Thursday, February 28, 2019

Hurricane Survivor’s Home, Kelly Kraft as UN Ambassador, Lake Erie Ice Walls, and much more news and interesting stuff for February 28, 2019

The Babylon Bee
Nation Breathes Sigh Of Relief As Ocasio-Cortez Comes Out Against Having Children @

7 Scenarios for How the Mueller Probe Might 'Wrap Up'
Are we finally going to see the last of this guy?
IMHO it will admit the president did nothing wrong and the Dims will go ballistic.
The breaking news hit a snowy Washington, DC on Wednesday: Newly installed attorney general William Barr appears to be preparing to announce the end of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.
1. Mueller sends the attorney general a simple “declination letter,”
2. Mueller compiles a detailed “road map,”
3. Mueller authors a detailed novelistic narrative,
4. He offers both a final round of “his” indictments, as well as a detailed report like in 2 or 3 above
5. He offers a report, but not the report,
6. He closes up shop but refers numerous active cases to other prosecutors
7. Mueller unseals one or more long-standing sealed indictments
Read the details @ to see which you think he will do.

Kratom Can Poison You
A herbal supplement taken to treat pain, anxiety or depression, as well as symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
I mean, what could be wrong with a harmless plant grown in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea?
In more than half of the (poisoning) cases identified in the study, the person exposed to kratom experienced moderate or serious health effects, including seizures, difficulty breathing, coma, kidney failure and cardiac arrest. Eleven of the patients died, and most of these deaths occurred among patients who used kratom with at least one other drug.
It’s not controlled by the FDA because it’s not considered to be a drug.

Supreme Court Delivers Unanimous Victory for Asset Forfeiture Challenge
And Ginsberg wrote the reason.
"For good reason, the protection against excessive fines has been a constant shield throughout Anglo-American history," wrote Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the opinion. "Excessive fines can be used, for example, to retaliate against or chill the speech of political enemies," she wrote, or can become sources of revenue disconnected from the criminal justice system.
Many states claim stuff can be taken for being involved in a crime – without any proof. This is a real win for our Republic.

The 50 Best Movie Soundtracks
Let’s face it, ratings like this are subjective. One person’s favorite is not another’s.
America Graffiti at 43?”
Midnight Cowboy at 41?
At 30. Simon & Garfunkle nailed it.
#9 probably only because it’s the Beatles.
#1? C’mon now, gimme a break.

Bernie Sanders raves about Cuba’s murderous communist dictatorship,
confesses he advised Nicaragua’s socialists on how to defeat the U.S.
Advising a foreign leader how to defeat the country he swore an oath to defend? Just what kind of American leader is that?
?Uncovered video?@BernieSanders in 1985 praising the Communist Castro regime in Cuba and admitting on camera that he traveled to Nicaragua to advise the Ortega regime on how to successfully fight the United States.
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) February 20, 2019

The Babylon Bee
Alfred Asparagus Files $250 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Rumor Weed @
Viewers Starting To Doubt Objectivity Of Reporter With 'KAMALA 2020' Face Tattoo @
Legislators Propose Replacing All Spacecraft With High-Speed Trains By 2030 @
Jussie Smollett Claims Small Blue Creature From Outer Space Compelled Him To Fabricate Attack Story @
KELLYANNE CONWAY SAVAGES Chris Cuomo For 20 Spectacular Minutes…
(YouTube wiped the video)
You’re Gonna Have To Be As Miserable As You Are For 6 More Years”
You can savor the video or simply check out a few excerpts below.
Cuomo asked Conway to respond to McCabe’s claim that it’s possible President Trump is compromised, and possibly even an asset of Russia. Kellyanne responded, “It’s hardly worth dignifying with a response. He’s a known liar and leaker and he has said to your colleague, Anderson Cooper, earlier today on a different network — gee, I guess it’s possible but I can’t say that it’s a fact.” Kellyanne Conway dismissed his line of questioning, asking Cuomo, “why the heck are we talking about it?”
During the interview, Conway said she’d like to “Thank the media” and that she’d “love to thank the Democrats for 2019 and 2020 because they are off to an awful start.”Cuomo attempted to interview her, but Conway persisted, “Trying to out-socialist each other. Cuomo again tried to interrupt her, Conway pressed on, “Anti-semitism…socialism.”
After destroying the partisan hack host of CNN on multiple counts, including forcing Cuomo, who repeatedly called President Trump a ‘liar’ to admit he couldn’t name one provable “lie” that Trump has told. Conway landed her best punch near the end of the interview, when she mocked Cuomo for saying about Trump that, “He may be lying, I love that. He may be lying. He may be a Russian agent. Ya know what we know for sure? Here’s something not hypothetical—He is the President. He may not, not be the President. He is the President—Deal with it. Because you’re gonna have to be as miserable as you are for six more years.”
And I still can’t believe she stays married to her anti-Trump schmuck husband.

Hurricane Irma Survivor’s Home
Inspiration, ingenuity, or just plain stubbornness. He wasn’t about to move and decided to build a new home in the same spot.

How President Trump Broke the Left
I love this opening statement:
Whatever happens in the years to come, American politics can never return to what they were before November 8, 2016.
Why, you ask? Because a brash TV celebrity businessman from Queens broke the media, broke Washington D.C., and broke the self-appointed “elite” on both coasts. The stake he drove through their hearts will endure no matter who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
And of course that brought about the attempted coup. An attempt by non-elected hacks to undo the legitimate election of the United States President.
Treason in the nth degree.
For more than 30 years, America has been held hostage by a political, economic, media and cultural elite which has been wrong on every major issue you can imagine. From foreign adventurism to trade policies; national sovereignty versus globalization; love of country to hatred of the principles upon which our nation was built—one man has broken the stranglehold of a morally bankrupt “elite” and he isn’t even a politician.
Let’s pray our president stands firm and continues to undo the damage done by these so-called professional politicians.

The West Getting a Lot of Snow and Rain
And the map showing drought conditions is even more interesting:
And it may not be over yet. Lets see the Greenies explain it.

The Shores of Lake Erie
 Strong winds blowing ice off the lake creating 30’+ walls of ice along the shore.

Survival at the White House
By now, anyone who knows anything about politics understands that President Trump’s arrival on the American scene has totally destroyed the stability established by decades of anonymous bureaucrats. This article delves into this and is worthy of being read.
Besides the Washington press and pundit corps, Donald Trump faced a third and more formidable opponent: the culture of permanent and senior employees of the federal and state governments, and the political appointees in Washington who revolve in and out from business, think tanks, lobbying firms, universities, and the media. Or as the legal scholar of the administrative state Philip Hamburger put it: “Although the United States remains a republic, administrative power creates within it a very different sort of government. The result is a state within the state — an administrative state within the Constitution’s United States.”
Since the U.S. post-war era, the growth of American state and federal government has been enormous. By 2017, there were nearly 3 million civilian federal workers, and another 1.3 million Americans in the uniformed military. Over 22 million local, state, and federal workers had made government the largest employment sector.
The insidious power of the unelected administrative state is easy to understand. After all, it governs the most powerful aspects of modern American life: taxes, surveillance, criminal-justice proceedings, national security, and regulation. The nightmares of any independent trucker or small-business person are being audited by the IRS, having communications surveilled, or being investigated by a government regulator or prosecutor.

An American Epidemic: Toxic Imbecility
Another awesome essay by this source. This is definitely a must-read for anyone who wants to understand what is going on in our nation right now.
President Abraham Lincoln ominously noted, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” And Mr. Lincoln wasn’t just talking about Jussie Smollett paying for his hoax hate crime with a check.
Oh boy, was he ever right.
Symptoms of toxic imbecility include but are certainly not limited to the following:
A febrile fever (colloquially termed, “feeling the Bern”), which leaves one seized with prehensile fingers grasping for other people’s money.
A feeling of irrational gratitude when 25,000 jobs won’t be coming to town to enrich your neighbors.
A delusion that Chicago is “MAGA country,” where Trump supporters brave sub-zero temperatures to accost celebrities whose shows they don’t watch because they’re racist homophobes.
A persistent aching for open borders everywhere except in your gated community.
A paranoid belief that President Trump, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, U.S. Representative Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the NRA, the GOP, the NRCC, the NRSC and, hell, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir are all Russian assets.
Conflating contrary views with violence and hate speech; demanding safe spaces from such differing ideas; and a generalized, free-floating anxiety about the dangers of free speech.
Being possessed by Trump Derangement Syndrome (a disorder in and of itself), often manifested by espousing one’s chilling sense that the Putin-sponsored, illegitimate imposition upon America of President Trump means we are all going to die sooner than climate change can kill us.

Gallup: Liberals Outnumber Conservatives In Only Six States
Care to guess which states they are?
C’mon, we all know without having to look at a list.
If this be the case, how did the Dims pull of such wins in the House?
Once again, you don’t have to read the article to figure it out. Vote mining and outright voter fraud with people voting who were not entitled to do so.
However, the survey still shows a large swath of red and pink states bookended by the liberal West Coast, New England, and the mid-Atlantic, including the Washington, D.C. area.
So, basically, where there is filth, crowding, and poverty, liberals rule.
The only Midwest state shaded light blue, which signifies ‘less conservative than average,’ is Illinois.
The residents of most U.S. states are more likely to identify as conservative, than as liberal in their political ideology. In 25 states, the conservative advantage is significantly greater than the national average, including 19 ‘highly conservative’ states in which conservatives outnumber liberals by at least 20 percentage points,” said Gallup.
The article has graphics which you can check out for yourselves. Go to

President Trump nominates Kelly Craft to replace Nikki Haley as UN ambassador
Not much about her on Wiki except that she’s on her 3rd marriage to a billionaire coal-mining executive for Alliance Resource Partners, L.P., the third-largest coal producer in the eastern United States.
That ought to really endear her to the Leftists in the Senate.
She’s currently the ambassador to Canada and George W sent her to be an alternate delegate to the UN. She clearly knows her way around. Apparently no kids.

Members of Congress taking Alzheimer’s Meds
Wanna bet Queen Nancy’s one of them?
The original post about this came in Oct 2017 via Rush Limbaugh.
Three headlines from the Drudge Report. Here’s a link to one of them:
A pharmacist says he has filled Alzheimer's prescriptions for members of Congress @
Her story, which you can read in full here, includes a relatively alarming passage in which the pharmacist casually mentions that some members apparently have Alzheimer’s:
Mike Kim, the reserved pharmacist-turned-owner of the pharmacy, said he has gotten used to knowing the most sensitive details about some of the most famous people in Washington.
At first it’s cool, and then you realize, I’m filling some drugs that are for some pretty serious health problems as well. And these are the people that are running the country,” Kim said, listing treatments for conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.'”
And these are the people writing our laws!!!!
Also note that there hasn’t been a peep out of the LSM about this. Not a word!

Democrat House Oversight Subcommittee Schedules Hearing on Climate Change,
Democrats Don’t Show Up…
4 Republicans showed up and the vote was 4 to 2 to adjourn without doing anything.
What a joke.

Waste In Afghanistan
Let’s forget the almost 1 trillion dollars spent on that farce. Let’s consider that, as of Jul 27, 2018, we’ve had 2,372 military deaths and 20,320 servicemembers wounded in action.
American blood is a hell of a lot more precious than dollars that really have no value based upon something solid and real.
This article points out something very important:
We think of Afghanistan as a nation, but it is not, at least not by our western understanding of the term reports Dan Rather. In truth, Afghanistan is a collection of provinces inhabited by tribes,. Although no ethnic group has a majority, Pashtuns and Tajiks make up roughly 40 and 30 percent of the population, respectively. Hazaras and Uzbeks constitute another 10 percent each. That said, many of the tribes have subsets, and even some of the tribal subsets have subsets. 1
Although civilization here is very old, civility is not. Fiercely held tribal and ethnic loyalties have given rise to grudges, hostilities and hatreds held for centuries, if not for millennia. These are coupled with a split-second readiness to settle quarrels in a deadly fashion.
And the Taliban won’t even talk to the central government because they know what a farce it is.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Democrats out of control, Nuts good for your health, a town with no airport but over 1,00 registered airplanes and a whole lot more for February 20, 2019

Creepy Joe Biden Goes to Europe and Says “Our Nation is an ‘Embarrassment’
Then get the hell out! You and your Leftist trash should all move to somewhere more to your liking – Britain for instance?
The America I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border. Americans know that’s not right,” Biden asserted. “The American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly, that it is not right. That it is not who we are.”

House Dims Out of Control
2 years and millions of dollars by Mueller isn’t enough for this flake. Now he plans on having his House Intelligence Committee investigate on its own. Adam Schrift should go back home and do what his constituents want – represent them.
You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” Schiff said, adding, “There is a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”
And how much coverage will the media give him?

Let’s Declare Maxine Waters and the Democrats Crazy @
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), “The Wicked Witch of The West” with the low IQ, went on MSNBC and called on Americans to protest across the country to send President Trump a message that his declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border is “fake.”

Beto Draws Massive Crowds in Wisconsin
Beto O’Rourke said Friday during a visit to Wisconsin that before deciding whether he will join the increasingly crowded field of Democrats running for president in 2020, he wants to meet with voters in the “most honest, raw, real way possible.”
The former Texas congressman met with about 20 students at Milwaukee Area Technical College before heading to UW-Madison for a similar event on campus that attracted more than 200 students and faculty.
I came here with not much of an agenda other than to listen to you,” he told students at Madison, before speaking against President Donald Trump’s border wall and immigration policies as well as urging action to combat climate change.
I also love the “I came here to listen” line before launching into the normal lefty rhetoric. Beto must be so awesome that he can talk and listen at the same time.
If you can stop laughing long enough,

Rep. Omar Has Ties to Radical Anti-Israel, Anti-American Group
So, what’s the big deal? Obama invited anti-American groups to the White House and the media ignored it. Everyone with a lick of sense knew this woman was anti-Israel AND American well before the people of her Muslim-predominate district elected her.
Rep. Ilhan Omar has ties to Witness for Peace, a group whose members include radical anti-American and anti-Israel activists, according to The Washington Free Beacon.
Omar traveled to Honduras as part of the group’s delegation in 2017 and returned calling for an end to U.S. military aid to Honduras.
In a November 2017 tweet, Omar wrote: “After traveling to Honduras as part of the Witness for Peace delegation, I've returned home with a heavy heart and deep concern for the electoral process and human rights crisis the people of Honduras are enduring.”
Witness for Peace is led by board members, including activists who have called for efforts to “dismantle U.S. militarism” and have accused Israel of inflicting “institutionalized racism that equates to modern day apartheid,” The Free Beacon said.

Bernie Was Once Asked to Leave a Hippie Commune For Laziness
Do you think we’re going to learn this on CNN or MSNBC?
When he wasn’t researching for his story, he spent most of his time at the commune in “endless political discussion.”
Sanders’ idle chatter did not endear him with some of the commune’s residents, who did the backbreaking labor of running the place. Daloz writes that one resident, Craig, “resented feeling like he had to pull others out of Bernie’s orbit if any work was going to get accomplished that day.”
Sanders was eventually asked to leave. “When Bernie had stayed for Myrtle’s allotted three days, Craig politely requested that he move on,” Daloz writes.
Watch as Bernie Sanders Defends Bread Lines as a Good Thing @
SInce He’s Running For President Again, Let’s Remember What A Scumbag Bernie Sanders Is
How many of his supporters even care to know about stuff like this?
Bernie Sanders is a man who has never held down a real job. He’s an unreconstructed 1960’s radical, Useful Idiot of the international communist conspiracy. We don’t know whether he was ever in the pay of the KGB but no one should be surprised if he was. Sanders never wanted to participate in any constructive way in the American economy – he dabbled in carpentry and poetry, and in the latter iteration he wrote of the secret desire women have to experience rape – but drifted toward radical politics as a career choice as early and often as he could.
Bernie Sanders’ entire life has been spent in the pursuit of power over his fellow man and the spoils of that power. He’s made himself a multimillionaire without ever offering a product or service to the American people. His wife bilked and bankrupted a college and brought down an FBI investigation, and along the way Sanders has seen his collection of dachas expand to no less than three while operating as a public servant. His 2016 campaign seems to have been very largely a front for a book-selling operation to line his own pockets – the kind of scam we often see socialist dictators practice when they achieve power. Sanders’ hero Hugo Chavez died richer than Mitt Romney, after all, and his pals the Castros are billionaire thieves as well. Let’s remember that when Bernie runs his pie-hole about American banksters and drug-company CEO’s he’d like to relieve of riches.

Socialist” AOC Takes up Residence in Tower that Doesn’t Allow Poor
Another case of, “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Anyone surprised?
After all, congressional newcomer Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fretted when she was elected about how she would afford to live in Washington. She’s long lobbied for affordable housing and the self-described socialist, in fact, in her “Green New Deal,” calls for “Safe, affordable, adequate housing” for all.
So her new address in Washington?
But it is confirming that it is a “luxury apartment complex … that does not offer the affordable housing units that were a key plank in the New York congresswoman’s campaign platform.”
The 29-year-old now is getting $174,000 a year from taxpayers and has moved into “A newly built high-rise in the city’s Navy Yard area.”
Rent? Onlt $5.2k per month.

Trump's National Emergency Draws Fire because He Rejects Globalism
Of course he does! That’s why 63 million Americans elected him. We’re tired of our very way of life being attacked by those who want an international elite decide our futures.
The Animus of the arrayed MSM anti-Trump contingent, is due to Trump's incessant campaign against the agenda of the globalists both here and abroad. President Trump's insistence on the integrity of the American nation-state is profoundly at odds with the globalist mindset, which has taken over the minds and worldviews of many of those in positions of political power as well as the MSM and many of the technology gurus of Silicon Valley. His outspoken desire to improve our border security as well as to defend against Islamic terrorism is causing the apostles of globalism to react in rage against both the man and his policies. I see not only a "derangement syndrome," but a paranoia and extraordinary flight from reality.
It’s all an effort to increase dependence upon Big Government for security, jobs, education, health, transportation, homes, and energy. All controlled by the chosen few who believe they are above and beyond the common man.

TMZ Catches Up With Ginsberg at the Airport
Viewing the video shows her walking without aid, bodyguards on both side of her.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg flew into Washington, D.C., on Monday ahead of her return to the bench this week, and a TMZ cameraman was there to catch her.
RBG briefly caught up with TMZ, answering the cameraman’s concern about her wellbeing.
Just fine,” Ginsburg responded when asked how she was doing.

Melania Highlights Being ‘Blessed with Freedom’ After Living Under Socialism in Speech to Venezuelan Americans
She should certainly know. She lived there. It is so refreshing to have someone in such a public position who understands just what an amazing country we live in.
During a speech in Miami on Monday, first lady Melania Trump encouraged Venezuelans that have fled their country’s destroyed economy.
President Trump and first lady Melania Trump deliver remarks to the Venezuelan American community in Miami, Florida amid unrest in Venezuela. "In Venezuela the people are on the brink of reclaiming their own liberty," the first lady says
World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) February 18, 2019

The Babylon Bee
Jussie Smollett Offered Job At CNN After Fabricating News Story Out Of Thin Air @

Elizabeth Warren Claims Two Men In Colonial Outfits Assaulted Her With Smallpox-Infested Blankets @

Man Forced To Apologize For Whatever He Did In Wife's Dream Last Night @
Okay guys, how many times has that happened to you?

Activists Vow John Wayne Will Never Work In Hollywood Again @

Texas Oil And Gas Industry Pays $38 Million A DAY To Fund Schools, Roads, First Responders
Not only that staggering number, the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers estimated that roughly 238,0000 Texans were directly employed by the upstream oil and gas sector in 2018.
The University of Texas/Texas A&M Investment Management Company announced last month that the joint endowment it manages for two schools — University of Texas and Texas A&M University — surged to $30.9 billion, surpassing Yale’s $29.4 billion endowment during the 2018 fiscal year which ended on June 30. Texas’ high returns were largely buoyed by the mineral rights from land it controls in the Permian Basin — a stretch of land across western Texas that has recently become the world’s fastest growing oil-producing region due to advancements in hydraulic fracking. In the past 20 years, the state system’s endowment has edged out Yale’s twice — in 2002 and 2014.
I wonder how much of that is going to be used for border protection.

TX veteran raises over $4,000 for Afghan family
They put their lives and the lives of their families at risk by helping US and NATO forces. They’re considered traitors by the Taliban and have no future.
We promise to help them but, like the family in this article, usually turn our backs on them.
When Sher “Mark” Airy moved to the United States from Afghanistan this past month, he did not have much to his name. Him, his wife and three children moved into a small apartment in Fort Worth with no belongings, no food, and only a few mattresses to put on the floor to sleep on.
He doesn’t even know how to use an American phone, so how does he get a job? Where can he work?
If you want to help him and other like him, go to

US Supports India in its Conflict with Pakistan
I think this shows that the president is siding with an up-and-coming player on the Asian scene. This could really turn nasty as both countries have nukes. The scenario IMHO is that hot headed Pakistani officers send a small nuke at Indian troops and India retaliates with a lot bigger one.
The US has supported India’s right to “self defence” against cross-border terrorism after an attack claimed by Pakistan-based militants killed at least 44 police officers in the disputed territory of Kashmir.
In comments that will please Indian hawks but also raise fears that tensions between India and Pakistan could escalate yet further, US national security advisor John Bolton reportedly told his counterpart in Delhi, that America “offered all assistance to India” to bring the perpetrators of the attack to justice.
Mr Bolton and Ajit Doval also “resolved to hold Pakistan to account for its obligations under UN resolutions”, India’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

Pakistan Vows Retaliation If India Launches Military Strikes
I don’t think the Indian PM is fooling around. This has been going on for too long and the people of Indian-controlled Kashmir are suffering.
(Bloomberg) -- Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan said his nation would retaliate if attacked by India, following New Delhi’s strongest accusations yet that its nuclear-armed neighbor was responsible for a major terrorist attack in Kashmir.
Pakistan will not think of retaliation, Pakistan will retaliate,” Khan said in a televised speech on Tuesday. “There will be no other option than retaliation.”
Tensions between the historic arch-rivals have been high since a militant car bombing, claimed by a Pakistani-based group Jaish-e-Mohammed, on Feb. 14 in Kashmir killed 40 members of India’s security forces -- the deadliest strike in the region in decades.
Pulwama attack: Pakistan warns India against military action @

Mexican Bigotry
He’s a big-shot soap opera star and she’s been nominated for an Oscar. And, it shows just how bigoted the upper levels of Mexican society are. Just check out their telenovelas to see that those with Indian blood never play leading roles. Also, all the major political figures are Criollos, or Puros, those of pure European blood. So, this shouldn’t surprise anyone who understand the culture of our neighbors to the south.
A Mexican actor has caused a stir by calling the star of Oscar-nominated film Roma “a damn Indian.”
Sergio Goyri, a well-known telenovela (soap opera) actor, made the comment about indigenous Mixtec actress Yalitza Aparicio in a Mexico City restaurant, telling his dining companions that it was unthinkable that a “pinche india who only says sí señora, no señora [yes ma’am, no ma’am]” could be nominated for a best-actress Oscar.
The remark was audible in a video, which was posted to social media by Goyri’s girlfriend and quickly went viral.
Aparicio, who plays the role of domestic worker Cleo in Alfonso Cuarón’s black-and-white film, responded to the insult in a statement issued by her publicists.
I’m proud of being an indigenous oaxaqueña [native of Oaxaca] and it saddens me that there are people who don’t know the correct meaning of the words,” she said.

A daily handful of nuts slashes heart attack risk by 33%
I love it! I buy big jars of Planter’s Sweet Trail Mix and eat a handful every day. My cardiologist just gave me a thumbs up.
Patients who ate an ounce of the snack food five days a week were 34% and 17% less likely to die from or develop the condition
Tree nuts - which also include pine nuts, pecans, macadamias and hazelnuts - were the most protective

Onalaska, Texas, Has More Than 1,000 Registered Aircraft – and no Airport
Where on earth do these news outlets find this stuff?
It only costs $5 for an owner to register a plane with the FAA. Once the clearing process is complete, the FAA will assign the aircraft a tail code that starts with an "N." If that insignia was not present, the plane would have difficulty transversing across the US border and could be intercepted by US Air Force fighter jets.
A 2013 audit by the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Transportation said there were about 5,600 aircraft across the US that "lacked key information" about ownership.
Oh yeah, and don’t forget the Greenies who cry and whine about all the CO2 emissions from coal plants.
According to the WFAA report, there have been several incidents involving aircraft registered by trusts that raised significant red flags:
In 2006, A U.S. bank became a trustee on an aircraft for a Lebanese politician who turned out to be "backed by a well-known U.S. Government-designated terrorist organization." "It wasn't until the bank found out that they were affiliated with Hezbollah that the relationship ended," Lynch told WFAA.
In 2010, an airplane registered to a trust approached the Tripoli International Airport with no landing permit just hours before the U.N. Security Council met to approve a "no-fly zone" over Libya. The owner of a foreign oil corporation had registered the plane through a trust but sold a "large percentage" of his company to a Chinese company.
In 2012, an FAA inspector was unable to find out who was flying a Boeing 737 registered on behalf of a foreign owner. When the FAA contacted the foreign owner, officials were told the airplane had been leased to a United Arab Emirates-based rental company. The foreign owner couldn't "provide the inspector" with information about who was flying the plane.

Where Movies Get Their Vintage Electronics
We watch the show or movie and rarely even think about it. Not just electronics but a whole lot of everyday stuff many in the audience don’t even know existed.
Since early 2012, the E-Waste Warehouse has been helping New Yorkers get rid of their unwanted electronics in an eco-friendly fashion. Some of the best finds however, make it into the warehouse’s very own prop library, where they are made available for film and television productions to rent and use.
The operation is part of the Lower East Side Ecology Center, a non-profit organization founded in 1987 and one of the first to pioneer community-based recycling programs in New York City. The E-Waste Warehouse is where you can take that old VCR or your grandfather’s console TV so that their e-waste and the toxic chemicals it contains stay away from landfills at all costs.
The article also as a comment about visiting the prop warehouse at Universal Studios in Burbank, CA

The 5 Best Cinematic American Presidents
1.) President James Marshall (Harrison Ford), “Air Force One” (1997).
These ratings are always selective so one has to wonder how many of us agree with them. I enjoyed this movies but can’t say I would rate it #1.
2.) President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart), “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013).
I can’t remember him or the movie.
3.) President Thomas J. Whitmore (Bill Pullman), “Independence Day” (1996).
With Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum, who remembers him?
4.) President Camacho/President Joe Bauers (Terry Crews/Luke Wilson), “Idiocracy” (2006).
Who has even seen his?
And you’re not going to believe this one!!!

Ranking of the Best Oscar-Winning Movies
I’ve never been a fan of the Oscars. Another one of those dohickies where a bunch of people pat each other on the back – ignoring the likes of the public. Ever wonder how many top-earning movies got the statue?
At 54, The Sting was a favorite of mine.
I’m amazed that Patton (52) ever got the award.
Ben Hur at 39 probably got it because of the power of the studio.
When entertainers were truly that; An American in Paris at 30.
Here is one of my favorites; The Bridge on the River Kwai at 18
Amadeus made #10
And they’ll never get this out of their sights – Gone With the Wind at 9
And here’s what is rated #1
Check them out and give us your own feelings @

California Skiers to Stay Home – Too Much Snow
223” at Squaw Valley = 18.5’
156” at Kirkwood Mountain = 13’
That’s a whole lot of snow.
The storms heavily damaged – and in some places destroyed – parts of roads leading to Idyllwild and other mountain communities about 100 miles (161 kilometers) east of Los Angeles, but access was not cut off,” according to the Mail.
We’re discouraging tourism and snow play up there this weekend,” California Department of Transportation spokeswoman Terri Kasinga said.
Weather forecasters are predicting snow storms in northern Arizona this weekend. And in some parts of Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming, road crews are clearing avalanches that closed highways and doing operations to prevent more slides.
And more storms are forecasted to come along before the season is over.