Monday, April 18, 2011

Good and Bad News

This is a symbol of a god of the California Chumash Indians

Some of you might've read my posts about Tabs versus Indents and already know what this is about.

One the good side - a publisher wants to see one of my historical novels. So, I spent a couple of hours cleaning it up and submitted it. Now just to sit on my hands and wait.

On the bad side - I have to go back through EVERYTHING I'VE WRITTEN to replace tabs with indents!

Good thing I got a lot of coffee!!!

Everybody calls these  Dream Catchers when, in reality the Souix call it a Snatcher. A fine line, I know, but it's always important to respect their lore and customs. If you find one in a store other than on a reservation, you're gonna end up with a "Made in China" as the authentic ones are made by hand.

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