Saturday, June 16, 2018

News That's Hard to Find for June 16, 2018

Is there anything Donald Trump isn’t guilty of?

In her Tuesday letter “Trump disaster,” Judith Lachance forgot to mention that President Donald Trump was also responsible for the sinking of the Titanic, the killing of Cock Robin and the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.

An Awesome Anniversary

Three years ago today, June 16.

What massive changes have occurred since then.

12 Things to Know About the DOJ IGs Report

There’s a lot more, of course, but this is a pretty decent roundup/

1. FBI Agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok Texted About Stopping Trump.
2. Comey Concluded That He’d Let Hillary Off In Spring 2016.
3. Comey Watered Down His Draft Statement On Hillary Dramatically.
4. Comey Is A Glory Hound.
5. The DOJ and FBI Changed The Law To Exonerate Hillary.
6. The FBI Wildly Botched The Re-Opening Of The Hillary Case.
7. The FBI Agents Prioritized The Russia Investigation Above The Hillary Investigation Reopening.
8. Comey Revealed The Reopened Investigation To Congress Because He Thought Hillary Was Going To Win, and He Wanted To Preserve Her Legitimacy.
9. Five Separate Agents Sent Pro-Clinton, Anti-Trump Texts — Many Of Which Implied Using Official Authority To Target Trump.
10. Comey, Strzok, and Page Used Personal Email To Conduct FBI Business.
11. FBI Employees Leaked To The Press Regularly.
12. Former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik Should Have Recused.

*Shock* Obozo Destroyed Files, Illegally

The archivist in charge of transferring former President Barack Obama’s records into the National Archives has run across a serious problem, according to a report published Sunday: A lot of the records are missing....

... The former president, it must be noted, signed a law that put electronic communications under the 1950 Federal Records Act. However, it doesn’t seem that his practice is quite what he preaches.

Lipscomb wrote that “the accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and ‘loss’ of tens of thousands of government records covered under the act as well as the intentional evasion of the government records recording system by engaging in private email exchanges....

Nah.  The RUSSIANS found and destroyed all those records.  Better call Mueller, eh?

San Juan Mayor Who Criticized Trump Now Being Investigated for Corruption

Corruption is the byword in Puerto Rico so this should come as no surprise.

The complaint states that Molina was blocked from her right “to report wrongdoing in her capacity as a private citizen, not as a public employee.” It says she was retaliated against for reporting an allegedly rigged system and was fired for attempting to report corruption, and includes other additional claims.

Puerto Rico "Nasty Woman" Mayor Under FBI Investigation For Corruption @ with all sorts of videos and links

VA Hospitals Have 3,000 Vacancies They Can’t Fill

Nobody wants the inflexible hours, poor pay, and government red tape.

The article has a 15 page list of every hospital and what they are short. It doesn’t include specifics just whether they are clinical or other.

Mental health providers topped the list for the most-needed occupation. Of the 140 hospitals, 98 reported a shortage of psychiatrists and 58 hospitals needed more psychologists. Other in-demand jobs included primary care doctors, human resources staff and police.

Labrador, Canada in June 2018

Global warming? Oops! I mean “Climate change.”

"It's not uncommon to see snow around the lodge — not six feet, though," says Jim Burton, who operates Igloo Lake Lodge.

The lodge borders Mealy Mountain National Park, about 115 kilometres southeast of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Burton said this is the first time in 50 years he's had to fly in a snowmobile in order to get supplies to the camp and get it ready for the season.

Food for Sex: Sexual Coercion and Immunity at the United Nations

Should this surprise anyone? Just another sign of the massive corruption in the UN. I’ll let you read the article for yourselves but it indicates that not only uniformed but civilian employees are guilty of sexual exploitation of young girls and women in return for food and other services.

Army veteran survives hardships, finds new purpose

One of the most inspiring stories I’ve read in a very long time. If this guy can overcome the negatives in his life, anyone can. To me, of everything written, this is the most important point of all:

"I never learned to love myself," he said, later noting "And now I have realized the best way to help the people around me is to help myself. The greatest way I can impact others is by helping myself. I never thought that was possible. I thought that was selfish, and it's not selfish because if you kill yourself what good are you to anybody."

Let’s all take a look in the mirror to discover we’re worth living with.

Poor Little Illegal Alien Children Separated From Their Parents

Boo hoo. How tough they have it. What a miserable way to live – compared to the hovels and near-starvation they faced back home.

These kids don’t have the faintest idea of what hygiene is, how to brush their teeth, or even use a toilet. They have to be taught all of it.

Anti-Trump doctor: It’s time to call in the UN and investigate America for putting kids in ‘internment camps’ @
Waht male bovine excrement!

And, of course BBC chimes in with their slant, although they do show a video of how the kids are taken care of.

US child migrants: 2,000 separated from families in six weeks @

Splitting California Into 3 Pieces Is Long Overdue

A bit of history. After Mexico’s independence in 1822, the honchos of the Territory of California constantly argues, even to the point of armed encounters, to split between the north with a capitol of Monte Rey and the south at Los Angeles. Later, Sonoma was talked of as the capitol of the north. It was the Americans who came along and set the state lines in the 1840s and made Sacramento the capitol.

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