Sunday, May 27, 2018

The News You Won't Easily Find for May 27, 2018

President Trump Signs Three Executive Orders on Federal Employees

I’ve seen a number of articles on this, but this one has about the clearest explanations I’ve read so far. Here they are:

The first executive order aims to strengthen accountability for federal employees and makes it easier to fire poor performers in the federal government.

The second executive order creates a federal labor relations working group to analyze union contracts with the federal government. It also makes it harder to pay federal unions to appeal firings and to lobby Congress.

The third executive order, focused on federal unions, is aimed at reducing waste and expenditures and requires federal employees to spend at least 75 percent of their time working on the job they were hired to do, as opposed to working on federal union work. It will also allow the federal government to start charging unions for office space in federal buildings.

President Trump Is the 'Communicator in Chief'

A thousand times better and Umm and Aah Obama who was supposedly the best speaker of all times. Personally, he drove me nuts with his breaks and pauses, as if he couldn’t quite grasp the script prepared for him.

President Trump is sure a lot different. So says Sean Spicer, a previous member of the team.

"For the first few days you're kind of going, 'Holy smokes, what's that ding?' because you get that little notification sent," Spicer recalled. "Then you get used to it. It becomes a new normal. He was going to be the communicator in chief."
Spicer admits that Trump's impromptu way of communicating, especially on Twitter, was an adjustment for him considering how he was used to a more orderly system based on his experience in both the military and GOP politics.

Caputo Legal Fund Tops Goal, Will Assist Others in Russia Probe

$300k in one week! Seems a whole lot of people are totally disgusted with how President Trump’s enemies treated his former campaign advisor. And even better, it gives him enough to help others who want to come forward to testify at the rotten corps of FBI and DOJ leadership.

DHS Secretary Nielsen Approves 15k More H-2B Foreign Workers

I’m surprised Breitbart reported it this way. They make it appear it’s being done to take jobs away from Americans. Nowhere does it mention that the jobs are those “beneath the skills and abilities” of Americans. Why should they get up off of their welfare couches drinking beer to get out into the sun to actually work?

I don’t know who this John Binder is but he sure as hell ain’t a fan of Secretary Nielsen. His piece is @

7 Reasons Why You Should Home School Your Kids

Before even looking at the 7, my response is – because the current public school system sucks! Grads can’t read, write, or do math. All they can do is earn participation awards. But, here are the reason cited by the author:

It fosters family intimacy
It allows for controlled socialization with peers
Home Schooling Ensures Congruency Between Your Values, Teaching, Beliefs, and Education
It Removes the Tension Between the World Your Child Lives in at School and the World They Live in at Home
It Enables You To Tailor the Educational Approach You Take With Your Child
Home Schooling Affords the Flexibility for Family Time, Excursions, Travel and Serving
Home Schooling Gives You the Freedom to Let Your Child Chase Their Individual Gifts and Passions

Why the hell do they have to use verbiage like that? Why not make it simple so people like me can understand it?

Makes the family closer
Parents can decide who the kids play and get together with
You can mesh your values, beliefs, and education
No more hangups about school and home
You can set up the program you and you kid agree on
The family can decide what and when to do things
Kinda repeats an earlier one
Another repeat of an earlier one
You kid can go after what they like and can do best.

Now, ain’t that better?

Veteran Groups are Dying

I hadn’t really thought about it before reading this article but it makes a lot of sense. There are a number of them in this area near Nellis AFB and I never, ever see cars or people around them. AMVETS, American Legion, VFW, Vietnam Veterans, and so on just aren’t drawing young vets and most have turned into old-age drinking clubs.

What can be done about it?

The author says he’s made suggestions but nobody’s paying attention to him. More @

California Passed Law to Regulate Cow Farts

So dairy farmers are seeking way to reduce them. A lot of government money gets spent at US, Davis and they come up with a bright idea – feed them seaweed!

The idea that seaweed might contribute to methane reduction in cows first came to light last year in Australia. Laboratory tests there indicated that cattle feed containing 2 percent seaweed could slash methane emissions by 99 percent.

To read the rest, shaking your head in wonderment, go to

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