Sunday, July 8, 2018

News That's Hard to Find for July 8, 2018

[Sorry for the delay but haven't been feeling real good for the past few days. Enjoy this.]

Obama’s DHS Secretary Says Abolishing ICE Would Compromise Public Safety
Oh really? That’s not what our enlightened DimocRATs are saying.
Abolishing ICE is not a serious policy proposal,” likened demands to abolish ICE to a hypothetical demand from those who wanted to end the Vietnam war by abolishing “the entire Defense Department.”
Obviously, that would have completely compromised national security,” Johnson wrote, adding that ending the agency “would compromise public safety” as well.
Calls to abolish ICE only serve to sow even greater division in the American public and in its political leadership, damaging any remaining prospect of bipartisan immigration reform,” wrote Johnson.

Bill De Blasio Used $3M NYPD Counterterrorism Plane To Fly Home From Canadian Vacation
Of course, what’s okay for the DimocRAT hierarchy isn’t okay for the common plebes. That’s what Leftism is all about.
The NYPD used a $3 million counterterrorism plane to shuttle Mayor Bill de Blasio back and forth from his Canada vacation to the Big Apple for an event Thursday, The Post has learned.
Hizzoner, who is in Quebec on a weeklong respite, briefly flew back to the Bronx for a memorial for slain Detective Miosotis Familia.
NYPD is transporting him in their plane,” de Blasio spokesman Eric Phillips told The Post.
Their plane” is a Cessna 208 Caravan that cost roughly $3 million and was picked up by the department in 2017, sources said.
The high-tech aircraft is outfitted with special sensors that can detect at a distance radioactive material used to make “dirty bombs.”

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Changes Bio
According to Richard Johnson, a staff writer for The New York Post’s, “At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.”
Johnson quotes the waitress as saying, “It says so much about her character. from that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.”
True socialism would dictate that all of the tip money from that night’s haul at the bar be divided equally, with no consideration given to who worked harder than anyone else.
That’s what situational politicians are all about. And, here’s the part of her bio she doesn’t want potential November voters to know about:
According to The Journal News, Ocasio-Cortez’s bio originally read, “She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”
The truth is that her father moved the family to Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County.”

World’s Hottest Temperature May be Man-made
Here’s the problem:
The Daily Caller News Foundation decided to look into it, and with the help of meteorologist Anthony Watts, found the weather station was located at Ain Beida Airport about four miles southeast of Ouargla.
Airports tend to run hotter than surrounding areas because of runways, jet wash from airplanes, vehicles exhaust and other non-natural factors that can artificially raise temperatures, creating a heat island relative to the surrounding area.
It’s not the right place to measure climate,” Watts, publisher of the popular science blog Watts Up With That, told TheDCNF. “It’s not climatologically representative.”

Mexico’s Obrador Intends to Cut Fuel Imports in 3 Years
Plans on building two new refineries and strengthen PEMEX, the national petroleum service. May plan on updating existing refineries that are producing way below capacity.
So far this year, Mexico has imported an average of about 590,000 barrels per day (bpd) of gasoline and another 232,000 bpd of diesel, as output at the country’s domestic refineries has steadily declined.
Foreign gasoline imports have grown by nearly two-thirds, while diesel imports have more than doubled since 2013, the first year of outgoing President Enrique Pena Nieto’s term, according to data from national oil company Pemex.
Meanwhile, the six oil refineries in Mexico owned and operated by Pemex are producing at far below their capacity, or an average of 220,000 bpd of gasoline so far this year.
And the imports are coming from – the USA.

America’s Junk Weapons
This is an excellent essay on Russian and American weapons development.
Along with the Vietnam War and Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), McNamara bequeathed the country the habit of canceling weapons systems because we could.
The two major victims were the B-70 Valkyrie and the GAM-87 Skybolt missile.
The B-70 was a remarkable aircraft, the sole example of a type flown only at that time and never since. Looking more like something out of “Trek” than an airplane designed in the 1950s, the B-70 was an eight-engine behemoth capable of cruising at 2,000 mph at an altitude of over 70,000 feet. And yet this beast of a machine was one of the most graceful airplanes ever designed, looking like a gigantic swan evolved in some biosphere far advanced over ours.

The New York Times Twists Facts to Create Martyrs Out of Immigration Violators
Of course it did! ICE had information that a local meat packing plant had hired a large number of illegals, was paying them under the table, and didn’t pay them overtime.
To make a long story short, the Times is criticizing ICE for enforcing federal immigration laws against a large group of people who conspired to engage in criminal activity: Illegal aliens who had no right to be here, or work here, and an employer that was willing to increase its profits by forcing those illegal aliens to work in dangerous conditions, sometimes without pay. (The nerve of those ICE agents, engaging in congressionally sanctioned enforcement of laws against fraud and abuse!)
And how did the town of 30,000 react?
Well, the truth is that they didn’t. The local Catholic church seems to have become a gathering place for friends and family of the individuals arrested in the raid. Apparently, in the eyes of the nation’s “paper of record,” handing out pizza and tamales during presentations from legal aid groups constitutes a stunning blow for the underdog – even if the underdog is clearly breaking the law.
A week later, 300 turned out to “protest.”

Atras, Nevada – Population 523
Why on earth would anybody be interested in this place?
According to Moe Lane’s blog, this is an amazing place settled by the Spanish a couple of centuries ago. But, here’s what makes it truly outstanding:
Fast forward to 1940, and the Selective Training and Service Act (previous attempts at conscription were generally ignored). Five men from Atras were called up for military service: all five starved to death while in boot camp. Autopsies by Army doctors revealed that the five men were mirror-images of regular humans; their hearts were on the wrong side of their chests, and so forth. Further examination determined that their biochemistry was similarly flipped; the Atras draftees died because they could not derive nourishment from the amino acids in their foods. Only foods grown in Atras — which were also flipped — could be digested.
The US military spent the next twenty years trying to find a way to make this useful as something besides a dietary aid, and failed. Eventually they gave up; the factory was placed at Atras in order to give the inhabitants paid work, since the population was otherwise pretty much stuck there. And things have more or less stayed that way, ever since.
[I got suckered into this. I actually thought this was for real until I did a search to find the place. It doesn’t exist. But, it’s a fun read and I hope you enjoy it.]

France in Flames

The story claims “migrant youths” are responsible for this. Typical of the Europeans that they’ll do anything to avoid pointing out these thugs are MUSLIMS!
War Zone France: Violent Migrant youth rioting on the streets for FOURTH night, streets ablaze, police attacked @

Trump White House Has Smaller Staff, Spends Less on Salaries Than Obama White House
Don’t expect the media to ever report this.
As of June 30, 2018, the White House currently employs 374 people, three fewer than were employed in 2017. It’s also significantly lower than the 469 that were employed in 2010 by then President Barack Obama.
In addition to maintaining a smaller staff size, Trump’s White House has also cut payroll by over $5 million when compared to Obama’s 2015 staff. The 2018 payroll currently sits at $35.2 million, in contrast to the 2015 payroll which Open the Books reported exceeded $40.9 million.
Open the Books also noted that by maintaining a smaller staff and by refusing to take a salary, Trump has already saved $11 million in taxpayer dollars, and “four-year savings could easily top $22 million.”

Senator Feinstein Won’t Get California DimocRAT Party Endorsement 

The California Democratic Party Humiliates Diane Feinstein…Again
Means she’s up against a tough opponent in December. Could she be on the way out because she’s not far left enough”
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi could have their political careers defined by what happens Nov. 6 in their home state of California.
The Central Valley Republican and the San Francisco Democrat are fighting to win the House majority and, with it, the right to try to round up enough votes to become House speaker. And the majority could very easily swing on the outcome of up to 10 California seats, setting the stage for a very late night – and possibly days and weeks of drawn-out drama given the Golden State’s proclivity for counting its votes very slowly.
Going to be interesting come election night.

U-Haul Data Shows Which States People Are Fleeing From
Anyone want to guess? California and New York by a mile.
Their business model is simple – they have hundreds of locations with thousands of moving trucks. In Los Angeles, a 20-foot moving truck will cost you $1,136 to go one-way to Phoenix.
But if more people want to move to Phoenix out of Los Angeles, they’ll run out of trucks in LA and have too many in Phoenix. So they need to offer an incentive for people to rent their trucks to go back to Los Angeles from Phoenix.
Americans take part in federal elections every two years, but in between elections, they vote, too – with their feet. More precisely, with trucks.

Protesters Blast ICE As Agents Disrupt Child Sex-Trafficking Ring In Oakland, California
What slimebags. They not only want to open the doors to illegals but want to protect pedophiles who sell children for sex! How low can they get?
People are smuggled and trafficked, while children are sexually exploited at home and abroad,” ICE’s website states. “Most ICE offices and programs have a role in preventing terrorism. Several are on the front lines of this effort, either identifying dangerous persons before they enter the U.S. or finding them as they violate immigration or customs laws. ICE also works to prevent the illegal export of U.S. technology that could be used or repurposed to do harm.”

I’ve never seen a power strip like this one. But I sure as heck have wished for one. How many of you have the problem of finding places to plug in things because of those blasted over-sized wall plugs?
There must be a reason the plugs have to be so big. Well, probably. The components needed to convert AC into DC take up a fair bit of room, and it is probably better – not to mention safer – to have them at the plug end, rather than the appliance end. But that is not the point.

The industries that are hiring, and the ones that aren't
The news is filled with glowing job reports, unemployment at record low levels, and businesses begging for workers. But, who are they?
The winners
Health care and education services
Goods producing and manufacturing
Leisure and hospitality
The Losers
Retail continues to dip
Young People
Truck driving

The Best “Help Wanted” Sign Ever!

Red Hen Restaurant Reopens
What goes around comes around. It isn’t only the Left that can protest.
It opened to full capacity, only accepting reservations and not taking walk-in guests.

Ties restrict blood flow to the brain, study finds
- suggesting men who wear t-shirts in the office may produce BETTER work
... German researchers scanned the brains of 30 young men, 15 of whom wore ties
They saw an instant 7.5% drop in blood flow to the brain after men put on ties
The study suggests the ath-leisure-wear of Silicon Valley could produce better work
I wore ties to church as a kid and then with my military uniform – and I hated them. Now I know why.

It's official, spending time outside IS good for you!
Getting out the house can slash your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even stress, major review reveals
Data from almost 300 million people was analysed as part of the new review
It is hoped doctors will now recommend patients spend more time outdoors
Researchers admitted they are unsure as to what causes the benefits found
But the team believe it could be down to the more opportunities to socialise

Ever Wonder Why You Feel Sleepy When You Drive?
Add alcohol or drugs and it gets worse.
Car vibrations make drivers drowsy in just 15 minutes and could seriously increase the risk of crashes after half-an-hour, study finds
Even if feeling fully rested, the gentle vibrations can send people off
After half-an-hour the drowsiness affects concentration and alertness
Research was conducted on a simulated highway, other road types are unclear
Motor-vehicle crashes cause two million emergency-room visits a year in the US
Road-traffic accidents cause 0.5% of all fatalities in the UK; higher in teenagers

X-rays, MRIs, and Ultrasounds – an Explanation
During my recent hospital stay, I had all three. Along with a few others to include the heart monitor my cardiologist gifted me with. So it’s really neat to read how each works and what the doctors and techs can learn from them.
Sometimes more than one major medical imaging techniques is required
We can be overwhelmed when we see how complicated some equipment is
An expert explains how the most common scans work and what they are used for

Reheating Rice Can Give You Food Poisoning
I’ve never been a fan of rice. Probably the most eaten grain in the world.
Can reheating rice give you food poisoning? Nutritionist explains you should put it in the fridge within an HOUR to avoid diarrhoea
Many struggle to eat all of the rice they get - and decide to put it in their fridge
But you shouldn't keep the rice in the fridge for any longer than 24 hours
That is, according to Fiona Hunter, a registered nutritionist based in Britain

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