Friday, October 25, 2019

The Trump Effect, Explaining Turkey, Humpback whales’ bubble nets, Anonymous Charges End Placido Domingo’s US Career, 14 Tools That Changed Medicine, and much more for October 25, 2019

US Navy isn’t ready to fight as it should
But the lack of readiness is pervasive across the fleet. The Navy’s maintenance backlog grew by 41 percent from 2012-2017, and the condition of available shipyards continued to deteriorate.
Ships can’t fight well if they’re not up to snuff.
For example, shipyard facilities “now include at least four dozen buildings—comprising 1.2 million square feet of space—that are condemned, uninhabitable, or otherwise unusable for ship repairs or any other work.”
Shockingly, the Navy had only 22 dry docks and sub-tenders in 2019, whereas in 1988 it had immediate access to roughly “50 dry docks, marine railways, and lifts.”
They spend billions on new ships that can’t meet their design parameters. Aircraft carriers that can handle landings. And the inability to fully train and maintain crews.
Even with small improvements and increased attention, more must be done, and quickly. The Pentagon and policymakers must make the maintenance of our sea vessels a priority, or they risk jeopardizing the Navy’s ability to protect our interests

USS Zumwalt Is Running Six Years Late
The USS Zumwalt, the world’s first stealth warship, won’t be ready for any sort of action until the second half of 2021. The six hundred foot long destroyer is six years late and has racked up a total price tag of $7.8 billion dollars. The ship’s two heavy guns, designed to provide long-range gunfire support, are still sidelined by a lack of affordable ammunition.
And, when we build new stuff, it seems we can’t get it right.

This Is What Happens When a U.S. Navy Attack Submarine Crashes Into a 'Mountain'
How in the hell did they get it to any port? Must’ve been s superb crew – and captain.

GOP Governors cheering for President Trump’s impeachment
It’s truly sad that some GOP political hacks simply cannot get over the fact that Donald Trump was elected as a Republican without their exalted blessings.
The governors are:
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker – somehow GOP and Massachusetts don’t seem to mesh for me.
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott
Larry Hogan of Maryland
Chris Sununu of New Hampshire
I’m surprised that any of those four states elected a Republican as governor. And, if they did it was because the candidates were RINOs,

@realDonaldTrump shows Twitter knows which side its bread is buttered
The author told an audience; “Trump is to Twitter as Michelangelo is to sculpture”.
It was met with an icy silence.
But, he was right on target.
Michelangelo’s genius, one infuriated listener pointed out, was deployed in creating uplifting works of art, whereas Trump’s tweets merely plumbed the depths of human nastiness. Which was spot on. But it nevertheless remained true that Trump is surpassingly good at what he does, which is polluting the public sphere, infuriating his opponents and pandering to the inner demons of his supporters.
I think this explains our Tweeting president very well.

Humpback whales use bubble nets to catch prey

Why Washington D.C. Compulsively Lies About Donald Trump
Because he’s not like the rest of the political hacks inside the Beltway.
I think the world generally, and the world of the powerful in particular, is far less lucid and more incoherent than most assume. The main difference between Trump and his predecessors is that the professional class / deep state / neoliberal order / whatever-you-want-to-call-it is fluent in a language that imposes a kind of regulative fiction on that chaos. Their fluency gives them gives them a patina of legitimacy and not a little power over the less fluent, which comforts some normies but also drives conspiratorial thinking. Trump and a lot of the people around him lack this fluency and have no interest in cultivating it.
In other words, he doesn’t speak their lingo or play their games.
Trump is sui generis in many ways, but voters are probably right to suspect that anyone who threatened the existing order would meet Resistance, as anyone who watched the political press cheer Obama on when he spent months calling Mitt Romney a felon in 2012 can attest to. There will be an election soon, and voters can have their say about Trump directly.

How many of today’s computer users even know what these are?
Would you believe they’re what the US Air Force has been using for its missile launch control system?
I don’t remember when I last saw one of these.
Five years ago, a CBS 60 Minutes report publicized a bit of technology trivia many in the defense community were aware of: the fact that eight-inch floppy disks were still used to store data critical to operating the Air Force's intercontinental ballistic missile command, control, and communications network. The system, once called the Strategic Air Command Digital Network (SACDIN), relied on IBM Series/1 computers installed by the Air Force at Minuteman II missile sites in the 1960s and 1970s.
Well, the Air Force is finally getting rid of them, converting to “solid state storage.”

CNN bigwig calls for hounding 'delusional' Senate Republicans at work, home
CNN’s political director urged the news team to get “in their faces” of all Republican senators on a daily basis, both at work and at home, about President Trump’s Ukraine phone call, according to undercover audio.
Another good find to show extreme anti-Trump CNN bias. And, yet another disgusting call to violence from a so-called stanchion of freedom of speech.
I think we have to be in their faces of all 53 Republican senators on as much of a daily basis as possible, whether they’re at home or on the hill, asking each one of them, is it okay for the President of the United States to apply pressure to a foreign country in hopes of getting a domestic political opponent investigated?” said Mr. Chalian on the audio.
If the Left continues to call for violence, violence will soon follow. And, I don’t think the Leftists know or understand who they’re calling out.

Anonymous Charges End Placido Domingo’s US Career
An amazing artist who has been responsible for bringing opera to millions of Americans can no longer perform in the USA – all due to 9 women, only 1 identified, who accused him of hitting on them – 20 to 40 years ago.
On August 13, 2019, however, the AP announced that nine females, all but one anonymous, were accusing Domingo of making unwanted sexual advances decades ago. The accusers—chorus singers, a few small-time soloists, and one ballet dancer—alleged wet kisses, solicitations to rehearse at his apartment, whispered blandishments while on stage, a hand down a shirt or up a skirt in cabs, and persistent phone calls.
The latest of the incidents allegedly occurred in the early 2000s; most dated from the 1980s and 1990s. Some of the accusers had had voluntary sexual liaisons with the singer, yet still asserted victimhood. An anonymous singer with LA Opera claimed that in 1998, after they kissed on his couch, he undressed her in his bedroom for a session of “heavy petting” and “groping.” A mezzo soprano in the chorus of LA Opera slept with Domingo in 1991 at the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles and at his apartment. After those two encounters, she cut off physical contact. The one named accuser, soprano Patricia Wulf, said that he never touched her, but used to whisper in her ear backstage: “Do you have to go home tonight?”
No proof. No faces behind the accusations. Is he a conservative or something that the Left is attacking him?

Politico panel predicts President Trump’s second “crazy” term
Would President Trump’s second term be crazy?
Politico claims to have armchair time travelers who predicted the president’s win in 2016 when everybody else thought it was impossible.
So now they are going to tell us what a second term would be like.
The time is January 2021. The election has left the nation a psychological mess and a sulfurous cloud of election meddling by foreign hackers hangs over the still-contested results. Trump’s Ukraine scandal ultimately spared him but it wounded Joe Biden enough to give Elizabeth Warren the nominationHakeem Jeffries, a 50-year old lawmaker from a Brooklyn-Queens district that is a stone’s throw from the president’s childhood home.. Once again, though, the result came down to the Electoral College, but even closer than in 2016. Warren, like Hillary Clinton four years earlier, took the popular vote by a resounding margin. But this mixed verdict has done nothing but further entrench the battle lines of a civil war that has become more than just a metaphor.
Here we go. Another push to get rid of the Electoral College, the most basic protection against mob rule ever envisioned by our Founders.
They claim he will call out the troops on Inauguration Day and that the Dims would boycott it en masse. Their seats are given away in a lottery open to Trump supporters.
They claim the Dims will hold the House by a slim margin but Pelosi will call it quits, turning the Speaker’s gavel over to Hakeem Jeffries, a 50-year old lawmaker from a Brooklyn-Queens district that is a stone’s throw from the president’s childhood home.
The real kicker. He’ll continue stacking the Federal judiciary with conservatives and will have a chance to change SCOTUS for decades to come.
Trump’s critics also worry that, given four more years in office, the president's unconventional ways could have other long-lasting effects on society. “Young people will grow up thinking that’s the way politics is,” said Shays. “So many of the things our Founding Fathers believe in will just go out the window.”
To Trump supporters, including the ones who came along on our time machine ride, all the talk about the end of democracy sounds laughable. “We said the same thing in 2012. ‘The stakes are just so high,’” Nunberg said of the fears surrounding a second Obama term. “We were fine.”
America, Trump’s supporters argue, is much more durable than the president’s critics acknowledge—even if he wins two terms. “It drives me crazy,” Fleischer said, “when people think Donald Trump’s tweets somehow are stronger than James Madison’s handwriting.”
You really need to take the time to read the full piece. It’s sound, sometimes amusing, and an open admission by swamp creatures that Donald J. Trump will win again in 2020. Full piece @

A Drug Cartel Just Defeated The Mexican Military In Battle
Last Thursday in the city of Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, a battle erupted between government forces and drug cartel gunmen after the Mexican military captured two sons of jailed drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. The elder son, Ivan, was quickly freed by his men, who overpowered government forces and secured his release. Ivan then launched an all-out siege of the entire city in an effort to free his younger brother, Ovidio.
The cartels probably have more money to arm and equip their men than the Mexican government does. And, what is most shocking is that the president of Mexico had to step in and personally order the military to stand down and turn their prisoner over to his brother.
The eight-hour battle ended when government forces, outgunned and surrounded, without reinforcements or a way to retreat, received an order directly from Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to release their prisoner and surrender. Lopez Obrador later defended this decision, insisting that his security strategy is working and saying, “Many people were at risk and it was decided to protect people’s lives. I agreed with that, because we don’t do massacres, that’s over.”
The city is only 600 miles south of Nogales, Arizona. And there are other cartels a whole lot closer to our borders. What if this happens in Tijuana or Juarez or Matamoros? And our police or even National Guards gets sucked in?
The idea that a nation of 120 million people with whom the United States shares a 2,000-mile border and ever-increasing economic ties might spiral into collapse has not seriously occurred to the American people. We’ve had a century of relative peace on our southwest border, and aside from dealing with an occasional surge of illegal immigration, we have assumed that it will continue. It will not.
Culiacan should be a wake-up call that the war now underway in Mexico will not stay there, and that we’d better start thinking about what that will mean for America.

Why is Turkey Fighting Syria’s Kurds?
The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, known by the Kurdish acronym PKK, was founded as a Marxist-Leninist group in Turkey in 1978 in response to state-backed discrimination against Turkish Kurds, with the goal of creating an independent Kurdistan. A PKK insurgency against the Turkish state began in 1984, and fighting between the two sides has continued intermittently ever since, accompanied by heavy-handed Turkish repression in Kurdish areas, resulting in the deaths of more than 40,000 people, a majority of them Kurdish civilians. The PKK, for its part, has focused its attacks on the Turkish military over the years, but it has also hit civilian targets. Turkey and the United States have both designated the PKK a terrorist organization.
And, according to this, the Kurds first emerged in the 10th century. A majority of Kurds belong to the Shafi‘i school of Sunni Islam, but significant numbers practise Shia Islam and Alevism, while some are adherents of Yarsanism, Yazidism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity.
This then goes on to identify the SDF and its efforts to fight ISIS and avoiding being linked with the PKK. Turkey claims it is.
Worth reading to help understand what’s going on in the region and why Syria is rushing to the aid of the Kurds in its territory.

Babylon Bee
Trump Names Energizer Bunny New Secretary Of Energy @
Pope Announces Any Time Spent Watching 'The View' Counts As Time Served In Purgatory @

Trump Blamed For Causing Violence In Typically Peaceful Middle East @

Explaining Turkey
The article actually starts by discussing President Trump as an unconventional leader. But then, it goes into a couple of examples that are most interesting.
Sweden stubbornly keeping to driving on the left while Norway, Finland, and Denmark drove on the right and how the changeover went about.
But the crux comes when it recalls that Turkey actually sided with Germany during WWII. And it discusses Mustafa Keman, known as “Ataturk,” or “Father of the Turks.”
Ataturk denounced the prior "Young Turks" and went on a rampage of reform. He built hundreds of schools all across Turkey and made elementary education mandatory. Women were forbidden to wear the veil. Ataturk hammered Turkey into a modern secular European republic (and that includes giving women the right to vote and all kinds of such modernization).
(The Shah of Iran tried the same thing but got screwed by Jimmy Carter and the CIA)
here comes the zinger. Ataturk was wise enough to know that he could not achieve his desired reforms unless he completely trashed the Arabic alphabet and the ancient Ottoman alphabet and put in their place the modernized Latin alphabet in which the Turkish language is written today.
There's no way to force you to do this, but I really wish you would take time out now to imagine what life would be like if, all of a sudden, every single word in your life had to be in an alphabet other than the ones you learned as a very young child. Imagine if every single book, beginning with the Bible, the Torah and the Quran, had to be reprinted with Ataturk's new alphabet! Not to mention newspapers, magazines and best-sellers of every kind. And, just as when Sweden made its traffic shift, every road sign in the country had to be changed!
What would you do if suddenly it was decided that the USA would no longer use the Latin alphabet and everything was suddenly changed to something else?

The Trump Effect
It takes a Nobel Prize winner to describe it?
Economics has been called the "dismal science," but Robert Shiller, who won the 2013 Nobel Prize in economics, is feeling optimistic. Interviewed last Friday on CNBC's "Trading Nation," Shiller says a new phenomenon he calls the Trump Effect could keep the economy booming.
Don’t tell the Lame Street Media that. It’s invested in pronouncing a steep recession in early 2020. The only way the Dims could ever have a chance of beating him.
He mentions the enthusiasm at Trump rallys like nothing seen before. While some media outlets cover them, they really don’t touch the heart of them – thousands of strangers becoming friends and neighbors and avid supporters of the president’s agenda.
There will be no recession.

Obama raises money with Soros’ kid to destroy the republic
Anyone surprised that the Muslim Kenyan would get together with the America-hating Soros family to do everything he can to weaken conservatives?
The push to eliminate conservative voices in America continues full steam ahead. Barack Obama will host a fundraiser this evening at the home of Alex Soros to raise money for his “redistricting” efforts across the United States.
If you aren’t familiar with what that means and the threat it poses to your freedom… it basically means changing all the district maps in the United States, so that conservative ‘rural’ areas (which are generally less receptive to democrat promises and fabrications), will have their districts ‘diluted’ with progressive voters.
If there was ever a question about Obama’s efforts to create “Change” in this country, this effort should put an end to it. His version of change is a One World Order and the end of the longest-standing form of government in modern history.
Restoring fairness to our democracy by advocating for fairer, more inclusive district maps around the country is a priority for President Obama,” Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said in a statement at the time.
Wrong. “Fairness” is the buzzword being used to deceive and delude, while the media carefully ignores these efforts and focuses on the immediate goal of ousting the most effective president the country has had in decades.

10 Medical Advances That Will Shape the Future of Healthcare
I expected some staggering advances in treatment. Instead, this deals with other forms of medical advances. And, this is just the author’s idea of what’s leading.
These methods and machines are making the future of medicine far brighter.
Crowdsourcing. Websites where doctors can discuss symptoms in order to get more precise diagnoses.
PatientsLikeMe websites where those in the same situation share advice, new treatments, novel trials, recent research and plain old empathy.
IBM’s Watson where doctors can tell the machine in a natural voice the patient’s symptoms and wait while the supercomputer gathers data to suggest diagnoses and treatment.
Bones by Design, Organs on Demand
Smartphone apps. In 2012, to pick a recent example, the FDA cleared an iPhone app that lets your doctor take a remote EKG just about anywhere there’s a suitable connection.
Biohackers sewn into your clothing or implanted in you body to tell your doctor in real time what’s going on. (I had something similar where my cardiologist could read my vitals 24/7 and be alerted if something wrong happened.)
The Beating Battery. Nanogenerators that convert the mechanical energy of a heartbeat into electrical energy
Breathalyzers to diagnose cancer,
Antibiotic smart bombs designed to target and destroy specific strains of bad bacteria that actually cause disease in humans.
Container hospitals. What good are advances in medical treatment if you don’t have access to the medical facilities that provide them? That’s the idea behind a Chinese initiative to use shipping containers to create a kind of hospital in a box.

10 Breakthrough Moments in Medicine
Ideas and innovations that solved some of medicine’s most confounding mysteries.
Again, the author’s idea of what was so great. I’m sure people think of many others of equal importance.
Antibiotics and Their Incalculable Impact
The World-Changing Application of Germ Theory
Prevention, Not Treatment
A Big Dig Through Data Uncovers Epidemiology — and a Cesspool
The Ugly Face of War Leads to Modern Plastic Surgery
Making Blood Transfusions Work, Finally
The End of Hysteria and the Advent of Women’s Health
Where There’s Smoke …
From Grinding Organs to Transplanting Them
Bedlam Is Now Just an Expression

14 Tools That Changed Medicine
(Amputation kit)
We shaped the instruments. Then they shaped us.
Discover Magazine is filled with these today.
Hypodermic Needle
Randomized Controlled Trial
Amputation Kit
Dialysis Machine
Transorbital Lobotomy Orbitoclast
Permanent Marker
Medical imaging
Band aids
(Again, there are a whole lot more, so let’s see what you think was important.)
And, if you want even more, go to;
10 Weird, Wacky and Worthwhile Experiments, Unexpected and offbeat discoveries sometimes yield the most startling advances in medical science. @

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Brexit explained, Gymnast Biles by miles, The best wireless mouse, DNC colluded with Ukraine to help Hillary win, Denmark setting up internal border checks with Sweden, and much more good stuff for October 17, 2019

FL Court: Cities must cooperate with ICE or elected officials will be removed from office
We finally have people standing up to the Sanctuary City mob.
There was a new Florida state law that put a ban on sanctuary cities. It also ordered law enforcement officers to continue full cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Miami U.S. District Court Judge Beth Bloom upheld a majority of the components of that law on Monday, just one day before SB 168 went into effect.
On top of banning sanctuary cities in Florida, it also creates a new mandate. It requires police departments to hold inmates for an additional 48 hours to give ICE enough time to take custody of them.
The article doesn’t indicate just how government officials can be removed.
The majority of the article seems to center on problems between ICE and officials of Fairfax, County, VA.

Two Giuliani Associates Who Helped Him on Ukraine Charged With Campaign-Finance Violations
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, two Florida businessmen, have been under investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan, and are expected to appear in federal court in Virginia later on Thursday, the people said. Both men were born in former Soviet republics.
Attorney General William Barr discussed the case on Thursday with federal prosecutors in Manhattan, where he was making a preplanned visit. A Justice Department official said Mr. Barr was supportive of their work on the case, on which he was first briefed shortly after being confirmed as attorney general in February. He was aware the pair would be charged and taken into custody last night, the official said.
Dozens of articles on it all over the web.
How is it okay for foreign governments to give money to the Clintons but not a group supporting President Trump?

President Trump: U.S. ‘should have never been in the Middle East’
Other than for helping Israel defend itself, he’s absolutely right.
Fighting between various groups that has been going on for hundreds of years. USA should never have been in Middle East. Moved our 50 soldiers out. Turkey MUST take over captured ISIS fighters that Europe refused to have returned. The stupid endless wars, for us, are ending!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2019
U.S. involvement in the Middle East has cost the country $8 trillion so far, along with many thousands of lives. President Trump said this was the worst decision ever made in the history of America. A Sunday press release confirmed that the U.S. was officially withdrawing from the region, stating “The United States Armed Forces will not support or be involved in the operation.”
I held off this fight for almost three years, but it is time to get out of these ridiculous endless wars…and bring our soldiers home,” the president emphasized.
All sides have had 3 years to ponder how the president was elected partially on the promise to get us out of continual wars. So, that he’s acruallt keeping that promise cannot surprise anyone.

Biles by miles:
U.S. gymnast claims record fifth all-around world title.
In 1976, I watched Nadia Comaneci get a perfect 10 on the uneven bars at the Montreal Olympics. I remember thinking that something was going to be required to review the scoring system. And it always has galled me that a bunch of judged are able to decide the outcome based on their own biases and political leanings.
(Reuters) – American Simone Biles became the first woman to win five all-around titles at the gymnastics world championships in Stuttgart on Thursday, building on her legacy as one of the greatest of all time.
It was Biles’ 16th gold medal at the worlds and added to her all-around world titles from 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2018.
Needing 12.301 in the floor exercise to reclaim her title in the final rotation, Biles scored 14.400 points to finish with an overall score of 58.999 — beating China’s Tang Xijing by a huge margin of 2.100.
Russia’s Angelina Melnikova took bronze with 56.399.
I‘ve never seen her perform in real time but her videos are astonishing. While other athletes have that look of dedicated determination on their faces, Biles just goes out there with the attitude of having fun – as if the results don’t count.
How can anyone beat that?

Kids Aren’t Suffering From ‘Video Game Addiction.’ They’re Suffering From A Lack Of Parenting.
Parents in Canada have filed a class action lawsuit against Epic Games, the company that made the popular video game Fortnite. The distraught plaintiffs accuse the devious minds behind Fortnite of intentionally creating it to be “as addictive as possible.” This addiction has destroyed their children’s lives, they say.
Another generation taught not to take responsibility for their own actions?
10-year-old children aren’t going out and buying their own games. They aren’t buying their own TVs, phones, and computers, either. If a child is playing games for several hours a day, it is because his parents have chosen to invest a considerable amount of money into fueling the hobby. So, why is your kid playing video games so much? Let us solve the mystery: it is because you are allowing and funding it.
It’s nice to read a common sense approach to a supposed epidemic.

The Top 10 Science Experiments of All Time
Discover always comes up with interesting articles. I’m sure there are others, but these 10 seem to top any list.
3rd Century BC – Eratosthenes measures the world.
1628 – William Harvey discovers blood circulation
1855-1863 – Gregor Mendel experiments with the fundamental rules of genetic inheritance
1665-1666- Isaac Newton on the nature of colors and light (thought it was going to be the apple thing?)
1887 – Michelson and Morley Whiff on the way light moves
1898 – Marie Curie defines radioactivity
1890s – 1900s – Ivan Paval on the discovery of conditioned reflexes
1909 – Robert Milikan determines the precise value of a single electron’s charge
1801 and 1927, respectively - Young, Davisson and Germer on the wavelike nature of light and electrons
1966 – Robert Paine on the disproportionate impact of keystone species on ecosystems

Humans can regenerate cartilage
Lord above, I hope so. The cartilage in my left knee is almost completely gone and the same in my right isn’t far behind. It’s got me stuck to walkers, a wheelchair, and an electric scooter.
If you get a cut, it’ll heal. If you lose some skin to road rash, it’ll grow back. But lose a limb, and it’s gone for good. Unless you’re a salamander, a zebrafish or an axolotl, of course — all of which can regrow missing limbs. Now, scientists find that some of the molecules crucial to that process are at work inside of us.
Confirming that similar processes are working in different species means the scientific community can identify which microRNAs humans lack or have in short supply. Boosting their production in joints could, for example, slow cartilage degradation and maybe stop osteoarthritis. The condition, where joint cartilage degrades and makes moving painful, is one of the most common causes of disability in the world. Currently, the only option for treatment is to replace the joint entirely. If the tissue could be prompted to regenerate itself, then patients could avoid the pain and intense surgeries.
It may be a decade away – far too long for me – but there’s a possibility that researchers might assemble the right combinations of microRNA to heal arthritis.

Dems Want to Know: Who Paid Rudy?
The president’s personal lawyer has been digging up dirt for him in Ukraine. Now Congress wants to know: who picked up the tab?
A member of the House Intelligence Committee is calling on Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to disclose information on who financed his attempts to dig up dirt on Joe Biden amid a wave of reports that the work has dovetailed into official government business.
Reports indicate Rudy represents the president pro bono, meaning he receives no money for travel or the meetings he holds. He claims his expenses are paid by clients of his law firm.
In an interview with The Daily Beast this week, Giuliani steadfastly denied that he was paid for any work he did in Ukraine, saying that he helped Trump on a “pro bono” basis. He said that the costs of his travel were covered by private clients for separate work that happened to correspond with his Ukraine portfolio. Speaking specifically about an August trip he made to Madrid to urge Andriy Yermak, a top Ukrainian official, to reinvestigate the Bidens, Giuliani said that he happened to be going to the Spanish capital already for “business and vacation.”
And he’s digging up dirt the Dims have done their best to keep buried.

The best wireless mouse
Logitech sweeps the field.
Exactly what I have, along with a Logitech wireless keyboard.
After researching 42 wireless mice and testing 14, we found that the Logitech M720 Triathlon Multi-Device Wireless Mouse is the best wireless mouse for most people because it is more comfortable to use than nearly every other mouse we tested, connects easily via a USB dongle or Bluetooth, and tracks well on most surfaces.
The article then gives a very good series of things to look for when looking for a mouse.
Battery life
Useful software
I’m very pleased with my simple – and inexpensive - Model M215. It meets my needs and I can’t begin to remember how often I’ve had to change the batteries. And, if I remember correctly, it came with the K330 Logitech wireless keyboard I bought at OfficeMax.

Inside Cirque du Soleil’s technology lab
I’ve never been to one of their shows but have seen lots and lots of promos for the various shows they put on here in Vegas. They appear to be astonishing.
This 7 minute video gives one a look inside their operation and is worthwhile watching.
Cirque du Soleil is iconic: both a smooth corporate machine and pop culture staple. The company's approach has been to launch its latest innovation lab called Nextasy. At the global headquarters in Montreal, the lab is playing with motion sensing to make a soundtrack respond to dancers' actions, AI to spark new makeup ideas and augmented reality to overlay animations onto live performance. In our feature video, we visit Cirque du Soleil to see how it's trying to create spectacle more than 200 years after the first circus, and how it harnesses technology for its own whimsical purposes.

If you see one of these, kill it. Immediately!
It’s a northern snakehead fish and is somehow in Georgia’s waters.
The department urges people to photograph the fish, including some close-up shots "of its mouth, fins and tail." Remember where and when you found it and immediately report it to the office's Wildlife Resources Division Fisheries Office.

DNC colluded with Ukraine to help Hillary win
Golly gee! I thought the media was positive it was the other way around. Didn’t we just spend $46 million to see if Trump did it?
The connection between the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Ukrainian government was veteran Democratic operative Alexandra Chalupa, “who had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton administration” and then “went on to work as a staffer, then as a consultant, for Democratic National Committee,” Politico reported.
Chalupa was working directly with the Ukrainian embassy in the United States to raise concerns about Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and, according to Politico, she indicated that the Embassy was working “directly with reporters researching Trump, Manafort and Russia to point them in the right directions.” More
This is not the only piece claiming this.

Trump To Exit ‘Open Skies’ Treaty
Another “America first” decision.
The ‘Open Skies’ treaty which the US signed in 1992 and went into effect in 2002 is the agreement which allows Russian surveillance planes to occasionally fly over the heart of North America, in an unusual arrangement which has US residents understandably freaking out when they might look up and see a large Russian Tu-214ON aircraft overhead. 
The post Cold War treaty allows its 34 member states to conduct short-notice, unarmed observation flights to monitor other countries’ military operations in mutual verification of arms-control agreements.
However, following the Trump administration’s pullout of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), it seems the White House increasingly views the ‘Open Skies’ agreement as also obsolete. CNN reported late Tuesday the administration is expected to soon exit the treaty. “The Trump administration is expected to soon announce that it plans to exit the Open Skies treaty, a US official tells CNN, a move that has already drawn condemnation from Democrats in Congress,” according to the report.
Makes no sense to stay with the accord as satellites provide coverage equal or better than what can be picked up by aircraft.

Seattle solves homeless crisis – with one-way bus tickets
Only Libtards could come up with solutions like that.
(Maybe not. Seems to me more of a right-wing solution than the other way around.)
The program would provide a bus ticket and meal vouchers to any homeless person who could prove they were going to live with a family member. They would not be allowed to move to a county adjacent to King County.
Get ;em far enough away that they’re not likely to come back.

LA gas prices go above $5 while resident learn solar panels don’t work in blackouts
Saudi Arabia, local refineries gearing up for winter blends, weird eco-laws and regulations all leading to a 1 day spike to over $5 per gallon in various locations.
But wait, there’s more: America’s most “environmentally conscious” state got a harsh lesson in electrical engineering when many of the tens of thousands of people hit by this week’s blackout learned the hard way that solar installations don’t keep the lights on during a power outage.
That, as Bloomberg reports, is “because most panels are designed to supply power to the grid, not directly to houses. During the heat of the day, solar systems generate more juice than a home can handle. However, they don’t produce power at all at night. So systems are tied into the grid, and the vast majority aren’t working this week as PG&E cut power to much of Northern California to prevent wildfires.”
A whole lot of people suckered over the solar power scan.

Nancy’s Diary
I don’t know how these people uncovered this, but some of the entries of this Washington pol named Nancy are hilarious.
September 1, 2019
Gosh darn it! I wish those Squad gals would give it a rest. Don’t they understand? If we impeach the guy, then he gets to play the martyr and our chances next November are zero to none.
And then;
September 25, 2019
The White House released a rough transcript of the call between the President and the Ukrainian president. It confirms everything we’ve already heard. I’m afraid I’m being played for a fool. What’s the secret plan?
After a few more shots of whiskey to steady her;
October 10, 2019
Things are starting to look a lot better. One of my aides did a little research and it turns out that the order of succession for the presidency says the Speaker of the House takes over if the Vice President is removed. Time to start a separate inquiry methinks. President Pelosi. Madam President. I like the sound of that.

Navy patents compact nuclear fusion reactor
If this is true, it could change the entire field of energy generation for the entire world!
This has been the goal of scientists since the Manhattan Project that created the first nuclear power plant.
If scientists were able to harness fusion energy, all it would do is completely change the course of humanity. One kilogram of fusion fuel produces the same amount of energy as 10 million kilograms of fossil fuels, according to the Science Museum in London. It’s the perfect energy source; it doesn’t emit greenhouse gases or leave behind harmful byproducts such as nuclear waste—unlike nuclear fission. In fact, its sole byproduct is helium: an inert, extremely useful gas.
Think of it, 1 kilogram of fusion fuel producing the same energy as 10 million kilograms of fossil fuels. With a byproduct of helium.
The success of the device, developed by researcher Salvatore Cezar Pais of the Naval Air Warfare Center - Aircraft Division, relies on a part called a dynamic fusor. According to the patent, Pais’ plasma chamber contains several pairs of these dynamic fusors, which rapidly spin and vibrate within the chamber in order to create a “concentrated magnetic energy flux” that can squish the gases together.
One can only keep ones fingers crossed with the hope that this actually works.

15 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Airline Pilots
I always get a kick out of finding articles like this. I hope you enjoy.
1. They Can Fly for Free—They Just Don’t Want To.
2. There’s No Reading in the Cockpit.
3. There’s No Napping, Either. Technically.
4. They’ll Let You Look Around.
5. There’s a Spare Seat in the Cockpit.
6. They Wish You Wouldn’t Ask Them to “Pull Over.”
7. There is No Action-Movie Cargo Compartment Underneath the Plane.
8. They Can Have One Hell of a Commute.
9. Peeing Can Be Painful.
10. They Shake Their Heads at the “Passenger Embellishment Factor.”
11. Co-Pilots Aren’t Sidekicks.
12. Auto-Pilot Isn’t Code for “No Pilot Needed.”
13. The Uniform Gets Them A Lot of Respect. (In Foreign Countries.)
14. Being on Food Stamps is Not a Myth
15. They Really Love Landings.

Denmark setting up internal border checks with Sweden
Gee. I wonder why.
Could it be something to do with an explosion outside the Danish tax agency in which two “Swedes” were charged?

The unsung members on the amphibious transport dock ships
As with every branch of the military, it’s the ones doing the lifting and sorting that keep things going.
Working in combat cargo is not only physically taxing, but it is also mentally exhausting.
Someone has to unload and put away the parts and equipment that keep the big amphibs going and the ship getting them to where they need to go.

World Conker Championship played in spite of heavy rain
You really won’t believe this one. Takes place in Southwick, England.
I wonder if they took breaks for tea.

A funeral to remember
Just looking at this guy tells you what fun he had in life.
You just have to click on the link to get the best of this funeral in Kilmanagh, Leinster, Ireland.

Be Careful Of News About Syria: It May Not Be What You See…
Here’s another video where she attacks the U.S. and the baby is clearly alive, she’s giving her a bottle.
Other videos being shown are actually from 2017
ABC Attempts to Pass Off Gun Range Footage as Combat Footage From Syria to Blame Trump @
Kurt Eichenwald Posts 1983 Image of Child Earthquake Victims to Bash Trump Over Syria Pullout @
Syrian and US Forces pass one another

Liberal journalist shocked by what he finds at the border
Most of those Hispanics are first-generation and they see it as unfair, that they came over the legal way, became citizens, and now they’re having to compete for jobs with those coming across the border on a daily basis,” explained Fielden.
Surprise! Surprise!
The vast majority of Mexicans living in the USA legally are very upset by all the illegals coming through.

Israeli police arrest Palestinian officials in Jerusalem
This is definitely going to cause demonstrations/riots and missile attacks from PLO territory.
Israeli police have arrested the Palestinian governor of Jerusalem and a local official of the mainstream Fatah party in dawn raids on Monday in the disputed city, AFP reports, citing the men's lawyer.
Police arrested governor Adnan Ghaith and the Fatah general secretary for Jerusalem, Shadi Mutour, in raids on their homes in east Jerusalem, lawyer Mohammed Mahmud said. The officials were accused of engaging in activity on behalf of the Palestinian Authority in the city.
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said that “two representatives were arrested by police and are being questioned,” but did not confirm their names.
PA activities in Jerusalem are barred by Israel, which occupied east Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed it in a move never recognized by the international community.

Some less than stellar national anthem attempts
It’s amazing that Putin kept a straight face.
You can clearly see the pained expression on President Trump’s face
And the Egyptions murder the Marsellaise

Croatian Presidential Candidate
The central tenets of her platform include increasing exports and reducing imports, while improving youth employment, entering the Schengen area and banning abortions after six weeks. She also plans to legalize marijuana and prostitution to keep sex workers safe and boost tax revenues.

11 questions about Brexit you were too embarrassed to ask
It’s on just about every major news site on the web. Especially when it’s coming up October 31. There’s a lot of political infighting but the basic premise is = The people of England want out of the European Union.
This article answers the following questions:
1) What is Brexit?
2) Why is all this happening right now?
3) What kind of Brexit does the UK want?
4) What is the current Brexit deal?
5) Okay, so what is the “Irish backstop”?
6) So why did everyone hate May’s deal?
7) Who is Boris Johnson and will be deliver Brexit?
8) Why is the EU being so stubborn?
9) Why can’t the UK just hold another public referendum on Brexit?
10) Will the UK have a general election?
11) Why would a no-deal Brexit be so bad?