Wednesday, August 29, 2018

News and Interesting Stuff for August 29, 2018

Sessions to Polygraph Everyone on the National Security Staff
This is huge! If it gets carried through. How many will run to lawyers crying this would be an infringement of their rights?
The source of these leaks has yet to be specifically identified, but the group of potential suspects has been narrowed down significantly. This group of potential leakers consists of a group of 30 Obama Administration leftovers that President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions believe might be leaking information to the left wing media.
In an effort to find out who is leaking information, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that he is planning to give lie detector tests to everyone on the National Security Council. This means well over 100 people will be questioned and evaluated very carefully. President Trump has been briefed on this pool of suspected leakers, so the cat is out of the bag.

Before McCain Was Their Hero Fighting Trump, Media Called Him Unhinged Racist
The double standard of the leftist media. Until he opposed Trump, he was scum. Now he’s a shining hero on the hill.
They all hated McCain, now they use his death to attack Trump. It’s a bunch of lies,” Cernovich wrote. He backed that opinion up with a series of tweets from Cher, the celebrity singer and outspoken leftist.
The liberal narrative shifts as it is needed. It is blatantly two-faced. There is no consistency, no firm foundation or standard by which they judge politics or people.

Another Clinton Investigator Found Dead
They keep dropping like flies. And somehow, nobody in the DOJ seems to want to investigate anything doing with the Clintons.
A veteran journalist, who was reportedly investigating sex crimes and former President Bill Clinton, was found dead in a Washington, D.C. hotel last week — just days after telling a friend that the documents she’d uncovered on a pedophilia ring had put her life in jeopardy.
That’s according to Robyn Gritz, a well-known FBI whistleblower whose firing from the bureau under former FBI Director James Comey’s tenure caused significant controversy in 2015.

RNC Fundraising Surpasses DNC – Again
Now if the dunderheads at the RNC will only spend the money wisely to ensure a win in November.
According to The Washington Examiner, the RNC hit another record-breaking month by pulling in $14.2 million, making this the first month ever in history for the committee to receive that much money in a nonpresidential election year.
As of the end of June, the DNC has raised only $109 million, while the RNC has raised $227.2 — which means the DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has pulled in.
Unlike the RNC, the DNC is experiencing cash problems. The committee suffered a major blow in Georgia when they lost a special election for a House seat last June — and that lost ultimately cost them $40 million.
The RNC on the other hand has $42 million on hand and has no debt.

Most campaign contributions come from outside candidates' districts
And this shouldn’t surprise any of us. The days of election being purely local are long gone. Money to a local house campaign can even come from foreign countries as long as they’re filtered through PACs.
More than two thirds of individual contributions to 2018 House candidates came from donors outside of the candidates' districts, and Democrats are out-raising Republicans, according to an Axios analysis of Federal Elections Commission data.
Why it matters: Maybe all politics is national, not local. Americans on both sides of the aisle know that money influences politics. Yet donating to a candidate you can't vote for doesn't always result in a win.
Just look at Jon Ossoff, who lost the Georgia special election last year despite raising nearly $20 million more than his challenger Karen Handel.
"You can’t win without money, but you can lose with the most money."
Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics
By the numbers:
  • Of the total amount of money given to House candidates — $508,578,037 — 73% came from outside the district.
  • And of the total number of contributions — 866,097 — 69% came from outside the district.
  • Most contributions are still coming from within the state — just not from within the district.
Our other findings:
Democrats are raising more from outside their districts this cycle than Republicans. "We've seen a massive wave of energy, particularly in civic participation" and donating money to candidates online, said Stephen Spaulding, chief of strategy and external affairs for Common Cause, a nonpartisan government reform group.
  • More than 70% of contributions to Democratic candidates came from outside the candidate's district, compared to about 63% of contributions to Republican candidates.
Incumbents are better at fundraising outside their districts. About 71% of incumbents' donations come from non-constituents, compared to 65% of challengers.
House Speaker Paul Ryan is the least local candidate among candidates who received at least 1,000 contributions — even though he's not running for re-election. Of the 10,901 contributions, 99.5% came from outside Wisconsin's 1st district, and 99.9% of the $50,566,233 he raised came from outside his district.
  • But that money doesn't go to his re-election campaign. Part of it goes directly to the National Republican Congressional Committee and another portion goes to his leadership PAC, which both support Republican members and candidates, according to Jeremy Adler, communications director for Team Ryan, the joint fundraising group.
  • The most local candidate award goes to South Dakota's Dusty Johnson. He received just 7% of his contributions from contributors outside his district (which is the entirety of South Dakota).
The bottom line: Candidates have to build a brand that transcends their district if they want to run a competitive campaign and thwart outside groups' spending against them.
Our methodology: Individual campaign contributions for 2017-18 were downloaded from the Federal Elections Commission and filtered to only include contributions to House candidates. They were geocoded using a combination of ZIP Code Tabulation Area coordinates from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2017 Gazetteer Files, a lookup table from UDSMapper, and OpenStreetMap's geocoding API, Nominatim.
About 0.2% of the contributions could not be geocoded because they lacked valid location information and were removed from the analysis.

Anti-Psychotic And Anti-Depressant Medications Create Another Mass Shooter
Let’s get away from the Left’s fascination with guns and get down to the real reason behind mass shootings.
Parents are too busy to properly care for and teach their children. They turn to drugs to control their behavior and it results in severe psychoses. Seems he was also in and out of care facilities for his derangement. His only plus in his life was his ability as a gamer.
CCHR International’s investigation into school violence reveals that at least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 172 wounded and 80 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public — neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs or undergone other behavioral therapy.)[2] At least 27 international drug regulatory agency warnings have been issued on psychiatric drugs being linked to mania, violence, hostility, aggression, psychosis and homicidal ideation (thoughts or fantasies of homicide that can be planned).
My question is; if he was medicated and had a history of medical problems, why were their no restrictions to his being able to buy a firearm?
Katz Bought Gun in Maryland; State Has Some of Strictest Gun Control Laws in US @

Grocery Union Bosses Rake in the Cash While Members Make Less Than a Living Wage
Does this surprise anyone?
And the Left still screms and rants when any efforts are made to rein in the unions.

Will UAW Members End Up Paying for UAW Bosses’ Corruption?
Is it any wonder that more and more workers are eschewing union membership? They get by on crumbs while the bosses luxuriate with outrageous salaries and perks.
Leaders of the once-mighty United Auto Workers who represented employees at Fiat Chrysler (FCA) have been involved in a scandal that continues to shake the United Auto Workers to its core.
Federal prosecutors have charged Fiat Chrysler and the United Auto Workers as “co-conspirators” in a $9 million bribery scheme to keep UAW bosses “fat, dumb and happy”.
On Monday, former FCA executive Alphons Iacobelli was sentenced to more than five years in prison for his primary role in the bribery scandal.

Jimmy Carter Is Still Building Homes With Habitat for Humanity
Good Lord! At 79 I’m barely able to get around with a walker. At 93, ex-presidemt Carter’s carrying lumber and helping to build homes. And his wife, Rosalynn, works with him. I may disagree with his politics but I cannot help but have a huge amount of respect for his adherence to his beliefs.
It tells me that America has a great orientation towards helping people in need,” Carter said. “It's very difficult for somebody who is well-off to cross a barrier and get in touch with a very poor family who is in need and has never had a decent home.”
There’s more of his comments about President Trump, but I’ll ignore that.

J.J. Watt Has Raised and Distributed An Astonishing $41 Million For Victims
As I reflect on the events of Hurricane Harvey one year ago, the memories of destruction and devastation remain, but they are accompanied by memories of hope, selflessness and the beauty of the human spirit,” Watt stated. “The actions by the first responders and everyday citizens alike were an inspiration to the world and a shinning example of the inherent good that lies within us all.”

1,000 Residents of German City Riot in the Streets Following Fatal Stabbing by Migrants
Of course, the local media calls them right-wing hooligans.
Steffen Seibert, the spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, condemned the demonstration saying, “We do not accept such rioting or the attempt to spread hatred on the streets,” and accused the right-wing protestors of trying to “hunt” foreigners.
The stabbing death comes after several other high-profile murders by asylum seekers in Germany, including the rape and murder of Maria Ladenburger in Freiburg, the fatal stabbing of 15-year-old Mia in Kandel and the rape and murder of 14-year-old Susanna Maria Feldman in Mainz.
We’re going to see a lot more of this throughout Europe as locals become fed up with “migrants” attacking their own.
Syrian Migrant Admits To Stabbing German Woman, Claims It Is Acceptable in His Culture @
Germany: THOUSANDS protest after Muslim migrants murder German man, Merkel condemns …… protests @

The 17 Best Snacks to Eat If You Have Diabetes
As a diabetic I’m thrilled to learn this!
How to choose a diabetes-friendly snack
First thing’s first, ask yourself: Am I really hungry? “There’s a delicate balance between eating throughout the day and grazing at every opportunity,” says Stefanski. “Between meals only choose to eat if you are physically hungry; not bored, not stressed, but physically in need of food.” Then, keep these tips in mind when you head for the fridge:
✔️ Mind your macros
Eating your macronutrients in a good balance to prevent a low blood sugar is a much better approach then constantly trying to correct it,” explains Stefanski.
Carbohydrates: Your body digests carbs quickly, which can spike your blood sugar. To avoid this, go for no more than a serving (roughly 15 grams) when snacking. Fiber-rich whole grains and vegetables are your friend, since your body digests those more slowly.
❗“Steer clear of counting net carbs when you have diabetes,” says Stefanski. “While net carbs subtract both fiber and sugar alcohols (like sorbitol or xylitol) from the carb count, some sugar alcohols can still raise blood sugar about half as much as a regular carb.”
Protein: Your body digests protein slowly as well, meaning you’ll feel fuller for longer. A serving of at least 7 grams should do the trick.
Fat: Steer clear of ultra-processed snacks, which tend to be high in saturated fats. If you are including fat within your snack (say, the unsaturated kind that has been linked to improved insulin resistance) you still need to watch your calories, as they can add up quickly.
✔️ Check your timing
If it has been less than 2 to 3 hours since your last meal, look for a low-carb snack, ideally something with less than 15 grams of carbs, so focus on veggies, protein, and fat,” explains Lori Zanini, RD, certified diabetes educator, and author of the Diabetes Cookbook and Meal Plan for the Newly Diagnosed. If it has been longer than that, go for one serving of carbs and a serving of protein.
✔️ Cap your calories
This will vary depending on your size and activity levels, but Stefanski recommends staying within 150 to 250 calories.

The best snacks to eat if you have diabetes

Greek Yogurt with berries
Beef or chicken jerky
Hard-boiled eggs [I love ‘em!]
Cottage cheese with tomatoes
Cheese crisps
Veggies and dip
Black olives
Pickled food
Chia pudding
Mixed nuts
Avocado + turkey lettuce cup
Flavored pumpkin seeds
Trail mix [another favorite]
Popcorn [can’t get enough]
String cheese
Roasted chickpeas [?]
A small apple with peanut butter

How Automakers Invented Jaywalking
City streets were once public space; a place for pedestrians, pushcart vendors, horse-drawn vehicles, streetcars, and children at play.
In the 1920s with the spread of cars, the number of people killed by cars skyrocketed.
Some cities even demanded that manufacturers put devices on vehicles to limit their speeds in city environs.
This strategy also explains the name that was given to crossing illegally on foot: jaywalking. During this era, the word "jay" meant something like "rube" or "hick" — a person from the sticks, who didn't know how to behave in a city. So pro-auto groups promoted use of the word "jay walker" as someone who didn't know how to walk in a city, threatening public safety.
At first, the term was seen as offensive, even shocking. Pedestrians fired back, calling dangerous driving "jay driving."

Build a complete, lightweight camping kit that fits in a backpack
Add some MREs with sterno and it’d be perfect.

The Great Re-homing: Why People Are Moving Back To Their Hometowns To Start Small Businesses
I have no idea how this guy makes a living doing a podcast. But, according to this, he’s traveled 10,000 miles interviewing people for something he’s writing called, Small Business Wars.
He claims the most interesting thing he’s learned is how many people are returning to their hometowns to start up businesses. What hje claims to have discovered makes a lot of sense.
The cost of living is lower. One can buy a beautiful home in a small community for the cost of a storage shed in some places.
One become belonging to a community. You get to make friends and know your neighbors.
Technology changes everything. He talks about one gal and her partner how have a coffee roasting business that not only sells locally, but world wide due to the internet and a variety of shipping methods.
The development of technology will continue to create flexible opportunities. From distance learning, to even more remote office connectivity, to deeper broadband Internet reach, the future is bright for people with initiative and flexibility. That means more opportunities for people to live where they want and do what they like.
I have a strong intuition that this trend will continue over the next few decades. States like Vermont are piggybacking on this trend by offering people $10,000 to move there. Smaller communities will continue to attract people with their lower cost of living, higher quality of life, and an inviting environment to thrive as small businesses and as involved members of their communities.

Monday, August 27, 2018

News and Interesting Stuff for August 27, 2018

[Sorry for the delay in posting, but I had problems with my computer.]

EXCLUSIVE: Agenda for 2020 Democrat National Convention
[Yes, this is a parody post based on an old email chain – but updated]
Day 1 of the convention:
Proceedings begin as Colin Kaepernick leads the delegates in taking a knee for the US flag.
Pledge of allegiance to the United Nations.
Native American blessing given by Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Andrew Cuomo introduces Democrats' 2020 campaign slogan, "America Was Never That Great."
A vote on replacing all gender pronouns with "it."
A vote on giving illegal aliens the right to vote in all elections.
Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez introduces Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, again declaring that she is the "future of our party."
Ocasio-Cortez reminds delegates that there will be no need for funerals after "Medicare for All" is the law of the land.
First Two Minutes Hate: The delegates recreate the Hillary Clinton campaign's smashing of their Blackberry smartphones.
Susan Rice blames the lackluster performance of the Obama economy on the posting of an obscure YouTube video.
After a mid-day adjournment, Bill Ayers denounces America as he steps on the US flag.
A salute to the Young Democrats of America led by Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders.
John Podesta offers tips on how to create an unhackable email password.
Chelsea Clinton speaks to the delegates, uttering nothing of consequence.
Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama compliment each other on their Iran policies.
Mid-afternoon nap for delegates begins as John Kerry addresses them.
Second Two Minutes Hate: Robert De Niro leads "Fuck Donald Trump" chant.
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel introduces Democrats' get-tough-on-crime platform plank.
Bill Clinton, wearing a pink pussy hat, praises the #MeToo movement.
Lifetime fundraising achievement award presented to Harvey Weinstein.
Proceedings end as Antifa radicals burn the US flag.

Muslim Leader Warns of “Perils” of Western Democracy:
Our Children Become U.S. Soldiers, FBI Agents, Republicans, Democrats, and Gay
Okay, here come the charges of Islamophobia. [A made-up word that is not racist nor bigoted] This is not just some run-of-the mill leader, but someone whom a whole lot of Muslims listen to.
This is the same Muslim who in 2016 told Muslims that Islam ‘is not here to integrate. It is here to dominate. Islam is here to dominate!
And here’s the nexus of his message:
But what we need to understand is that the battle between us and the West is an ideological battle. It’s an ideological battle. Everything we represent goes in total contradiction to what the West represents, because all of Islam is in opposition to secularism. They know this, and it is time that we did too.
Too many are asleep to the dangers presented by these people. And yes, the apologists claim “the vast majority of Muslims are moderates who eschew violence.” If snakes are hiding in the grass, one should mow the grass to ensure they can’t hide there any more.

How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption
Do you think you or I could manage to make $30 million in stock plus a salary of
$6 million in one year working for Lockheed Martin? Well, if you had a high-ranking government job where you sent business there way you could.
That’s exactly what ex-FBI Director Comey did in 2009.
And then we have Mueller who made $3.5 million a year giving speeches and representing clients he’d previously enriched.
You’re kidding. Right?
[Let’s ignore all the millions upon millions made by “public servants” who’ve never done anything in their lives beside being politicians.]

Trump Cuts More Than $200M in Aid to Palestinians
About damned time we stopped supporting this terrorist organization. Let Iran keep pumping in money, we can use ours better elsewhere.
From the department's mouth: "At the direction of President Trump, we have undertaken a review of US assistance to the Palestinian Authority and in the West Bank and Gaza to ensure these funds are spent in accordance with US national interests and provide value to the US taxpayer. ... This decision [to redirect more than $200 million] takes into account the challenges the international community faces in providing assistance in Gaza, where Hamas control endangers the lives of Gaza's citizens and degrades an already dire humanitarian and economic situation," the notice said, without providing additional details.

U.S. Navy received two new Littoral Combat Ships
Will these stay afloat without falling apart like the previous ones?
Lockheed Martin and Fincantieri Marinette Marine have delivered the future USS Sioux City, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) 11, and future USS Wichita, LCS 13, to the U.S.Navy.
I always wonder why an aircraft company is building ships. What the hell has happened to the old tried-and-true ones?
Lockheed Martin’s Freedom-variant LCS is a highly maneuverable, lethal and adaptable ship, designed to support focused-missions in the areas of mine countermeasures, anti-submarine warfare and surface warfare. The Freedom-variant LCS integrates new technology and capability to affordably support current and future mission capability from deep water to the littorals.

Court strikes down Trump measures on firing federal workers
An Obama-appointed federal judge strikes down several key provisions in President Trump's executive orders that he signed earlier this year that would have made it easier to fire federal workers.
In a court ruling, U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote that unions were right in arguing that the provisions included in the orders infringed upon areas that are negotiated between federal employee unions and the government.
Jackson, an appointee of former President Obama, wrote that the orders “impair the ability of agency officials to keep an open mind, and to participate fully in give-and-take discussions, during collective bargaining negotiations.”
In other words, an Obozo flunky disregards the executive authority of the president to make his own rules. What’s new? That’s exactly why we need to president to nominate more level-headed judges to the federal bench so they can overrule political activism of guys like this.
Judge Deals Blow to Trump Effort to Overhaul Bureaucracy @
Judge blocks Trump executive orders on federal union operations @
Where have we read this before? The president signs an executive order designed to clean up the mess in the federal government and those against it find some federal judge to block it.
Before getting to the details of this highly questionable ruling, we should first note that the judge in the case is Ketanji Brown Jackson. She’s an Obama appointee who has been on the fast track in progressive politics, having been interviewed for further advancement to the Supreme Court by Obama after only spending a handful of years at the District Court. Earlier, Obama had appointed her to the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Prior to that, she was a clerk for Stephen Breyer.
Surprised? When and how can we put an end to “judge shopping?”

What Pelosi Will do if the Dims Win the House
This is exactly what makes the midterms so vital to the future of this country. They’ve got it all mapped out.
Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that's circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House.
Why this matters: Publicly, House Republicans are putting on a brave face about the midterms. But privately, they are scrambling to prepare for the worst. This document, which catalogs requests Democrats have already made, is part of that effort.
It has churned Republican stomachs. Here are some of the probes it predicts:
President Trump’s tax returns
Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
James Comey's firing
Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys
Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
White House staff's personal email use
Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
The travel ban
Family separation policy
Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
Election security and hacking attempts
White House security clearances
The spreadsheet — which I'm told originated in a senior House Republican office — catalogs more than 100 formal requests from House Democrats this Congress, spanning nearly every committee.
The spreadsheet includes requests for administration officials to be grilled by committee staff, requests for hearings to obtain sworn testimony, efforts to seize communications about controversial policies and personnel decisions, and subpoena threats.
These demands would turn the Trump White House into a 24/7 legal defense operation.
The bottom line: Thanks to their control of Congress, Republicans have blocked most of the Democrats’ investigative requests. But if the House flips, the GOP loses its power to stymie. Lawyers close to the White House tell me the Trump administration is nowhere near prepared for the investigatory onslaught that awaits them, and they consider it among the greatest threats to his presidency.

Red wave” alert: Oregon Governor race
The DimocRAT incumbent was considered a shoo-in to keep the seat. Polls in January had her leading by 17 points over Knute Buehler.
But as the year wore on, while nobody was paying much attention, something began to change. By the middle of July, a Gravis Research poll had the race in a dead heat. Two weeks ago a Clout Research survey had Buehler pulling ahead by one.
Could it possibly be that the recent Antifa protests in Portland are changing public opinion of the Dims?

Things We Americans Consider Normal but the Rest of the World Finds Weird
This is for Americans who’ve never traveled to other parts of the world.
Our money is all the same color.
We put a lot of ice in our drinks. [I’m drinking tea with lots of ice right now. :)]
We call ourselves “Americans” while others say we’re from “the States”
Writing the date starting with the month
Our pharmacies sell so much non-medicine stuff.
Eating bread that’s sweet.
Not using the metric system
Constant TV commercials
Free drink refills
Taking leftovers home from restaurants
Tipping waiters and waitresses and other service professionals.
Throwing baby showers.
Working constantly with very little vacation time.

3 Kinds of Jobs That Will Thrive as Automation Advances
Something vital for our young people to know.
First, we will see more and more business for creators, people who can anticipate the rapidly evolving needs of individual customers and design and deliver creative and highly tailored products and services.
Second, we will see a growing category of work for composers — people who deeply understand the aspirations and needs of small niches of customers and who can compose engaging and rewarding experiences for those people.
Finally, we will see a third category of work for coaches who will help customers achieve more of their potential in various domains.
And, far from depriving us of work and squashing our humanity, technology can provide us with the opportunity to focus on work and activities that will help us to achieve more and more of our potential. What better service could technology provide?

Buying organic veggies at the supermarket is a waste of money
Having lived on a farm, I’ve always believed this organic hype to be nothing but a marketing ploy.
Higher price doesn’t really mean higher quality
Organic produce is not necessarily better for the environment
Any health benefits from organic produce are teeny-tiny
Even the “Dirty Dozen” vegetables we’re told to avoid aren’t really that dirty
[they are: Strawberries, Spinach, Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears, Tomatoes, Celery, Potatoes, and Sweet Bell Peppers. + Hot peppers. From ]
Organic farms don’t treat their workers any better
And there’s no reason to expect your organic vegetables to taste better, either
The best option? Grow your own if you can. Or buy them from the local farmers market.

Chicago's 'predatory' funeral homes making a killing in US murder capital
As of Aug 8, 344 people killed in Chicago according to the Chicago Tribune. The same source says 1,944 have been shot so far as of August 19.
And the ones really making a killing are the funeral homes!
I don’t know where the figures come from but I can only find that the State of Illinois pays about $1,600 and SSI only pays $255.
Funeral homes in Chicago have been accused of cashing in on the city’s crime wave. Advocates claim they are taking advantage of a taxpayer-funded scheme that pays $7,500 in funeral expenses to homicide victims’ families.
Some funeral directors have been reportedly inflating prices or charging families for services they never received.
Every funeral home in the state knows that victims get $7,500 for a funeral and it’s their goal to charge the entire amount because it’s easy money,” Susan Johnson, executive director of Chicago Survivors, told Fox News.

NYC: Muslim who set fire at gas station getting psychiatric evaluation, cops can’t find motive
I read headlines like this and shake my head in bewilderment. What is it they are refusing to admit? That Islam is a violent cult and its followers do things to destroy western civilization?
He was ordered to appear in court on Aug. 17 for a conference,” but this story drops out of sight after the August 8 report below. Either the August 17 conference was postponed or it was held in secrecy.
Meanwhile, cops “could not provide a motive.” Jihad? You mean the interior spiritual struggle within the soul of every Muslim, to strive harder to obey Allah? What could that possibly have to do with setting a fire at a gas station, you greasy Islamophobe? What else could this attack possibly be, besides more of the global outbreak of mental illness? Hence the psychiatric investigation.