what it is. Fake news denotes that they’re making a mistake. Not hardly! They’re doing it on purpose. Their very best to make you and I think badly of our duly-elected president and the outstanding things he’s doing.

The Problem With The VA Isn’t Just The Agency — It’s Us
I wasn’t going to read but am glad I did. I fall into the same category as so many of us veterans. I get my health care at the AFB hospital and only use the new VA facility for my dental care. But, l every time I’ve gone out there, the staff and volunteers have been top notch. So, let’s stop being so damned negative and do what we can to pitch in and make things better.
Many of the people who work there deeply care about veterans and do everything in their power to help real veterans that seek the help they need.

Grassley and Sessions Are Profiles in Cowardice
I could not say it better! Neither one of them has the spine of a slug.
Sessions hasn’t the guts to stand up and take charge of the Justice Department.
Grassley sits there and lets the Dims run the committee. He hasn’t got the guts to pound the gavel and tell them to play by the rules – or get out.
He (Sessions) is a political hack with no backbone, who only seeks to be “liked.” He stands for nothing, risks nothing and is not worthy of even a footnote in history, except to say that he fled the battlefield. He is a nobody who will soon be replaced, and his failure to fill the breach caused tremendous harm to those who wish to fight to save non-despotic, limited government.
And then we have Grassley.
Sensing that danger, he folded. Between Sept. 19 and 21, he issued deadlines that meant nothing and made requests that were simply ignored. In response he merely complained and whined like a little child. He was used and humiliated. And not once did he stand firm and fight, even though he could have done so without paying an electoral price because is not likely to run for re-election.
In short, he proved himself, like Jeff Sessions, to be a coward.

How the Economic Boom Is Lifting Latino Communities
And the Dims can’t stand it!
According to the (census) bureau, from 2015 to 2017, the average household income for Hispanics increased from $65,818 to $68,319. That’s a significant increase—one that helps create better options for education, health care, and savings. It empowers people to invest in small businesses, or in acquiring skills that can create a better future. In short, it creates all sorts of options for Latinos in this country to have a better future.
And that doesn’t count increases due to the tax cuts and an improved economy right now.
As I’ve repeatedly stated, elections depend upon pocketbook issues. And the Hispanic media is doing everything it can to ignore these positive times.

I’m talking to you! You! Pay attention!’
They found their cell phones more interesting than Obama. Shame on them. They’re not supposed to hurt his feelings.
While giving a speech in Philadelphia, Obama angrily scolded a group in attendance who apparently weren’t as interested in hearing his voice as much as Obama loves the sound of his own voice.
I’m talking to you, young people!” Obama shouted, pointing his finger toward a group of people with a stern look on his face.
You! Pay attention!” he lectured.
The former president was stumping for Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf, Democrat Sen. Bob Casey, and several liberal congressional candidates.
But Obama couldn’t help but spend most of the speech talking about himself. While speaking for roughly 33-minutes, he said “I” 56 times, “Me” 5 times, and “My” 4 times, referring to himself a total of 65 times, or roughly once every 30 seconds.
Anyone surprised?

Queen Nancy Can’t Talk Clearly
And you want her to be the next Speaker of the House, third in line to the presidency?

American Weirdness: Observations From an Expat
I don’t know whether she’s whining or just making comparisons. And, as she seems to find living in Paris enjoyable, I have to wonder about her sanity.
The one thing she points out is time. So different elsewhere in the world than it is here in the USA. No appointments until 10am. Taking an hour to leisurely eat a meal and always with wine. Trains that run on time and are cheap to use.
She also points out how so many American things have crept into the rest of the world. Fast food and massive supermarkets.
Still, I often miss being surrounded by the American enterprising spirit, a spirit I hope I’ll never shake. Occasionally, I’ll have hankerings for tastes from my childhood: corn on the cob; blueberries; Junior Mints; Thanksgiving stuffing. Everyone living in a new context has moments like this.

8 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
Most of us spend our time worrying about what the interviewer wants to know about us. Thus, this is interesting to see questions YOU should be asking the interviewer:
1. What do the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like?
2. What are the company’s values? What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values?
3. What’s your favorite part about working at the company?
4. What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?
5. Are there opportunities for professional development? If so, what do those look like?
6. Who will I be working most closely with?
7. What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?
8. Is there anything about my background or resume that makes you question whether I am a good fit for this role?

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