Saturday, May 12, 2018

News You Won't Easily Find for May 12, 2018

An Angel Appears in Michigan?

It certainly doesn't appear to be photoshopped. A sign of coming Armageddon?

I said, 'That's an angel!' And I was just blown away,” Glen Thorman, a fire chief, told local TV station 16WNDU. Thorman quickly contacted his wife and pastor to share news of the find.

Jordan Rivers Church posted the pictures on its Facebook page, saying the photos had not been altered, and sparked a debate over what the camera had really captured.

16 GOP Senators tell Senate Majority Leader "Do the job or don't take the Summer Break"

Lots of highfallutin' words but I doubt we'll see the action. No way will the 33 Senators up for reelection give up all that time to campaign in their home states.

Conservative senators have sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) demanding that lawmakers confirm President Donald Trump’s 271 outstanding nominations and pass a spending bill before the August recess or skip the break altogether.

We continue to witness historic obstruction by the minority party when it comes to funding the federal government and confirming the president’s nominees,” the letter said. “If we are complicit we are on the track for another last-minute spending battle come September.”
However, if we take action now, we can break the cycle of continuing resolutions and omnibus spending deals,” the letter said. “Therefore, we want to offer our full support to expedite floor consideration, even if we must work nights and weekends and forgo the August recess to get it done.”
Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) spearheaded the letter, which was also signed by Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Steve Daines (R-MT), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Dean Heller (R-NV), Ron Johnson (R-WI), John Kennedy (R-LA), James Lankford (R-OK), Mike Lee (R-UT), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Roger Wicker (R-MS).

Ban Guns - Murder Rates Rise

Should that surprise anyone other than Leftsts/Progressives? Town after town, country after country. The statistics speak for themselves.

So, think banning guns is going to solve America’s murder problem? The data should tell you to think again.
Yes, in spite of the fact that we’ve been told that Mr. and Mrs. America turning all their guns in is the best way to fix violence, that’s actually a complete lie. And the Crime Prevention Resource Center has the numbers to prove it.
The 2013 study looked at murder rates from places that had banned guns around the world, from Washington, D.C. and Chicago to England, Wales, Jamaica and even the Solomon Islands, an archipelago in the South Pacific which only had mass shootings after they decided to ban guns.

250k TPS Types to be Sent Home After 20+ Years Here

Just what is the Temporary Protected Status system? It is a "humanitarian" policy that allows people from various nations to remain in the USA on a "temporary basis."

The Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately. USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries (or parts of countries), who are already in the United States. Eligible individuals without nationality who last resided in the designated country may also be granted TPS.

From U.S.CIS Temporary Protected Status with lots and lots more about the whole thing.

This all comes from the piece, We need a path to citizenship for long-term TPS enrollees, says … that discusses the president and his chief of staff on immigration. The idea arises that they should be given a path to citizenship.

I disagree.

The order impacts 195,000 refugees from El Salvador and 57,000 from Honduras, assigned TPS status since December 1998.

Just who are these people? If they've been 20+ years, one has to wonder how much money they sent home to their families. And what would that money have done if invested here.

Think about it. El Salvador's population is 6.345 million as of 2015, mainly centered in two cities. What would happen if 195,000 people who've benefited from their time here returned home and actively worked to overcome the crime and corruption they ran away from? And we offered to help them do so?

Honduras may be more difficult as it has a larger population with even worse crime and corruption.

And, there are other countries under the TPS program; Haiti, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. What are they going to do about refugees from those countries?

There are no easy solutions to this problem but, until such time as Congress gets off its butt and enacts fair legislation, the president has only one option, direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to end the "temporary status" which means sending them back home.

I would prefer seeing something like, "We're sending you back but, if you are willing to clean things up there, we will help you."

Former Navy Seal Says, Waterboarding, Sleep Deprivation; Just Another Day at the Office

The worts I ever went through was tear gas and sleep deprivation. But thousands of Special Ops type go through "torture" before deployment just to prepare them in case they get captured. It's part of being prepared.

So what the hell's the deal about the politicians who are horrified by a paper cut?

This is a very controversial topic. Many senators, like former prisoner of war Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), stand in opposition to Haspel’s nomination, stating that “Her refusal to acknowledge torture’s immorality is disqualifying.” Democrats like Kamala Harris were very displeased that they could not get Gina Haspel to agree that the enhanced interrogations utilized in the past were immoral and unethical.

Yet many of my fellow veterans of all branches have undergone these “torture” techniques and worse in preparation to deploy into combat zones. This criticism of Haspel by both parties has me asking: If they did this to us and we don’t have a problem with it, why are we so concerned about doing this to terrorists to extract vital intelligence to save lives?

More military dying in training than in war

Sadly, it's a combination of faulty equipment and poorly trained personnel. As an example, when the Fitzgerald got hit by another ship, reports indicate the radar wasn't working properly and those in charge knew it. It was hard to evade the other ship when the radar didn't show it. Also, I haven't read anything about having actual lookouts on duty.

In 2011, while troops were still being deployed to Afghanistan, the Pentagon reported 395 combat deaths and only two training deaths. But by 2014, as troops were pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq, combat deaths fell to 38 and training deaths were at 15. In 2015, the numbers reversed with 15 combat deaths and 24 training deaths. In 2016, there were 16 combat deaths and 20 training fatalities. By 2017, using the congressional statistics, training deaths were at 80 and combat deaths at 21.

So far, the training death rate in 2018 seems to be on pace with 2016, a year in which 35 pilots and crew members died, according to the Military Times analysis. Since October, when the fiscal year began, there have been 15 fatal accidents. There was at least one ground incident at Camp Pendleton, in February, when a flight surgeon was struck by a helicopter's tail rotor.

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