Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not for sale!

Sonora Symphony is no longer for sale.
For legal reasons, I can't explain why, only that it hurts. Especially as I was told it was a very good story and well-written. It also hurts from the effort and hours I spent seeking reviews and publicizing it.
However, I can guarantee all of you that, in three months, it will be in the process of going on sale once again.
To those who've bought it, please send my comments for my future efforts about this.
Meanwhile, all of you are more than welcome to check out my other works listed in the novels, books and short stories page to the right.
Well, at least that means I now have time to get back to Mission Trail, the second novel of my Father Serra's Trilogy. I think I am going to post a few excerpts of the first, The Sailor and The Carpenter, so you can all get a sense of what will be published sometime next year.


  1. I'm sorry! That's disappointing and so frustrating!

  2. Sorry it didn't turn out well - yet. But keep going.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about this setback. Three months will, I hope, look shorter from the other side. I don't know much about the book's history, but I'd be happy to share my experiences as a (new) self-publisher if that would be relevant and helpful.

  4. Sorry to hear. That sounds terrible. Hopefully you can get it resolved.

  5. Thanks all for the felicities.
    Fortunately, I have other options.
    I opened my email this morning and found a note from my New Zealand publisher for the Father Serra Trilogy.
    It was a draft cover for the book!!!
    He, of course, expected I would find fault with it - which I did.
    But, in general, it was 100 times more professional than the one for Sonora Symphony.
    I sent back my comments and have a feeling he/they will make some professional corrections.

    Now, to keep my fingers crossed!

    [Oh yeah - I don't plan to self-publish Sonora Symphony as I strongly feel that with a good publisher with a good marketing plan, it can do well in the marketplace.]
