Thursday, May 24, 2018

The News You Won't Easily Find for May 24, 2018

From Blue Wave to Blue Trickle to Blue Gurgle

Another one of those headlines ya gotta love. Puts it right into perspective.

Something funny is happening with the much-hyped “blue wave” on the way to the fall midterms. That wave of Democratic candidates that is supposed to sweep away the Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives? The one that the press and pundits have been predicting for months? One would almost think the steady narrative of a blue wave is an attempt at psychological warfare by the mainstream media and the Left in hopes of depressing Republican donors and voters into thinking the outcome is a foregone conclusion.

But that narrative is completely detached from reality. The numbers now tell a different story.

The article then includes a lot of surmise and possibilities ending up with this:

My prediction: I don’t believe the Democrats will take back the House. Could they gain 15-20 seats? Possibly, though I think even that number might be too high. It’s not beyond reason that Republicans once again could defy history, as they did in the 2002 midterms when they actually picked up eight seats. And with the Senate map being a brutal one for Democrats, they’ll likely lose seats in the Senate.

That last sentence is the most important part of all. For President Trump to complete the fulfillment of his campaign promises and to change the judiciary and executive brancfhes, he’s going to need more GOP Senators.

FBI Field Agents Want to Rat Out Hqs Crooks

The subpoenas are desired by the FBI agents because it requires Congress to pay for their legal fees and protects them from agency retribution.

If they come forward on their own as whistle-blowers, they’re swinging in the wind and open to retribution. And many of them are frustrated because only a measly conviction rate of 47% in 2017.

He added, “I can assure you I’ve been approached by agents who want to be subpoenaed for the same reason the guys in the field,” adding, “All over this country there are agents but the big ones the ones that matter New York–Washington I can assure you I’ve spoken with agents who want to come forward.”

Michael Caputo just said on Tucker Carlson that his defense fund will pay the legal fees of any FBI agents who want to come forward.

Libturd Throws Water In Tammy Lauren’s and Her Mothers Faces

How disgusting can the Left get! They’re doing everything they can to destroy Freedom of Speech and will attack any and all who disagree with them.

Well-known conservatives can no longer appear in public sans protection?

New reports from Afghanistan give false hopes for peace

From reading this piece, I can find absolutely no reason for any kind of hope in making a peace agreement with the Taliban. It’s their way or no way, as simple as that.

As US, European, and Afghan officials cling to the idea that the Taliban will negotiate a peace settlement to end the war in Afghanistan, a recent string of news articles would lead you to believe that the Taliban is actually willing to reach a compromise. However, these stories are highly misleading and give false hope that an end to this 17-year conflict is in sight.

The Taliban’s leadership isn’t at all interested in making peace with – let alone sharing power with – an Afghan government that it considers to be an un-Islamic stooge of Western powers. The Taliban has repeatedly ignored and rebuffed the Afghan government’s peace offers, as it considers the Afghan government a pawn of the West. The Taliban has stated time and time again that it is its religious obligation to wage jihad, or holy war, in order to eject the occupying forces and re-establish the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the name of the Taliban’s government.

When the Taliban has previously discussed negotiations, it always has two preconditions to talks: the withdrawal of foreign forces and the return of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

To put it more simply, the Taliban’s negotiating position is: first the West and the Afghan government surrender, then we’ll talk.

Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar massacred Hindus

And the Hindus paying back is a bitch. The Left whines and snivels because the Hindus have risen up and are returning the favor. The report doesn’t come from a right-wing group. Amnesty International is somewhat left of Marx and Lenin.

The investigation suggests that a massacre of Hindu men, women, and children in Ye Bauk Kyar happened on the same day, bringing the estimated total number of dead to 99….

Donations to Nunes Flooding In

The staunch supporter of President Trump and committee chairman trying to get the truth out of “Russian Collusion” charges got nearly $2.5 million in six weeks. This raises his campaign chest to close to $5 million.

Why so much? Because he’s a Republican in the Kalyfornya Commissariat.

Snowstorm in Late May?

At least if you live in Newfoundland, Canada.

Environment Canada is predicting between 15 to 30 centimetres of snow for the Grand Falls-Windsor, Bay of Exploits, Bonavista North, Gander and Terra Nova regions.

Highway crews started gearing up a couple of days ago.

"Obviously our crews were switched to summer mode," Crocker said. "So it will take us longer ... to get the roads cleared."

No Budget, No Pay’

A Surefire Way to Make Congress Face Down Nation’s Debt?

It sure makes a heck of a lot of sense to me. Tell lawmakers that if they can’t get down to work to perform their primary job of enacting a federal budget they will get no money in their bank accounts. Simple.

No budget, no pay” is one heck of an incentive to compel Congress to take the budget process more seriously.

Don’t expect lawmakers to suggest effective ways to revive a process they’ve let purposefully fall by the wayside. That kind of pressure—to perform in their jobs or be held accountable—will need to come from the outside.

There’s absolutely no way they would do this themselves. Heck. The even exempt themselves from laws the rest of Americans need to obey.

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