Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Women and Islam

A 9 year old girl is attacked on her way to school because her dress is barbaric, signaling her to be a whore.

A woman on her way to work is gang-raped because she was not modestly clad.

Women and their female children are tossed out into the street with nothing but the clothing on their backs because their husbands and fathers no longer find them favorable or acceptable.

Women are stoned to death for being seen in public with a male who is not their father, husband, or other male relative.

Just because they displeased their husbands.

Women and young girls slaughtered because they dishonored their families.

This is no longer news. It is an ongoing litany of Islam in western society as Muslim males force their Satanic ways on a society with Judaic/Christian moral values.

And, when the culprits are brought before western judges, they are released because “they simply do not understand our ways.”

I thought ignorance of the law – or gross barbarity – was not an excuse for committing criminal acts.

And, where is the outrage from western media and – gasp – feminist activists? They show their outrage because of an innocent remark they find chauvinistic but remain quiet while these animalistic acts go on – and on, and on.

I find this unfathomable. I don’t understand it. Will someone please explain it to me. Please.

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Media Versus The News

Every morning I go through hundreds of websites reporting a huge variety of subject from military to writing to politics and news from here, Canada, and Europe as well as the rest of the world.

Clearly, there are a whole lot stories than those reported in the Lame Street Media that appears to be mesmerized with the supposition that Russian somehow affected the election, making Hillary lose in spite of all the reasons she was supposed to win.

So, the question is: when did journalism go from seeking verification of stories of interest to the public to editorialization using unnamed sources? When did reporters on television and the radio become no more than talking heads, reading stories written by anonymous producers? How often do you actually see someone claiming to be a reporter actually on the scene of an event?

And how much of the “news” is actually no more than propaganda espousing a particular leftist agenda?

Fortunately, I have my Feedly and other sources to review news and opinions from a wide variety of sources. In addition to Feedly and The Drudge Report, I recommend BadBlue @ for sources of news.

Try them out and make your own mind up. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Hearings – Witch Hunts.

My morning news search came across literally hundreds of pieces on the hearings yesterday (Jun6th) and today (Jun7th). It’s as if there’s nothing else going on anywhere else in the world.

And the slants on them are so clear once cannot miss what’s going on. In every single case they report efforts to seek negative information about President Trump and his successful campaign for the presidency. The Democrats are almost livid in their questioning, trying to uncover the slightest evidence that the Trump campaign somehow connived with Russia to keep Her Highness Hillary out of the White House. The Republicans are there because they have no other choice but to defend their knowledge that there was absolutely no connection from the Trump campaign and the Russians.

My question is, Who are the Russians for Heaven’s sake? Putin is not so stupid as to let himself ever be connected with such an effort. So, if there was a Russian effort to effect the election, it came from some deeply hidden and highly secret individual hacker.

And, of course, both sides are meticulously avoiding the fact that the USA has, on many occasions, done everything it can to effect elections in other countries.

I’ve really tried to watch the hearings with an open mind. But, when one of the Democrat Senators berates a witness numerous times with different versions of the same question – still getting the same answers – it gets old. The Republicans are really trying to show sincere interesting in “getting to the truth,” but it’s clear they’re there because they have no other choice.

And there is, of course, the media. The news organizations are in an orgy of calling for the impeachment of the president or the nullification of the election so that Hillary Rodham can gain her rightful spot in the Oval Office.

That is exactly what this whole thing is about. 7 months after the election, the media simply cannot accept the fact that the American people lawfully elected the current president without outside interference of any kind. After all, they did everything but crown her with the presidency before November 8th.

So, what will happen after all of this?

Absolutely nothing. Comey will be the ex-Director of the FBI, a new one has been nominated and will be confirmed, and President Trump will remain just where he is – the Oval Office.

Oh yeah. Who’s watching all this? Most likely retirees like me who’ve already made up our minds on the outcome, government bureaucrats sitting in their offices watching TV instead of doing whatever it is they’re supposed to be doing, and political hacks who believe their whole lives orbit about the outcome of this sideshow. (No, it’s not even one of the shows in the main tent of the political circus.)

Have you watched?

What are your views?

Sunday, June 4, 2017

My Thoughts on Terrorism in Europe

I was blessed to spend my military service there in a more peaceful time.

I started near Bordeaux, France that had a community of Algerians who practiced Islam. They integrated with the French and welcomed outsiders into their community. The signs on the shops were in French and there was little to divide them from the rest of the city.

I returned to France after the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain went up. The disruptive members of Verdun were not from the local Muslin community but French Foreign Legionnaires ousted from North Africa.

I will admit that I found most French people haughty and less than friendly to we American GIs. But, they lived in peace amongst themselves.

I next spent time in Germany. A little stiff-necked and frosty to outsiders, but tolerant and peaceful.

My final tour was in Austria. I honestly don’t remember there being an isolated community of non-Austrians. Assimilation was the key and no particular groups set themselves aside from the rest.

So, I have been paying attention to what has gone on in Europe for many years. I read of the Muslim youths in France going on rampages and torching cars. The official claims said it was because of high unemployment among their population. It never dawned upon me that perhaps that was caused by their refusal to become French as had their parents.

I was also aware of a movement to let immigrants from Middle Eastern and African countries in to perform menial jobs that Europeans would not. Left to secondary status, was it a surprise that they did not assimilate and set themselves aside in their Muslim enclaves?

I find it so sad to see what has happened there. I spent many enjoyable hours in beautiful, historical places soaking up things that we savor and enjoy here in America. I cannot image returning there now. Not when just taking an evening stroll can find you ending up in a hospital – or grave.

But, here’s the bottom line to me. Our politicians and government bureaucrats have to see what has gone on in Europe. But, they appear to be ignoring it! How many Muslim enclaves are we now finding here in the USA? How many locales and groups are calling for Sharia Law that is completely opposite from our constitutional freedoms/ How soon until we too find it perilous to take an evening stroll or attend a concert?

I wrote a novel about terrorism in Las Vegas. My research came up with things that frightened me when I wrote it nearly ten years ago. Those perils are still here and I wake up every morning wondering when it can happen here. A bomb left in an unobtrusive spot where large crowds gather. It doesn’t need to be a suicide bomber but one of those on the crowded Strip or Downtown could raise havoc.

I just hope we wake up and take steps to defend ourselves and not become terrorist targets like in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Terrorism is everywhere. Just please keep it away from America.