Sunday, September 22, 2019

Trump keeps cash on hand to tip, Sydney, Australia overrun by rats, Could a hurricane hit California? Going topless legal in six states, Marine Reserve Unit wants to rent Mar-a-Lago for birthday ball, and more for September 21, 2019

What recession? Small businesses are doing just fine
The Dims and their media lackeys are pounding away at “the coming recession.”
But small businesses and common Americans aren’t buying.
Small businesses aren’t listening to the recession talk as of late – they’re continuing to invest, grow and hire at historically high levels.
According to the report, capital spending by small businesses posted strong improvements, with 59% of owners reporting capital outlay and another 28% planning capital outlays in the next few months. Profit trends improved to the survey’s third-highest reading in its history.
Nobody argues that there won’t be “downturns” here and there. But the general economy is strong.

The invasion of the US from Canada
They spawn 3 litters in 2 years, some litters of a dozen. That’s a lot of ham that does some serious damage to the countryside.
They can decimate the range land by tearing up everything,” said Tahnee Szymanski, an assistant veterinarian with the Montana Department of Livestock.
Feral hogs will eat about anything, and root under the surface with their tusks to chew up whatever is in their way to get it, leaving devastated farm fields in their wake.
Seeing the damage they do is easy, but catching them is hard, according to Ryan Brook, an assistant professor at the University of Saskatchewan.
They are smart and amazingly fast. And they quickly learn to do their damage at night.
I’ve reported on them before and they roam from sea to shining sea and boar-der to boar-der.

Sydney, Australia overrun by rats
And they’re complaining about foxes showing up to feed on them – and garbage.
and experts say a plague of ONE BILLION rats flooding the city are to blame
Rats, both dead and alive, have been washing down storm water drains
Foxes have hunted on rats and backyard chickens in order to feed their young
The pests are also known to be able to survive on large amounts of rubbish
There have been numerous sightings of foxes in parts of Sydney's east
Tasmanian Government acts on penguin protection, with bigger fines for killer dogs @
And farmers are slaughtering thousands of Dingos

Russia’s floating nuclear power plant reaches its new home
Now at a town at the world’s end. Literally.
The Akademik Lomonosov was towed from Murmansk, a major port city in northwestern Russia, all the way to the far eastern region of Chukotka, reaching a small town called Pevek on Saturday. The trip lasted 22 days and required a couple of tow boats to move the barge, which lacks its own propulsion, and an icebreaker to deliver the convoy safely through the chilly Arctic waters.
Why there?
Because it sits on huge oil deposits and extremely valuable ore deposits.

Funny Animal Photo Finalists

Spiders visiting UK homes in big numbers
So? What’s the big deal?
Warm, hot weather means more insects. Spiders thrive on insects. Have spiders around for less insects.
Makes sense.
Usually hot summers are accompanied by dry weather, but despite a record-breaking temperature of 37.8C recorded in Cambridge this summer, there has also been unusually heavy rain.
This, scientists say, means perfect breeding conditions for spider prey and in turn for the spiders themselves.
There are 650 types of spiders in the UK, including 12 that are harmful to humans.

The 100 best films of the 21st century
Here we go. Some “experts” are going to tell us what the best movies were.
Has nothing to do with how well the general public received them as shown by box office receipts.
And I’m not about to list all 100. :)
#100 – Once upon a time in Hollywood.
#92 – The Hurt Locker
#1 – There will be blood.
I’m gonna be honest here. I’ve never heard of let alone seen the vast majority of these.

I Slept Outside for a Week and It Changed My Life (Really)
Up until I enlisted in the Army, my life centered around dawn and dusk. I got up when it got light and went to sleep when it got dark.
Reville and Taps changed all that. That and Sentry Duty and Kitchen Police. Later on in my career, it came with Charge of Quarters and Staff Duty NCO. My life has not centered around the natural circadian rhythm.since then. In fact, for the past 10 years or so, I cannot remember watching the sun rise or so.
So, this article – or essay – was of interest to me.
I know that what I experienced isn’t really how circadian rhythms work, but according to Wright, the University of Colorado researcher, it could be related. Cutting exposure to blue light and increasing morning sunlight in any amount can help max out your melatonin closer to nightfall. “When that melatonin rises, it tells the body to get ready for bedtime in a couple hours,” Wright said. “So when it’s time for you to try to go to sleep, you’re probably sleeping more in sync with your clock.”
It does seem to make a lot of sense what this woman did. Sleep outside for a week – or two – and see what it does to how you sleep and how you feel afterward.

8 Psychological Tricks of Restaurant Menus
All retailers have “tricks” to get you to buy what makes them the most profit. They’d be stupid not to.
Here’s what restaurants – and fast food outlets – do:
1. They limit your options.
2. They add photos
3. They manipulate prices
4. They use expensive decoys
5. They play with your eyes.
6. They utilize colors
7. They use fancy language
8. They make you feel nostalgic
Keep that in mind the next time you’re tempted to order “Grandma’s Chicken Soup.

Where do we get “Left” and “Right” in politics?
Yeah, it came from the French revolution.
When writing their new constitution, those siding with the king keep power sat on the right of the assembly president. Those with the more radical view sat on the left.
In other words, those who wanted to hew closer to tradition were on the right, and those who wanted more change were on the left.
The term didn’t show up in US politics until FDR.
Now we throw around “conservatism” and “liberalism.” And all of it seems to have no resonance with the average American. Just political addicts like us.

A Berlin cemetery becomes a park and community garden
I’m willing to bet the soil is very fertile with all the biomass beneath the surface. Not trying to be uncouth, but what better natural fertilizer is there?
Neuer St. Jacobi Friedhof is a unique place where vegetables are grown on the ground and in wooden boxes, and where several activities for children and the neighbourhood take place in a space where burial areas alternate with wild natural areas that cannot be used for construction to ensure the protection of species of plants and animals.
I wonder how the families of the deceased feel about this.

Does Certified Organic Mean What We Think It Does?
Of course not!
It’s just another way the eco-freaks are going after your wallet. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the ridiculous difference between regular and “organic” stuff.
Here are five ways it does not.
Does organic mean toxin free? (One naturally-derived substance kills bees. Without bees, crops die.)
Does organic mean local? (only about one percent of U.S. farmland is organic)
Does organic mean grown on a small, diversified farm?
Does Organic Mean Livestock Roam Free and Forage on Grass?
Does Organic Mean Topsoil is Restored?
No to all of the above. Enjoy getting our your wallet?

Silicon Valley held a secret fundraiser for Trump
Of course it was secret. The nerds don’t want the public to know who’s supporting the president. In fact, every one of his California stops is shrouded in secrecy for the same reason.
I think it’s wrong.
Californians need to know who’s supporting this president and his agenda. Once they do, it just might be what’s needed to turn the tide in so many counties outside of the Libtard strongholds of Smogville and Quakeyville.
Silicon Valley hosted a secretive fundraiser for President Trump in Palo Alto on Tuesday, with tickets costing as much as $100,000 per couple.
The Wall Street Journal reported that attendees weren't told in advance where the event would be or who would be hosting, in part over worries that protesters might turn up en masse.
Instead, attendees were asked to meet at a remote location before being shuttled to the host's house. Campaign aides and advisers declined to disclose the location and its host, because of privacy and security concerns.
RNC raises $23.5 million in August and President Trump raises $15 million in California @

Paddle boarders get a real thrill
It looks like the whales are having as much fun as the humans

Liberal reporter gets a taste of progressive education
They’re determined and self-righteous – when it doesn’t diectly affect them. After years of pontificating about the benefits of liberalism, this Atlantic contributor gets it right in the face when his child gets caught up in the web of liberalism.
So, he writes for the Atlantic,When the Culture War Comes for the Kids,”
Because it relates, in Packer’s haunted and sympathetic style, the experience of having a child enrolled in a New York City school system corrupted by politics. For anyone who believes in individualism, the freedoms of speech and conscience, and the equal dignity of human beings, the experience sounds like a nightmare.
(Notice how they try to make him into some kind of literary genius?)
To make a long story short, it’s all about his kid getting mixed up in “:the progress critical race theory” jammed down the throats of his child – and the others in a supposedly elite school.
Disturbing Video Exposes Scandal Of Politicizing Minnesota Schools @

Justice Dept. IG referred James Comey for criminal prosecution
Ohmahgawd. Does that mean he’ll actually go to trial?
And here’s the disgusting part:
Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution — a decision that’s likely to upset Comey's coTop nservative critics.
They don’t have enough evidence?
What the hell do they want?
Ironically, Comey’s decision not to charge Clinton for violating the Espionage Act for mishandling classified information on her email server mirrors the same rationale that Barr’s DOJ applied in declining prosecution of him: a lack of evidence of intent.

President Trump visits border wall
 I watched bits and pieces of this on FoxNews and got a kick out of a couple of things;
Goes so deep it’ll be difficult to dig under.
The top is designed to make it darned near impossible to scale
And, when the sun blazes down on it, the part at the top gets hot – very hot.

Hostage negotiator Robert O'Brien is Trump's new US national security adviser
First I’ve seen this.
Robert O'Brien is a lawyer who co-founded his own firm in Los Angeles and has worked on cases of US hostages abroad.
In February he helped win the release of US engineer Danny Burch, who had been held hostage in Yemen for 18 months.

Distracted Walking
There are 9 at the link. I like these 2

Could a hurricane hit California?
I’d say the claim that it would be the first time is a bit strained. It’s just that they usually turn to tropical storms and end up over Arizona.
The claim is that the water off California is usually cold. And, here comes the author’s clarion cry:
It is being called “the Pacific marine heatwave of 2019”, and officials are warning that it could have very frightening implications if it does not dissipate soon. Right now, there is a vast expanse of water stretching from northern Alaska all the way to southern California where the water temperatures have rapidly risen to very dangerous levels. In fact, in some spots the water temperature is already “as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit above normal”, and there is a tremendous amount of concern about what will happen if the water continues to become even warmer. At this point things are already so bad that we are being warned that this strange anomaly could “ravage marine life and decimate commercial fishing” all along the west coast.
He does everything but hint that this is all the fault of human-caused climate change.
I also just read a piece that says fewer hurricanes will hit the USA this year because of the current path of the jet stream.
Oh yeah, the three storms in the eastern Pacific are technically cyclones.
Mexico's Los Cabos braces for approaching Lorena, now a hurricane @
The mountains at the south of the peninsula will ease some of the storm’s force but a lot of small villages will suffer.

Democrats target over 26,000 local races to unseat Republicans
They’re going after down-ballot state and local seats – as many of 75% of which go uncontested.
Contest Every Race is a new coalition launching a seven-figure campaign to challenge Republican incumbents in 26,849 down-ballot local races, Axios has learned.
Where are they going to get the “seven figures?” The DNC can barely pay its bills now.

Britain’s 2019 Best Garden Shed of the Year
There’s a whole lot of imagination that went into these.

Going topless in public is legalized in six states including Utah and Colorado
I know. You’ll all quickly go to the link to see which states are among the six.
And I’m not going to tell you here.
Previously a federal court judge had concluded the ban was based on 'negative stereotypes depicting women's breasts, but not men's breasts, as sex objects'.
The Appeals court dismissed Fort Collins' worry that ending the ban on going topless would mean women would 'parade in front of elementary schools or swimming topless in the public pool.'
They said there had been no 'harmful fallout' in Boulder and Denver, where women are allowed to take their tops off.
The US Supreme court is expected to announce later this year whether it will hear the case.

Minnesota Dim stronghold turning to Trump
CNN didn’t like that one bit.
In rural northern Minnesota, things are changing, the temperature, the leaves, the politics” the segment starts out.
And then it goes on to outline how the economic upturn, tariffs on imported steed, and Rep Ilhan Omar are turning lifelong Dims to President Trump and the GOP.
I think they’ve changed, I see conservative candidates seem to be more for the working person,” says the wife of a miner in Minnesota. Another Minnesota resident tells CNN, “The Democrats have kinda shifted more to the left, and the Republicans are taking over as the party for jobs.”
In 2016, President Trump lost Minnesota by only 44,000 votes.
One female Minnesota resident says it best, “I don’t think this is a lock-down state for the Democrats anymore.”
And the following comes from the author, not CNN:
Trump’s pro-American policies are having a huge impact on the lives of the forgotten man and woman in America. While Democrats are promising to drain the bank accounts of American worker’s to pay for free education and free health care for everyone, including illegal immigrants, a massive new Green Deal scam, and reparations for Black Americans, President Trump is promising a better future for all Americans. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who working Americans will choose in 2020.
That’s exactly why the Dims and their lackey media hacks are doing everything they can to smear the president at every turn.
Wall Street Billionaire: Market Assuming Trump Reelection @

Trump says he keeps cash on hand so he can leave tips
And he doesn’t carry a wallet. No credit cards and he doesn’t drive. And I doubt anyone has ID’d him in decades.
Trump said he carries a wad of cash in his back pocket so he can leave tips.
He said he keeps the bills ready because he hasn’t “had to use a credit card in a long time ” so there’s no need to carry a wallet.
I do like leaving tips to the hotel. I like to carry a little something. I like to give tips to the hotel. I’m telling you, maybe a president’s not supposed to do it, but I like to leave a tip for the hotel, etc., etc.,” he told reporters aboard Air Force One as he returned to Washington, DC, from California late Wednesday.
He leaves tips? That doesn’t sound like the cold-hearted brute the Dims and the media want you to believe he is.
I wonder if any other recent president has ever left tips.

The beginning of the end of modern medicine
I just read an article that makes me think the beginning of the end of modern medicine may well be upon us. Written by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, former associate dean of curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, the article is entitled "Take two aspirin and call me by my pronouns."
I thought this was a joke until I read further.
Apparently, medicine is being invaded by social justice warriors (SJWs), a remarkable group of people who manage to destroy everything they touch. At "woke" medical schools, curricula are increasingly focused on social justice rather than treating illness. Got that? Social justice over illness.
Maybe a bit too alarming. But, it’s another sign how the progressives are trying to take over our lives.

Marine Reserve Units wants to rent Mar-a-Lago for its birthday ball
No taxpayer money involved.
It’s a work in progress,” said a Marine who picked up the phone late Thursday at the drill center of the 4th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO) in West Palm Beach. “We are planning on Mar-a-Lago but nothing is set in stone. We booked it but there were complications involved. … It’s just money and some other things. We’re doing our best.”
They will sell tickets to attend.
Wanna bet that, when the president hears about it, he’ll ask his kids to provide the venue for free?
These are always formal affairs for active duty Marines, veterans, spouses, and special guests. 750 have attended the unit’s previous events.
These celebrations are held by Marine groups world wide. This will be the 244th years of the Corps founding.